Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

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  • Miroslav
    WHOA I can change this!1!
    • Apr 2006
    • 4122

    Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

    Originally posted by runningman
    ^^Like when George Washington sat down with the British and talked it out..

    I think you have a false representation of your country Miro.
    I think you're insane if you think that the status quo method intended for addressing differences of opinion in America is to have a violent revolution like we did then. Show me where that procedure is written into the Constitution. If this is your understanding of how things work in my country, then please just stay on your Canuck side of the border, thanks.


    • runningman
      Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
      • Jun 2004
      • 5995

      Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

      I guess we will just see Miro. Your version or the rest.

      video of pelosi accusing demonstrators of bringing swastikas.

      She is a fucking nut case.


      • Cj Tari
        MCast Resident DJ
        • Nov 2004
        • 557

        Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

        well i guess she wasnt that wrong::::

        ..:: listen :: react ::..


        • chuckc
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • Jun 2004
          • 5459

          Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

          ^^^big deal. polosi is still a nut case anyway. and that photo depicts one perosn out of the 10's of thousands of people showing up becuz there pisseed at govt spending and dont want a gov take over of health care.

          the gov seems to never listen to the people, now we are angry mobs and swastika carriers


          • runningman
            Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
            • Jun 2004
            • 5995

            Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

            how do you know it isn't liberals going out with those images to sabotage a grassroots movement?


            • chuckc
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • Jun 2004
              • 5459

              Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

              from almost everyone i have talked to, most who voted for obama,they dont like gov health care bill. the gov. does not listen

              most want to stop all this gov. wasteful spending: clunkers, taking over the banks and car manufaturers. now they want to control health and it will only cost 1trillion. lmao

              wonder if they will be 3x off the estimate like they were with clunkers.

              hmmm 3xa trillion. is 3trillion


              • runningman
                Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                • Jun 2004
                • 5995

                Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                ahh a trillion here and a trillion there pretty soon you are talking about real money.


                • Cj Tari
                  MCast Resident DJ
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 557

                  Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                  Originally posted by chuckc
                  ^^^big deal. polosi is still a nut case anyway. and that photo depicts one perosn out of the 10's of thousands of people showing up becuz there pisseed at govt spending and dont want a gov take over of health care.

                  the gov seems to never listen to the people, now we are angry mobs and swastika carriers

                  you need to read the links, try and read the "huffington" link, in there it tells how some of these town halls riots have been promoted by right wingers, you can read some info here::

                  oh and about the cash for clunkers, people need to get their facts straight and use common sense, the program was successful, you know what, it was more successful than they could of ever anticipated, now, how can you say with a straight face that if something is so damn successful it becomes a failure?? its just fucking ridiculous. its like having a TV sale, and running out of TV's, wasnt that the whole point of the sale?

                  also RM, as you can see most of the signs people are showing basically say obama is a nazi, like most of right wingers have been saying since he was elected, now, i dont see why dems would be so eager to savotage their own town halls with signs saying what the right wingers have been saying since day one. This has become so damn ridiculous that its just funny, if you google, pelosi swastika, you get at least 8 google pages full of right wing media acusing her of being stupid and naive. Now im not defending her, or Obama for that matter, all im saying is that, shes basically right, people have been acusing Obama of being a Fhurer since he was elected, of how his propaganda is all "nazi like" and now the poor ol little right wingers get all ofended when somebody points that out.
                  ..:: listen :: react ::..


                  • runningman
                    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5995

                    Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                    out of all of the thousands of people that are going to the townhalls you are going to have some wackos. You can't judge the whole group because some stupid idiot brought an SS sign.


                    • Cj Tari
                      MCast Resident DJ
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 557

                      Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                      i know what you're saying, all that im pointing out is that she only said " you be the judge, there are people carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a healthcare town hall".

                      this is a prime example of right wingers grasping for every little detail on the dems, and i know this goes both ways, but i mean, you cannot go and say "obama is becoming hittler" and then when somebody points that out, youre gonna act all ofended and try and deny it.

                      this is a good read about how mis-informed people are in regard to the whole healthcare thing.

                      now like i said, i could care less about any of these town halls, or if people call Obama hitler, all im saying is that you cannot go and criticize one side when your side is doing the same thing.
                      ..:: listen :: react ::..


                      • chuckc
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5459

                        Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                        i voted obama and i am starting to think obaminism and the change we supposedly voted for is whacked.

                        callout out the us police force when a cop arrests a beligerant man.

                        gov speding 3billion on clunkers (actually functioning vehicles they desroy) is whack

                        gov 800 billion bail out is whack

                        gov taking over gm/chysler is whack

                        gov taking over health care is whack

                        spend spend spend and unemployment rises, house value falls yet wh says we are out of recession!

                        suprise some of u aint seeing this.

                        wtf is going on in the us is realy getting to the point of being absurd!


                        • floridaorange
                          I'm merely a humble butler
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 29116

                          Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                          ^Bush winning a second term equaled absurd my friend. sorry to drudge up the past, but my point is that I felt our nation heading toward the absurd at the time.

                          It was fun while it lasted...


                          • chuckc
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 5459

                            Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                            ^^^dont get me wrong i 100% agree...but i dont think the country can take much more of this goverment incompetent madness. wtf is going on. it aint getting better its worse.


                            • Cj Tari
                              MCast Resident DJ
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 557

                              Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                              while i dont agree with everything that Obama has done, i would say if you where expecting for everything to be fixed in the first 6 months of any president, being democrat or republican, than you are a very naive person.

                              most of the times i really dont like getting in arguments with people about politics because i truly dont care about the mater, but when you start noticing how mis-informed people are, and how easy it is for the media to sway peoples mindset with simple healines like "Is Nancy Pelosy Calling us Nazis?" then you really start to worry about how ignorant our general population is.
                              ..:: listen :: react ::..


                              • runningman
                                Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 5995

                                Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                                I wouldn't call it "ignorance of the general population" but rather "ignorance of the media." The media pushes stories hard and all they have to do is say "what people are really talking about..." as if they care what the people are talking about. They make the talking points by using statments like that.

                                I don't think Obama is like Hitler at all. I would say he is closer to Mussolini. Hitler is not a fair comparison at all and the fact that the media keeps bringing up Hitler is stupid because rather than finding who Obama is like they just go to the extreme and say Hitler to piss off Obama supporters. I genuinely think that US citizens are very frustrated and are lashing out but because they are stupid, they lash out to the extreme side (Hitler). Mussolini was all about the merger of gov't and the private sector. That is where i would compare them. Hitler was a psychotic murderer.

                                Lets face it the average US citizen and Canadian citizen is retarded when talking about politics. Hell Canadians typically run for the doors when discussing politics.

