Why Only in Ukraine?

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  • cosmo
    Gold Gabber
    • Jun 2004
    • 583

    Why Only in Ukraine?

    This is a great piece by Charles Krauthammer.

    Why Only in Ukraine?

    By Charles Krauthammer
    Friday, December 3, 2004; Page A27

    There has been general back-patting in the West about renewed European-American comity during the Ukrainian crisis. Both the United States and Europe have been doing exactly the right thing: rejecting a fraudulent election run by a corrupt oligarchy and insisting on a new vote. This gives us an opportunity to ostentatiously come together with Europe. Considering our recent disagreements, that is a good thing. But before we get carried away with this era of good feeling, let us note the reason for this sudden unity.

    This is about Russia first, democracy only second. This Ukrainian episode is a brief, almost nostalgic throwback to the Cold War. Russia is trying to hang on to the last remnants of its empire. The West wants to finish the job begun with the fall of the Berlin Wall and continue Europe's march to the east.

    You almost have to feel sorry for the Russians. (I stress almost.) In the course of one generation, they have lost one of the greatest empires in history: first their Third World dependencies, stretching at one point from Nicaragua to Angola to Indochina; then their East European outer empire, now swallowed by NATO and the European Union; and then their inner empire of Soviet republics.

    The Muslim "-stans" are slowly drifting out of reach. The Baltic republics are already in NATO. The Transcaucasian region is unstable and bloody. All Russia has left are the Slavic republics. Belarus is effectively a Russian colony. But the great prize is Ukraine, for reasons of strategy (Crimea), history (Kiev is considered by Russians to be the cradle of Slavic civilization) and identity (the eastern part is Russian Orthodox and Russian-speaking).

    Vladimir Putin, who would not know a free election if he saw one, was not about to let an election get in the way of retaining sway over Ukraine. The problem is that his bluff was called, and he does not have the power to do to Ukraine what his Soviet predecessors did to Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the Cold War.

    Hence the clash of civilizations over Ukraine and, to some extent, within Ukraine: the authoritarian East vs. the democratic West.

    But this struggle is less about democracy than about geopolitics. Europe makes clear once again that it is a full-throated supporter of democracy -- in its neighborhood. Just as it is a forthright opponent of ethnic cleansing in its neighborhood (Yugoslavia) even as it lifts not a finger elsewhere (Rwanda, southern Sudan, now Darfur).

    That is why this comity between the United States and Europe is only temporary. The Europeans essentially believe, to paraphrase Stalin, in democracy on one continent. As for democracy elsewhere, they really could not care less.

    They pretend, however, that this opposition to America's odd belief in spreading democracy universally is based not on indifference but on superior wisdom -- the world-weary sagacity of a more ancient and experienced civilization that knows that one cannot bring liberty to barbarians. Meaning, Arabs. And Muslims. And Iraqis.

    Hence the Bush-Blair doctrine of bringing some modicum of democracy to the Middle East by establishing one country as a beachhead is ridiculed as naive and messianic. And not just by Europeans but by their "realist" allies here in the United States.

    Thus Zbigniew Brzezinski, a fierce opponent of the Bush administration's democracy project in Iraq, writes passionately about the importance of democracy in Ukraine and how, by example, it might have a domino effect, spreading democracy to neighboring Russia. Yet when George Bush and Tony Blair make a similar argument about the salutary effect of establishing a democracy in the Middle East -- and we might indeed have the first truly free election in the Middle East within two months if we persevere -- "realist" critics dismiss it as terminally naive.

    If you had said 20 years ago that Ukraine would today be on the threshold of joining a democratic Europe, you, too, would have been called a hopeless utopian. Yes, Iraq has no democratic tradition and deep ethnic divisions. But Ukrainian democracy is all of 13 years old, much of it dominated by a corrupt, authoritarian regime with close ties to an even more corrupt and authoritarian Russia. And with a civilizational split right down the middle, Ukraine has profound, and potentially catastrophic, divisions.

    So let us all join hands in praise of the young people braving the cold in the streets of Kiev. But then tell me why there is such silence about the Iraqis, young and old, braving bullets and bombs, organizing electorate lists and negotiating coalitions even as we speak. Where is it written: Only in Ukraine?
  • Yao
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 8167

    At least the Ukrainians have shown they really want it.

    Originally posted by Charles Krauthammer
    But this struggle is less about democracy than about geopolitics. Europe makes clear once again that it is a full-throated supporter of democracy -- in its neighborhood. Just as it is a forthright opponent of ethnic cleansing in its neighborhood (Yugoslavia) even as it lifts not a finger elsewhere (Rwanda, southern Sudan, now Darfur).
    Naaahhh...take a closer lookie here: Europe has either tried to solve these crise through diplomacy (with varying results) or by encouring African countries to take matter in their own hands, for example: ECOWAS, ECOMOG, and the to be formed West-African contingent of peace troops, with the aid of the UK.

    France has been going in there most of all countries. Since when is France not part of the EU?

    Originally posted by Charles Krauthammer
    They pretend, however, that this opposition to America's odd belief in spreading democracy universally is based not on indifference but on superior wisdom -- the world-weary sagacity of a more ancient and experienced civilization that knows that one cannot bring liberty to barbarians. Meaning, Arabs. And Muslims. And Iraqis.
    Wrong again. We just have a different way of looking at it. Again: Europe has a colonial past, the result of which is that it has a very different way of looking at and dealing with different cultures.

    Europe advocates democracy to the fullest, and I don't understand haw Krauthammer can claim differently. This guy should take some history lessons. Again I'm commenting on a publication from someone that's not even connected tot his board, and I'm almost allowing this stuff to get on my nerves again, which I shouldn't, because this is clearly again a little piece of propaganda.

    I'm thru discussing this kind of shit.
    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


    • cosmo
      Gold Gabber
      • Jun 2004
      • 583

      Re: Why Only in Ukraine?

      Naaahhh...take a closer lookie here: Europe has either tried to solve these crise through diplomacy (with varying results) or by encouring African countries to take matter in their own hands, for example: ECOWAS, ECOMOG, and the to be formed West-African contingent of peace troops, with the aid of the UK.

      France has been going in there most of all countries. Since when is France not part of the EU?
      Yea I bet that's why they are invading the Ivory Coast.

      Effin Imperialists....

      Wrong again. We just have a different way of looking at it. Again: Europe has a colonial past, the result of which is that it has a very different way of looking at and dealing with different cultures.

      Europe advocates democracy to the fullest, and I don't understand haw Krauthammer can claim differently. This guy should take some history lessons. Again I'm commenting on a publication from someone that's not even connected tot his board, and I'm almost allowing this stuff to get on my nerves again, which I shouldn't, because this is clearly again a little piece of propaganda.

      I'm thru discussing this kind of shit.
      How can he look at it differently? He just stated why. Rwanda, southern Sudan, and now Darfur. The international community looked the other way. The US, namely Colin Powell was the one that got things started in the Sudan. The UN looked the other way.

      You claim that the EU is intrested in preserving humanity? Again, laughable....


      • Yao
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 8167

        I think shooting the world into tiny bits is laughable...
        Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

        There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


        • cosmo
          Gold Gabber
          • Jun 2004
          • 583

          Originally posted by Yao
          I think shooting the world into tiny bits is laughable...

          Peace through strength. It is sometimes needed.


          • Yao
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • Jun 2004
            • 8167

            True, but not as radically as is done right now, that's my nuance.
            Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

            There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


            • cosmo
              Gold Gabber
              • Jun 2004
              • 583

              Originally posted by Yao
              True, but not as radically as is done right now, that's my nuance.

              You don't see this as a 'world war'? Let's look at how many countries are involved here. Thirty the last time I checked. Muslim extremism is affecting many countries at this time. Fundamentalists are constantly invading their neighboring countries, and it's about time someone is doing something about it.

              Nothing 'radical' about it.


              • Yao
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Jun 2004
                • 8167

                I see it as a world war, but people are

                1: starting to confuse the war on terrorism with a war on Islam.
                2: forgetting that terrorism is underground, and must be fought that way.

                It must be clear by now that invading countries to get terrorists is little effective, is extremely expensive and creates too much collateral damage.
                Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                • cosmo
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 583

                  Re: Why Only in Ukraine?

                  1: starting to confuse the war on terrorism with a war on Islam.
                  Who's confusing what? No one has stated that we are fighting Islam. Everyone has stated that we are fighting a radical sect of the studies of Wahhabism.

                  2: forgetting that terrorism is underground, and must be fought that way.
                  It's both. There are states that sponsor terror. Saddam held international terror rallies in Baghdad, as 2 Associated Press reporters claim in the book 'The Connection: Saddam and Bin Laden'. He paid Hamas 30,000 dollars per each suicide bombing that went off in Israel and throughout the middle-east. Saddam, as noted in the 9/11 report, came to a conclusion with al-Qaeda, that they would not interfere with each others operations while al-Qaeda and Ansar-al-Islam worked in the northern Kurdish region. Saddam trained terrorists in chemical weapons and bioweapons training, and preached hatred against America. In the past week there is info coming from the oil-for-food program that Saddam transferred 300,000 dollars to Ayman al-Zawahiri.

                  It must be clear by now that invading countries to get terrorists is little effective, is extremely expensive and creates too much collateral damage.
                  You only mention the negative aspects. Should I list the huge number of positive aspects that occur after invading a country that was riddled with poverty, fascism and ruled by a crazed dictator?


                  • mixu
                    Travel Guru Extraordinaire
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1115

                    Re: Why Only in Ukraine?

                    Originally posted by cosmo
                    Who's confusing what? No one has stated that we are fighting Islam. Everyone has stated that we are fighting a radical sect of the studies of Wahhabism.
                    I'm glad someone else understands the difference...

                    :edit: Although I think Yao was referring to certain other members of this board.
                    Ask me a question...


                    • Yao
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 8167


                      Somehow there is a tendency around here among many posters to talk about 'them' wanting to kill us all, and I miss the nuance between the extremist Wahhabites (you do know it cosmo) and the rest.

                      BTW: can you give me a link to that AP press release? I don't doubt it, and it could easily have been prevented by not carrying out the Oil-for-food programme.

                      You can name the huge list if you want to, but the question here is: do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? In my opinion not, but hey, I cannot expect everyone to share it.
                      Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                      There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                      • cosmo
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 583

                        Originally posted by Yao

                        Somehow there is a tendency around here among many posters to talk about 'them' wanting to kill us all, and I miss the nuance between the extremist Wahhabites (you do know it cosmo) and the rest.

                        BTW: can you give me a link to that AP press release? I don't doubt it, and it could easily have been prevented by not carrying out the Oil-for-food programme.

                        You can name the huge list if you want to, but the question here is: do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? In my opinion not, but hey, I cannot expect everyone to share it.

                        The Report of the 9/11 Commission has been digested, and the news media outlets have seized upon it as confirmation of their view that al-Qaeda is a purely stateless entity that never had "operational links" with rogue states like Iraq. Somehow, goes the thrust of the Report, Osama bin Laden was for years able to finance, train, and supply an international terrorist corporation that had ongoing jihad operations in fifty countries - by himself, on no more than a $30 million personal fortune. Thirty million dollars is the budget of a small school district in Wisconsin, where I live.

                        But the 9/11 Commission didn't even bother to trace the money trails of terrorist finance that led to the catastrophe three years ago, calling the question "one of little practical significance."

                        As a criminal litigation attorney, I can say that who pays the bill is centrally important in every criminal conspiracy. American law makes no distinction between the crook who held up the bank, his friend who drove him to the bank, the lookout man, and the genius who paid for the ski masks. They are all "parties to the crime" in legal parlance.

                        So the central question of our time becomes: Did Saddam Hussein help pay for 9/11, making him legally and morally as guilty as the hijackers themselves? As a lawyer, I think a good case can be made for this in a court of law, a convincing circumstantial case at the bare minimum. Unfortunately, the 9/11 Commission ignored it.

                        The Commission's report implicitly concedes that money is by its nature fungible. What you save from one funded terror project can now be spent for another terror project - a project that you might not have been able to afford otherwise.

                        It isn't as if bin Laden didn't need the money. As journalist Richard Miniter pointed out in his book Losing Bin Laden, "the most compelling reason for bin Laden to work with Iraq was money." Al Qaeda officials have repeatedly whined, while under interrogation, that cash was always a problem. Saddam, on the other hand, had over $11 billion to play with, from skimming billions off the lucrative UN "Oil-for-Food" scam operation.

                        1998 was the critical year. Chronology itself can sometimes, in today's trendy words, "connect the dots."

                        According to intelligence relayed in the famous Douglas Feith memo to Congress revealed by the Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (now the Number 2 in the al-Qaeda hierarchy) paid a visit to Baghdad and immediately met with Iraqi Vice President Ramadan on February 3, 1998. According to the Feith memo, "the [stated] goal of the visit was to arrange for the coordination between Iraq and bin Laden and establish camps in Falluja, Nasiriya, and Iraqi Kurdistan under the leadership of Abdul Aziz."

                        This visit went well - very well. Saddam's intelligence service in essence cut a check directly to Zawahiri, for $300,000. American officials learned of this payout by "a senior member" of Iraqi intelligence. An administration official later told Stephen Hayes that the payout is so credible as to be undisputed: "It's a lock," the official said. U.S. News and World Report broke the story, and to date no one has ever come forward to question the reality of this payment. But what did the good terrorist doctor do with Saddam's cash?

                        After he received Saddam's payout, Zawahiri immediately folded up his tent and irrevocably merged his organization with bin Laden's. "The merger was de facto complete by February 1998," the 9/11 Report states. Zawahiri most likely used it to fund the merger costs: to regularize the training and indoctrination of jihad recruits and to jump-start the new project initiatives of al-Qaeda. It is impossible to believe that Saddam, state gangster extraordinaire, would simply sign over a check to a known terrorist and be unaware of what his money was going for. In effect, this payment helped fund the new, merged al-Qaeda - and its new plots.

                        What was the big plot brewing in 1998? September 11, 2001. Bin Laden and Zawahiri knew they needed to kick their newly funded terrorist network off with a big public flourish. And so, less than three weeks after his new deputy's visit to Baghdad, on February 23, 1998, bin Laden issued his infamous public fatwa. The particular language had been in negotiation for some time, as part of the merger deal.

                        In the language of the 9/11 Report:

                        The fatwa called for the murder of any American, anywhere on earth, as the "individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it."

                        Dr. Zawahiri had always enjoyed the reception Saddam gave him. He had already met Saddam personally six years earlier, in 1992, to plot terror. But in 1998, within a month of Saddam's payout and Zawahiri's merger with bin Laden, Saddam suddenly started ramping up his collaboration with al-Qaeda. "In March 1998," the 9/11 Report states,

                        "After Bin Ladin's [Commission spelling] public fatwa against the United States, two al Qaeda members reportedly went to Iraq to meet with Iraqi intelligence. In July, an Iraqi delegation traveled to Afghanistan to meet first with the Taliban and then with Bin Ladin. Sources reported that one or perhaps both of these meetings were apparently arranged through Bin Ladin's Egyptian deputy, Zawahiri, who had ties of his own to the Iraqis."

                        What were these meetings about? Were they just "getting to know you" sessions over hookahs and Turkish coffee between murderers? I submit that they were too numerous just for that: instead, they were about attacking America. No other enemy had Saddam's attention at this time.

                        In 1998, Saddam and bin Laden began, yes, collaborating their PR efforts with energy. On May 1, 1998, Iraq threatened "dire consequences" if the UN didn't pull out the UNSCOM teams, especially Scott Ritter, then the most aggressive inspector (until Saddam, in an amazing coup de main, successfully bribed him with $400,000 sometime later, as the Weekly Standard revealed).

                        One week later, bin Laden also threatened America with permanent jihad. "Throughout the summer," wrote Richard Miniter, "Iraq's and bin Laden's threatening statements moved in lockstep." This PR collaboration was testified about by Iraq expert Dr. Laurie Mylroie at the New York civil trial brought by 9/11 families and specifically referenced by Judge Harold Baer as being persuasive in his decision holding Iraq responsible for 9/11.

                        In the hot spring of 1998, the CIA sent a local asset over to the al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum, Sudan. The man took a soil sample just outside the facility. At the safe house, his CIA handlers tested it for EMPTA, a precursor chemical only used for the deadly nerve gas VX. EMPTA has no commercial, innocent uses. The sample tested positive. It was not tested again, but four other lines of evidence connected the plant to al-Qaeda/Iraqi joint nerve gas production: 1) Jane's Intelligence Review had recently published minutes of an October 1996 meeting of Sudanese officials that referred to Osama bin Laden agreeing to finance a chemical weapons factory just outside Khartoum; 2) the al-Shifa plant manager, according to then-Secretary of Defense William Cohen, had recently "traveled to Baghdad to meet with the father of the VX program" there; 3) the plant's registered owner, Salah Idiris, was later found to have a close relationship with Sheik Khalid bin Mahfouz, bin Laden's main fund-raiser/financier; and 4) the plant had recently been paid $199,000 by Saddam, ostensibly as part of the UN's infamous "Oil-for-Food" program. But oddly, there was no record of any "medicine" being delivered to Iraq in the eight months from the inking of the contract and the destruction of the plant by the United States. There was just the money from Saddam, and the nerve gas.

                        By the late summer of 1998, bin Laden succeeded in blowing up two American embassies in East Africa, killing 257 people. Twenty days after the embassy bombings, Uday Hussein published a rabid editorial anointing bin Laden as "an Arab and Islamic hero." President Clinton retaliated by hitting a bin Laden training camp in Afghanistan and by razing the al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant with cruise missiles.

                        Ten days later, Iraqi Vice President Taha Yasin Ramadan jetted to the Sudan to meet with Hassan al-Turabi and other top officials - and to express Saddam's sympathy for being hit by America. Most of all, Vice President Ramadan wanted to extend to bin Laden's Sudanese contacts an offer of asylum in Iraq for bin Laden himself. Bin Laden, in what must have been his last satellite phone call, turned him down and stayed in Afghanistan.

                        In mid-December 1998, after Saddam again announced a full refusal to cooperate with the UNSCOM inspectors, President Clinton launched Operation Desert Fox to "degrade" (for a few days) Saddam's capacity for producing WMD in quantity. So in 1998, "Iraq was under intensifying U.S. pressure," the Report states. That's putting it mildly. Inspecting the wreckage of his newly JDAMed (Joint Direct Attack Munition, a "smart" weapon) Military Intelligence Headquarters, Saddam must have wanted his usual revenge, but he needed a way to keep his fingerprints off it and thus avoid more U.S. airstrikes.

                        One way to exact the proper revenge was to keep the money flowing to al-Qaeda and its affiliates. Former Iraqi intelligence officer Abdul Rahman al-Shamari, now in a Kurdish jail, told Jonathan Schanzer of the Weekly Standard that he personally was an aid conduit to Ansar al-Islam on Saddam's orders. Ansar al-Islam is, of course, an al-Qaeda affiliate that was badly bombed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. We gave them money every month or two, Shamari recounted, noting that "on one occasion we gave them 10 million Swiss dinars [about $700,000]." Shamari's immediate boss was high-ranking Saddam loyalist and Mukhabarat officer Abu Wael. Saddam used Ansar al-Islam to make trouble in the pro-Western Kurdish north of Iraq, Shamari explained. Mullah Krekar, the spiritual head of Ansar al-Islam, while protected by the government of Norway, actually admitted to ABC News that Abu Wael "is an Arabic member of our shura, our leadership council also."

                        The small Philippine al-Qaeda affiliate Abu Sayyaf is known for kidnapping, bombing, ransoming and beheading Americans. It also received cash from Saddam, according to its leader, Hamsinaji Sali, to the tune of 1 million pesos each year since 2000. Further, the second secretary at the Iraqi Embassy in Manila, Hisham Hussein, was "outed" before the Iraq War as simultaneously being a Mukhabarat officer and the boss of an "established network" of al-Qaeda-linked terrorists, primarily Abu Sayyaf. What conceivable interest could Saddam Hussein have in Islamic terrorists half a world away from Iraq? There is only one answer: Abu Sayyaf was killing Americans.

                        And, of course, there was always Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Zarqawi is to this day writing letters to Osama bin Laden begging for cash to fund his bombings of Iraqi and coalition targets inside Iraq. One of these was intercepted en route via courier and published by Iraq administrator L. Paul Bremer on the Web site of the Coalition Provisional Authority. But Zarqawi didn't show up in Iraq out of a seething but justified sense of outrage over the U.S. occupation. Before the Iraq War, Zarqawi had his own camps in northern Iraq, where he made poisons. He was a ricin specialist, according to Colin Powell in his February 2003 address to the U.N. Security Council. There is no antidote to ricin poison and the result is always death to those exposed.

                        One of these camps, searched by the Marines earlier this year, turned up a 7-pound block of pure, ready-to-use cyanide. Saddam had his own paid man working right under Zarqawi. When Zarqawi became ill in May of 2002, Saddam put him up in Baghdad's best hospital - used only by the loyalist elite - for two months. Zarqawi never saw the tab. From his bedside, with Saddam's approval, Zarqawi held court over perhaps 24 jihadis in his own group, which coordinated al-Qaeda travelers in and out of the country to places like Saudi Arabia. In case the world missed the point, Zarqawi and his group this week reportedly declared their solemn allegiance to Osama bin Laden and merged with al-Qaeda.

                        So, back in 1998, how could Saddam wreak a truly satisfying revenge against America? Things needed to come to a head. He sent the deputy head of the Iraqi Mukhabarat, Farouk Hijazi, on a secret mission through the high Hindu Kush mountains in wintry December 1998 to Kandahar to meet with bin Laden, according to the liberal British newspaper The Guardian. Was Hijazi carrying money with him? Unfortunately, the 9/11 Commission wasn't interested in asking. But one remarkable thing immediately happened: according to the 9/11 Report, bin Laden, now confident in the backing of Saddam's Iraq, and "apparently at [military chief] Muhammed Atef 's urging, finally decided to give al-Qaeda planner Khalid Sheik Mohammed the green light for the 9/11 operation," the Report states.

                        It seems reasonable to imagine that something tangible changed bin Laden's mind. Shouldn't the 9/11 Commission at least be interested in exploring whether or not it was the cold, hard cash from Saddam, brought personally by his intelligence operative, Farouk Hijazi? This money trail, if it exists, will lie in the file boxes of the Mukhabarat's archives.

                        Saddam used his Mukhabarat operative in Prague, Ahmed al-Ani, to keep tabs on the 9/11 project through its ringleader, Mohamed Atta. Saddam also employed Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, a lieutenant colonel in the Fedayeen Saddam, to babysit some of the 9/11 hijackers in Kuala Lumpur at the major planning session in early January 2000. Puddles of ink have been spent on these two connections, particularly by Stephen Hayes in his book The Connection. The 9/11 Commission airily dismisses the Prague connection in a few sentences, and doesn't bother to mention the Shakir trip to Malaysia.

                        As September 11, 2001, loomed, Saddam could hardly conceal his anticipation. Two months before 9/11, the state-controlled Iraqi newspaper Al-Nasiriya carried a column headlined "America, An Obsession Called Osama Bin Ladin." In the piece, Ba'ath Party writer Naeem Abd Muhalhal predicted that bin Laden would attack the U.S. "with the seriousness of the Bedouin of the desert about the way he will try to bomb the Pentagon after he destroys the White House." Saddam's writer also insisted that bin Laden "will strike America on the arm that is already hurting [i.e., the economy] and that the U.S. "will curse the memory of Frank Sinatra every time he hears his songs" - an apparent reference to the Sinatra classic "New York, New York." Judge Baer relied in part on this too-clever-by-half article as he issued his decision holding Iraq liable for September 11.

                        A mere two weeks before the strike, Saddam put his entire military on high alert, expecting the United States to bomb him in response. Only a single news source, Con Coughlin of the British Daily Telegraph, reported this fact, which has never since been disputed. The American bombs would actually come more than a year and a half later, but in the meantime, Saddam and his sons waxed rhapsodic over the carnage of September 11. "America is reaping the thorns planted by its rulers in the world," Saddam gloated to Agence France-Presse. Uday Hussein exultantly proclaimed, "These were courageous operations carried out by young Arabs and Muslims!" according to quotes picked up by the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat.

                        I rest my case. If Saddam has a defense to it, no one has yet presented it.

                        Christopher S. Carson, formerly of the American Enterprise Institute, is an attorney in private practice in Milwaukee.


                        • Yao
                          DUDERZ get a life!!!
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 8167

                          I believe even the 9/11 report was questioned on those points, but that may have had more to do with over-liberal media than really questioning the facts.

                          This article is pretty good, although it doesn't clarify everything. If they knew about the trips of Saddam's henchmen, it must have been possible to intercept the money flow, especially when moved in cash.
                          Observation might have been a good motive to wait with intervening, but that way a lot of cash has been allowed to find it's way to bin Laden and Al-Zarqawi.
                          Second: the money was mostly provided by the oil-for-food programme. That's an easy one to guess: shut down the program, end of money flow (or at least a substantial part of it).

                          Apart form that, it is incredibly na?ve to compare this invasion to the Europan colonisation of Africa, which has been done in your other thread (For those who say ALL Iraqi's don't want us there) by Runningman. Changing not just the regime, but the whole attitude of a country are two different things. And the latter one is gonna keep the US busy for more than just a few years.

                          Good article though, and made some good points. Has also given me some new facts of which I didn't know, like the farmaceutical plant in Khartoum. Will look into that.
                          Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                          There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                          • Yao
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 8167

                            Re: Why Only in Ukraine?

                            Originally posted by cosmo
                            Yea I bet that's why they are invading the Ivory Coast.
                            You must be joking here? Did you forget the smiley, or did I miss it?
                            Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                            There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway

