Jody Wisternoff (Way Out West) Remix Contest via Witty Tunes

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  • mike haddad
    Fresh Peossy
    • Nov 2007
    • 16

    Jody Wisternoff (Way Out West) Remix Contest via Witty Tunes

    -Contest begins on Wed, August 26, 2009 via
    -All genre based remixes will be excepted
    -To Enter: Purchase the bundled track and parts for $3.99 - Click Here To Click Here To Download

    -All Remixes Submitted for this contest become the legal property of Witty Tunes

    -Winner will receive an "Akai MPK49 MIDI Controller" valued at $599
    -The winning remix will also get an Exclusive Release via Witty Tunes &

    -Submit the remix in an mp3 or wav format via a personal FTP and/or or similar link

    -All remixes must be submitted by October 28th, 2009. No Exceptions!
    -Send all remixes to


    WittyTunes's profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.

    Jody Wisternoff's profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.

    Jody Answers 5 Questions for Beatportal:

    There is a lot of anticipation for the new Way Out West album. What can
    we expect from it? Will it sound anything like your new Witty Tunes
    single, "Don't Crash Please"?

    -Yeah, it's a much more club-based album than "Don't Look Now". Eight
    out of the twelve tracks are 120bpm+, so it's definitely more reflective
    of our current DJ styles. A few of the tracks are very much in line with
    the flavor of "Don't Crash Please" - that's the kind of groove I'm
    feeling at the moment.

    How has your production style evolved over the years? What kind of
    advice do you have for an aspiring artist?

    -I'd say I've definitely become more capable of doing decent mixdowns
    over the years, really beginning to understand the subtleties of
    compression/limiting and EQ in an "in-the-box" domain. It's a constant
    learning curve, and there's always new stuff to learn, so my advice
    would be to take it all in, and visit YouTube and forums such as
    Gearslutz. A lot of professional advice can be garnered online.

    You have a plethora of analog synthesizers in your studio. Out of which
    ones do you get the most mileage?

    -The Jupiter 8 is def one of my favorites, it's just amazing for those
    warm techno style stab sounds. Very fast envelopes and a rich creamy
    sound. The Prophet 5 is incredible for the more soft focus, kind of
    drunk sound textures which I love. I'm really digging the Macbeth M5N
    because you just feel like a mad scientist whilst using it, with patch
    cables all over the place.

    Are there any artists or labels that we should look out for in 2009?

    -Yeah loads!! Martin Virgin is doing some really beautiful disco stuff
    right now, a guy called FM Attack has recently caught my attention on a
    similar tip, and I was sent some wicked tracks by a guy called Howard
    Sessions - very funky and melodic. As for labels, watch this space
    because in the near future I will be launching my label "Cold Drink
    Recordings", primarily as a vehicle for my solo endeavors.

    If you could change one thing about this industry what would it be?

    -Obviously I would abolish illegal downloads, or find a way to control
    this terrible situation. For kids to make a living from music, it's
    virtually impossible without the DJ income these days, so in effect this
    means less time is being spent making music, resulting in a lowering of
    quality. Catch 22...