Terrorist Released

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  • runningman
    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
    • Jun 2004
    • 5995

    Terrorist Released

    Well in one of the stupidest moves I have seen to date happened today with the release of Abdel baset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi who was found guilty of the Lockerbie Plane bombing killing 259 people.

    If my loved one was on that plane I would be fuming mad!!

    Watch another terrorist attack will happen now. He came home to a heroes welcome in Libya. Nothing like sending a hero home to deflate the enemy. One thing I think we can all agree on is that this never would have happened under Bush.
  • Huggie Smiles
    Anyone have Styx livesets?
    • Jun 2004
    • 11837

    Re: Terrorist Released

    i have no problem with him being released to his family to spend the last few hours of his life with them.
    But 3 fuckin months is a bit much IMO.

    I remember the lockerbie disaster with great detail - so it brings it home for sure.
    ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


    • Shpira
      Angry Boy Child
      • Oct 2006
      • 4969

      Re: Terrorist Released

      its a tough call...i don't know. I always think that you have to make a start somewhere...maybe this is the start to show some of those religious radicals what empathy means. I don't know tough one for sure.
      The Idiots ARE Winning.

      "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
      Mark Twain



      • chunky
        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
        • Jan 2006
        • 10570

        Re: Terrorist Released

        There's still a lot of speculation as to whether he was responsible at all. The other suspected terrorist of the bombing was acquitted several years ago.
        Originally posted by res0nat0r
        OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


        • runningman
          Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
          • Jun 2004
          • 5995

          Re: Terrorist Released

          what sickens me is that he got a heroes welcome for the bombing. So whether he did it or didn't is irrelevant. The people think he did and that is why they went out to support him in his jihad.


          • Shpira
            Angry Boy Child
            • Oct 2006
            • 4969

            Re: Terrorist Released

            yeah and some people voted for bush...there will always be idiots in this world. It can't be helped.
            The Idiots ARE Winning.

            "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
            Mark Twain

            SOBRIETY MIX


            • superdave
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1366

              Re: Terrorist Released

              Nice job Scotland and Libya! He's getting a hero's welcome back home for terrorism. Scotland looks stupid and Libya reminds us why the rest of the world hates them.
              Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


              • Miroslav
                WHOA I can change this!1!
                • Apr 2006
                • 4122

                Re: Terrorist Released

                I don't know if he did it or not... but if he was involved, then I could only say in hingsight it is absolutely shameful and disgusting that he was able to weasel his way out, even for a day. But one thing's for sure: the Lybian government can fuck right off... with all their celebrating, we all know exactly how they really feel over there about the massacre.
                mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


                • toasty
                  Sir Toastiness
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 6585

                  Re: Terrorist Released

                  I disagree with this move 100% -- people die in prison all the time, can't think of any good reason to make an exception for this dude -- but I'm not all that fired up about it. meh.


                  • chunky
                    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 10570

                    Re: Terrorist Released

                    Originally posted by Miroslav
                    I don't know if he did it or not... but if he was involved, then I could only say in hingsight it is absolutely shameful and disgusting that he was able to weasel his way out, even for a day. But one thing's for sure: the Lybian government can fuck right off... with all their celebrating, we all know exactly how they really feel over there about the massacre.
                    Do you feel the same about Flight 655, bhopal, or the release of General Pinochet by the UK government.
                    Originally posted by res0nat0r
                    OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                    • Miroslav
                      WHOA I can change this!1!
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 4122

                      Re: Terrorist Released

                      Originally posted by chunky
                      Do you feel the same about Flight 655, bhopal, or the release of General Pinochet by the UK government.
                      I'm not going to try to make excuses for the country I live in and defend everything done by the US as angelic. The only thing I will say was that my take would be that flight 655 was a horrible, reckless mistake and not an intentional act. If the goal of the US was to cause mass casualties, I suspect there would be many covert ways for it to do so without blatantly implicating itself and recklessly inviting the risk of war and retaliation - not to mention the obvious loss of political power in the international forum. It would seem highly irrational and out of character for that to have been an intentional policy. When the US does its dirty work, it probably prefers more covert means. I also don't recall there being much celebration over the event.

                      The CIA's support of Pinochet was horrible - not going to defend that - and I don't know what Bhopal has to do with this. I suspect you'll tell me.

                      But I don't think that any of the US government's horrible actions make what happened in Lockerbie "right" or excuse the celebrating.
                      mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


                      • chunky
                        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                        • Jan 2006
                        • 10570

                        Re: Terrorist Released

                        Originally posted by Miroslav
                        Just looked up flight 655 to figure out what you're talking about... I remember that now. That was a horrible stain on the US, and I'm sure some people say it was an intentional act - my personal guess would be that it was a mistake, as there are many more covert ways for the USA to go around causing that kind of destruction if that were the intent, and blatantly implicating itself in such a direct manner and risking war and retaliation would be highly irrational and reckless. And to my knowledge wasn't celebrated in the streets as a victory over here. But I do think the US should have issued a public apology over it.

                        No idea what Bhopal or Pinochet has to do with this.
                        Its funny how you always seem to think that any atrocity that the US government or US was responsible for is nothing more than an accident. At least you are willing to admit that the USA could use more covert ways of causing destruction, though I doubt you would admit they ever would.

                        Do you think its acceptable that Warren Anderson the CEO of Union Carbide has evaded extradition from the United States to face charges in India over Bhopal for 20 years (at least Gaddafi turned Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi). Or that the UK government released Pinochet even though he was wanted for war crimes (the US didn't have much to say then). The UK government has also requested the extradition of solders responsible for the so called friendly fire attacks on UK solders, however none have ever been turned over yet by the US.

                        It seems to me if someone joins some organisation and gets called a solder they can get away with a lot more than of they join an organization and gets called a terrorist.

                        Miroslav your a very intelligent person (more than I ever will be) but I find it strange how you are willing to defend the USA or their government on every issue that's posted on here.
                        Originally posted by res0nat0r
                        OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                        • chunky
                          Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                          • Jan 2006
                          • 10570

                          Re: Terrorist Released

                          In the UK we had hundreds of IRA terrorists released under the IRA Peace Treaty. It hardly looked like a ticker tape celebration when Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi stepped off the plane. Maybe I must of missed some footage.
                          Originally posted by res0nat0r
                          OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                          • Miroslav
                            WHOA I can change this!1!
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 4122

                            Re: Terrorist Released

                            Originally posted by chunky
                            Its funny how you always seem to think that any atrocity that the US government or US was responsible for is nothing more than an accident. At least you are willing to admit that the USA could use more covert ways of causing destruction, though I doubt you would admit they ever would.
                            I re-wrote my post right after I published it because I read it and felt that it didn't accurately represent my thoughts and made me look overly defensive of US interests. I think it addresses some of what you're talking about as far as defending the USA, so please take another look.
                            mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


                            • i!!ustrious
                              I got some N64 Games Yo!!
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 12308

                              Re: Terrorist Released

                              it's the price to pay for demonstrating strength. fuck if i care if they celebrate and exalt them; they're a bunch of suckers anyways.
                              (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))

