-Contest begins on Wed, August 26, 2009 via Beatport.com
-All genre based remixes will be excepted
-To Enter: Purchase the bundled track and parts for $3.99 - Click Here To Click Here To Download
-All Remixes Submitted for this contest become the legal property of Witty Tunes
-Winner will receive an "Akai MPK49 MIDI Controller" valued at $599
-The winning remix will also get an Exclusive Release via Witty Tunes & Beatport.com
-Submit the remix in an mp3 or wav format via a personal FTP and/or Sendspace.com or similar link
-All remixes must be submitted by October 28th, 2009. No Exceptions!
-Send all remixes to JodyRemix@WittyTunes.com
Jody Answers 5 Questions for Beatportal:
There is a lot of anticipation for the new Way Out West album. What can
we expect from it? Will it sound anything like your new Witty Tunes
single, "Don't Crash Please"?
-Yeah, it's a much more club-based album than "Don't Look Now". Eight
out of the twelve tracks are 120bpm+, so it's definitely more reflective
of our current DJ styles. A few of the tracks are very much in line with
the flavor of "Don't Crash Please" - that's the kind of groove I'm
feeling at the moment.
How has your production style evolved over the years? What kind of
advice do you have for an aspiring artist?
-I'd say I've definitely become more capable of doing decent mixdowns
over the years, really beginning to understand the subtleties of
compression/limiting and EQ in an "in-the-box" domain. It's a constant
learning curve, and there's always new stuff to learn, so my advice
would be to take it all in, and visit YouTube and forums such as
Gearslutz. A lot of professional advice can be garnered online.
You have a plethora of analog synthesizers in your studio. Out of which
ones do you get the most mileage?
-The Jupiter 8 is def one of my favorites, it's just amazing for those
warm techno style stab sounds. Very fast envelopes and a rich creamy
sound. The Prophet 5 is incredible for the more soft focus, kind of
drunk sound textures which I love. I'm really digging the Macbeth M5N
because you just feel like a mad scientist whilst using it, with patch
cables all over the place.
Are there any artists or labels that we should look out for in 2009?
-Yeah loads!! Martin Virgin is doing some really beautiful disco stuff
right now, a guy called FM Attack has recently caught my attention on a
similar tip, and I was sent some wicked tracks by a guy called Howard
Sessions - very funky and melodic. As for labels, watch this space
because in the near future I will be launching my label "Cold Drink
Recordings", primarily as a vehicle for my solo endeavors.
If you could change one thing about this industry what would it be?
-Obviously I would abolish illegal downloads, or find a way to control
this terrible situation. For kids to make a living from music, it's
virtually impossible without the DJ income these days, so in effect this
means less time is being spent making music, resulting in a lowering of
quality. Catch 22...