Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

    just got a text from a friend who is in attendance at Claire McCaskill's Town Hall here in MO right now -- evidently, one of these wingnuts just grabbed a picture of Rosa Parks from one of the participants and tore it in half. That should be well-received.


    • Cj Tari
      MCast Resident DJ
      • Nov 2004
      • 557

      Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

      Originally posted by runningman
      Liberal media continues racist talk. Says that Socialist is a code word for the N-word. Obama pushing race again. This race call is getting out of hand.

      how is this "Obama pushing race again"? just because one dude from the media is saying this, it automatically means that its coming straight from Obamas office?

      the one thing this guy is right about is when he says, " More credible conservatives have to stand up and say that there is a line that has to be drawn" how can you say, these folks are just pissed and just about had it with Obama, when dude basically just took office a couple of months back. but nobody is willing to look at these conservative leaders that are constantly saying that obama is a socialist, that his views are nazi like, etc, like i stated before, shit has to go both ways, if youre gonna criticize one side for being one thing, then you have to look at the other side and also point out the shit they are doing. The dems have to get their facts straight and point out all of these right wingers who are calling for these town hall riots.

      About your proposition for Obama to show you the facts, and basically give you a one to one explanation about the health care reform, isnt that what the Town Hall meetings are all about?? arent those done in order for people to ask the questions and concerns?? So in other words, how can they explain to you how this reform is going to work when you are not letting them explain it??

      also your other demands are just very un-realistic, like the goverment is gonna start doing all these things just for you to understand.
      ..:: listen :: react ::..


      • Miroslav
        WHOA I can change this!1!
        • Apr 2006
        • 4122

        Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

        Originally posted by runningman
        Obama pushing race again. This race call is getting out of hand.
        I know this may come as a big surprise to you... but actually, not every black man you see on TV is named "Obama", nor do they all necessarily speak for President Obama.


        • runningman
          Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
          • Jun 2004
          • 5995

          Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

          Obama needs to restore confidence in the US gov't to the average American. THey have lost faith in their gov'ts and are lashing out. Lashing out is never rational and that is what you are seeing.

          You can't blame Rush for what he says and not blame idiots like that nbc guy of stirring the pot. That was the point I was trying to make. I am sick of hearing about race when that has NOTHING to do with it. The liberal media is turning it into that.

          The town halls are not working to say the least and the dems need a new tactic. I was giving suggestions. You guys must admit that the town halls are not working in favor of the dems. They should stop doing them and do something else.

          As for things that are "unrealistic" we live in a digital world and you can get in contact with anyone whenever you want through email. If spammers can find me then I'm sure the US gov't could as well.

          CJ your last comment just goes to show that you don't know what you are talking about. The white house has a site that you can email and they will respond with an answer. So yes they can do what I was proposing. I'm trying to give solutions to the dems and pointing out facts. They better do something to help people to understand before someone gets shot.

          Toasty WTF was a picture of Rosa Parks doing at a health care event?? That is a deliberate attempt to stir up the race issue.

          I must admit though that Obama did point out a great point in his speech. FedEx and UPS are doing just fine but Post Office is always broke.. Private sector works. Free market capitallism works.


          • superdave
            Platinum Poster
            • Jun 2004
            • 1366

            Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

            Race has been brought into the picture since the town halls aren't going well for the Democrats. I guess it's the Obama team's nuclear option. When in doubt shame the other side with racism. Paul Krugman wrote about racism used tacitly towards Obama in his op-ed last week. And I've seen and heard other news analysts claiming racism in the town halls. However, I don't think racism will work this time since most people don't see a logical connection between racism and health care. Hey Obama, it's not all about you, you ego-maniac!
            Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


            • superdave
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1366

              Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

              Originally posted by srbbnd
              People fear change I'm tired of these old fucks.
              Nice way to describe our senior citizens! They fear change because they are afraid they won't get the same health care they have now. Obama and others pushing this bill will tell you that end of life health care is too expensive and there will be counseling on what care should be provided under the new plan. Counseling is too broad of a term and could be interpreted as we'll let you die because this procedure costs too much money. If you were say 70 years old, you'd be concerned too.
              Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


              • etincelles
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2005
                • 336

                Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                Last edited by etincelles; April 19, 2010, 01:23:56 PM.


                • floridaorange
                  I'm merely a humble butler
                  • Dec 2005
                  • 29116

                  Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                  Originally posted by superdave
                  Race has been brought into the picture since the town halls aren't going well for the Democrats. I guess it's the Obama team's nuclear option. When in doubt shame the other side with racism. Paul Krugman wrote about racism used tacitly towards Obama in his op-ed last week. And I've seen and heard other news analysts claiming racism in the town halls. However, I don't think racism will work this time since most people don't see a logical connection between racism and health care. Hey Obama, it's not all about you, you ego-maniac!
                  Sounds like an accurate synopsis to me.

                  It was fun while it lasted...


                  • srbbnd
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 1088

                    Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                    Originally posted by toasty

                    Great article. IMO I feel a lot of people are just pissed Obama got elected and this gives them a chance to vent or something to pick at.



                    • srbbnd
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 1088

                      Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                      Originally posted by superdave
                      Nice way to describe our senior citizens! They fear change because they are afraid they won't get the same health care they have now. Obama and others pushing this bill will tell you that end of life health care is too expensive and there will be counseling on what care should be provided under the new plan. Counseling is too broad of a term and could be interpreted as we'll let you die because this procedure costs too much money. If you were say 70 years old, you'd be concerned too.



                      • Miroslav
                        WHOA I can change this!1!
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 4122

                        Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                        Originally posted by superdave
                        Nice way to describe our senior citizens! They fear change because they are afraid they won't get the same health care they have now. Obama and others pushing this bill will tell you that end of life health care is too expensive and there will be counseling on what care should be provided under the new plan. Counseling is too broad of a term and could be interpreted as we'll let you die because this procedure costs too much money. If you were say 70 years old, you'd be concerned too.
                        Ha... as if. Look, I'm not even in favor of this plan in its current form, but I have to say that your statement is completely inaccurate. And if those 70 year olds are scared, it's probably because their share your misinformed point of view. Read this closely:

                        The proposal does NOT say that you must submit to some sort of "counseling" that will result in you being forced to die without health care. The provision you're talking about only authorizes Medicare to pay doctors for counseling patients about end-of-life care and other related issues (living wills, hospice care, etc.) IF THE PATIENT REQUESTS IT.

                        There's a lot more out there if you just Google it. And see the last article I posted: even the AARP says this talk of "death panels" is bullshit and supports plan.

                        So please...reconsider your "facts". Your credibility would be greatly enhanced if demonstrated an independent understanding of some of the key elements of the proposal as opposed to whatever fantasies your biased right-wing sources try to scare into you in the name of their partisan agenda.

                        What's scarier to me than anything in Obama's plan is the level of intelligence being demonstrated by so many people at these town halls who are speaking out on national TV and making all kinds of ridiculous - clearly without even a clue as to what is actually in the proposal. If we make these changes, we'll all become "Godless Rooshians" overnight!... We'll all start goose stepping and giving the Heil salute!... The government will force us to burn American flags and eat our babies!... Please. These are my fellow citizens who have the same vote as me and could serve as a jury of my peers?? That scares me.


                        • Cj Tari
                          MCast Resident DJ
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 557

                          Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                          wow, im always amused on the really really insightful ways you reply to other peoples ignorants remarks, my hat is of to you Mr. Miro.

                          Rm, what i meant about your "proposals" is that i doubt the goverment is gonna create a facebook acount just so that it can send you some "info".
                          ..:: listen :: react ::..


                          • runningman
                            Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 5995

                            Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                            Originally posted by Miroslav

                            There's a lot more out there if you just Google it. And see the last article I posted: even the AARP says this talk of "death panels" is bullshit and supports plan.

                            So please...reconsider your "facts". Your credibility would be greatly enhanced if demonstrated an independent understanding of some of the key elements of the proposal as opposed to whatever fantasies your biased right-wing sources try to scare into you in the name of their partisan agenda.
                            Oh Miro this is embarrasing. I hate to have to do this but.... and CJ you yet again show your intelligence by backing Miro on his statement.

                            "The problem?

                            The AARP hasn't endorsed any plan yet.

                            The country's largest advocacy group for Americans over 50 issued a statement after the event saying, "While the President was correct that AARP will not endorse a health care reform bill that would reduce Medicare benefits, indications that we have endorsed any of the major health care reform bills currently under consideration in Congress are inaccurate."

                            Me --><--Miro

                            You were saying something about facts and credibility?? Don't just listen to your President with big ears and in the future actually look into your facts. He is back in campaign (liar) mode. So it seems Seniors have a legitimate reason to be skeptical even more so now that they have been lied to.

                            So who is really playing the disinformation game here?? This makes the swastikas look like the dems might have done it now.

                            It is like what my boss says "it is hard to sell something when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

                            I wonder how the media is going to spin this tomorrow. Maybe just a quick retraction so the sound bite can stay alive and well.


                            • runningman
                              Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 5995

                              Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                              Oh and CJ it looks like the President is listening to me.

                              You were right though it wasn't a facebook account.

                              Even the AP is in on the lie about AARP


                              • Cj Tari
                                MCast Resident DJ
                                • Nov 2004
                                • 557

                                Re: Town Halls Turn into Town Mess

                                how is this:

                                "Everyone should receive an email of the powerpoint or create a facebook account that you have on the news every night with the powerpoint attached. Have different attachments"

                                even remotly close to a webpage were you could get the facts, basically the same way as if you actually read the bill. Again, all im saying is that the goverment is not gonna call your house, or be-friend you on myspace so you can "understand" things, everybody has the oportunity and the responsability to do a little research if they are that much against the thing.

                                About the AARP, it seems they need to get their people in check, becasue you will find reports all over the news saying how local aarp offices are showing their support for Obamas plan:

                                West Los Angeles AARP supports Obama
                                There were sighs and moans of disapproval to McCain's red-scare rhetoric on Russia and USA protection of Georgia as pending NATO member, winning the Iraq War, frequent POW hype and reference to Palin as his great partner.

                                and heres more with some video of some AARP peeps saying how theyre advocating for the healthcare plan.

                                again, i trully dont know why the AARP would back out of their own claims but hey, i really dont care.
                                ..:: listen :: react ::..

