you know It cant just be me..Ive been noticing alot of people getting into fights more and more recently. Not opnly am i reading about lawler being threatened by a FAT ASS POS MEXICAN LOW LIFE, but now fatboy gets robbed at gunpoint..THese arent the only two inciddents... Walking around manatten every day i have been seeing things happening..Today some fuckin old woman got a bottle thrown at her by another lady inside the 59 th st station for the 6 train... On 23rd st 2 days ago my gf witnessed these two fat bitches goin at it..which she told me was pretty damn funny but still. On the bus yesterday, some old white lady complained to this black couple behind her to stop being so loud...WTF>>??its called public trasportation dont complain, the guy was gettin loud, so i just stood up with my gf, and yelled out real loud, cant we all just get along? cMON... anyways, i have been noticing this more often now than b4..anyone else notice this?
whats with all the fighting?
As for the incidents local to you, it could be a couple of things. First, it could definitely be the change in seasons which is known to have an effect on people's emotions, etc. It could also be the holiday season. This time of year is prone to incur more suicides, homicides, and domestic violence. These things, like most of the rest of everything in life, seem to be cyclical in nature.A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had. -
i just witness a redneck vs. black fight, a white boy got knocked the f*** out... the black gang had girlfriends that was throwing some brutal kicks and punches... WOW...Comment
just buy a stun gun and zap anyone who pisses you off...problem solved. tough to fight back when you are temporarily paralized. then you can kick sand/dirt/snow in their eyes and run before it wears off.
*note...i'm kidding. sort ofComment
I noticed the violence getting bad lately too!!!! What gives with all the dirt bag's on the streets these days!!!! I just saw on the news the other day about the story of the old man in his own neighborhood a few nights ago was shot for yelling out at someone to slow down!!!! Things are getting crazy out there!!!!YOU CAN IMMITATE, BUT NEVER DUPLICATE!!!!Comment
Re: whats with all the fighting?
Originally posted by Musical JourneyComment
Originally posted by day_for_nightjust buy a stun gun and zap anyone who pisses you off...problem solved.
anyway things here in pittsburgh are straight... downtowns all lit up and festive haven't noticed any exceptional hostility.Comment
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