Pioneer DJM, need some help here!

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  • Jenks
    I'm kind of a big deal.
    • Jun 2004
    • 10250

    ^agree on the AH comment.

    Hey, where do you buy replacement parts for your 600?


    • Jibgolly
      • Jun 2004
      • 20773

      never have before, but i'd think you could call pioneer and order them.


      • asdf_admin
        i use to be important
        • Jun 2004
        • 12798

        djm 600 = the only mixer i have truly loved. for some reason pioneer get some sweet sound out of that mixer. most of my home audio is pioneer, they just do a solid job, day in and day out.


        dead, yet alive.


        • elhadley
          Addiction started
          • Nov 2004
          • 273

          Re: Pioneer DJM, need some help here!

          There is no funk without the bass.


          • xeb
            Addiction started
            • Jun 2004
            • 364

            Re: Pioneer DJM, need some help here!

            Originally posted by Saga
            . I?ve seen the DJM500, but it lacks some features the DJM600 do have.
            don't get a DJM500 if you want to use the effects. no bpm sync and no adjustment means they are pretty piss poor.

            By the way, thanks xeb for the info. I?ll look out for the A&X xone 32.
            I think I prefer filters other than effects...
            Is it important if the mixer has an optical output?
            can't see any good reason to have an optical output unless you plan on doing a lot of recording to minidisc.

            if you like filters then A&H is much better bet than the DJM - filter effect ont he DJM is a straight filter sweep... nice for doing a big drop in the club, but usless if you want to use the filter more like an EQ to subtly cut parts of a track and mix them togeather

            that said, i got an Alesis MODFX philtre for ?30 which does exactly the same through the send and return on my DJM and cost a lot less.

            one other option worth considering is an Ecler Nuo-5
            fairly new player on the market but heard good things. not sure what they go for in $$


            • Saga
              Fresh Peossy
              • Dec 2004
              • 19

              Re: Pioneer DJM, need some help here!

              Well I gess it will depend upon if it will be the xone:32 or the xone 62...
              I?ll consider every suggestion, with your opinions and some research I made around internet I think I have a good Idea about both brand mixers, A&H and pioneer. Although here in Argentina it?s difficult to find one used, and in that case, one which has not been fucked up and repaired
              I?ll look around and see which one suits better for me in terms of money, quality and functions.
              Many thanks!


              • jeffrey collins
                Not cool enough
                • Jun 2004
                • 7427

                Originally posted by Garrick
                i use the djm 600. its great, except its old. when that thing retires, i plan on getting another one.

                the djm 600 itself is around $800.
                I agree with Garrick on this one. The 600 is about the best mixer under $1000. Unless you can find a Rane rotary or a good A&H that is used. Plus if you have one...a 600 that is. You'll already know most of the mixers that are used at raves and house parties. It's when you get into the bigger clubs that you would want to know how a rane rotary works. Which they are awesome. Wish I could afford one.
                Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                My Painting Blog

                My Soundcloud page.


                • hypoluxxa
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 3371

                  Try this place:


                  • timkell
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 152

                    I got a Xone:62 for about $800 on Ebay. Hardly used. Had it for almost a year, and it's great.

                    I had the DJM600 before that, and the main reason I upgraded was souns quality and isolation.

                    On the 600 (at least every one I've used, there's a bit of bleeding between channels. If you're playing really minimal stuff, that ain't gonna cut it.

                    Another reason I wanted to switch was to get rid of the BPM counter. That's a crutch you really don't want to have as a DJ. I'm at the point now where I wouldn't mind having a BPM counter. I wouldn't even notice. But when I was starting out with the 600, I couldn't help but refer to it. And in the end, it's so unreliable it fails you when you need it most.

                    If price doesn't matter, or if you can find a good price on a used one, go for A&H.
                    A FREE Minimal/Techno/Tech House Party @ Anu
                    Every Last Saturday of the Month
                    Residents: Jonathan Beech, Sinukus, Tim McCormack
                    Next Cozy: Saturday, October 28
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                    with guests Alland Byallo (Liebe Detail) and Craig Kuna
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                    • xeb
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 364

                      Originally posted by timkell
                      Another reason I wanted to switch was to get rid of the BPM counter. That's a crutch you really don't want to have as a DJ. I'm at the point now where I wouldn't mind having a BPM counter. I wouldn't even notice. But when I was starting out with the 600, I couldn't help but refer to it. And in the end, it's so unreliable it fails you when you need it most.
                      wtf?? how hard is it to not look at the bpm counter?? or if it causes you that many problems leave the channel selector on master or the effect to send/return where the bpm doesn't show?



                      • jeffrey collins
                        Not cool enough
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 7427

                        Or you could just take your record cleaner, the wiper part that is. And put it over the counter like myself and my buddie do. It helps to break that crutch. I too felt that I was relying on it too much so I began doing that and have felt more comfortable about my playing since.
                        Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                        My Painting Blog

                        My Soundcloud page.


                        • Saga
                          Fresh Peossy
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 19

                          Re: Pioneer DJM, need some help here!

                          What about the filters in the pioneer 600. I read that they nearly cut off the signal for the wave length. Is that true?


                          • xeb
                            Addiction started
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 364

                            Re: Pioneer DJM, need some help here!

                            filters cut frequencies

                            high pass filter cuts the bass and lets the high freqs through
                            low pass visa versa

                            similar to EQ but eq just attenuates (lowers the volume) of the frequencies.... ie a bass eq will attanuate the bass freqs wheras a high pass filter will completly chop off all freqs below its cut point

                            on an A&H you have these filters. you can change between high/low/band pass and adjust the freq cut-off point and the resonance (amount of boost around the cut-off... gives a spacy effect). the filter is static, in that it will sit at the frequency point you've put it and do its thing. this makes it great as a mix tool... ie, using instead of an eq to get a better cut of undesirable frequencies.

                            the pioneer has a filter EFFECT. it doesn't work like the static filter on the A&H, instead doing a filter sweep. you set the sweep length and the amount of rasonance, and then it does a low pass filter sweep, starting with a high cut-off (ie, letting everything through) and then in the time you've set lowering the cutoff down (progressivly cutting more and more of the highs) and then back up. this is an ok effect but doesn't really let you manipulate the sound like you can with an A&H


                            • Saga
                              Fresh Peossy
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 19

                              Re: Pioneer DJM, need some help here!

                              Originally posted by xeb
                              filters cut frequencies

                              high pass filter cuts the bass and lets the high freqs through
                              low pass visa versa

                              similar to EQ but eq just attenuates (lowers the volume) of the frequencies.... ie a bass eq will attanuate the bass freqs wheras a high pass filter will completly chop off all freqs below its cut point

                              on an A&H you have these filters. you can change between high/low/band pass and adjust the freq cut-off point and the resonance (amount of boost around the cut-off... gives a spacy effect). the filter is static, in that it will sit at the frequency point you've put it and do its thing. this makes it great as a mix tool... ie, using instead of an eq to get a better cut of undesirable frequencies.

                              the pioneer has a filter EFFECT. it doesn't work like the static filter on the A&H, instead doing a filter sweep. you set the sweep length and the amount of rasonance, and then it does a low pass filter sweep, starting with a high cut-off (ie, letting everything through) and then in the time you've set lowering the cutoff down (progressivly cutting more and more of the highs) and then back up. this is an ok effect but doesn't really let you manipulate the sound like you can with an A&H
                              OK, thanks Xeb for the info...really useful. :wink:
                              Now what about the auto loop and sample functions present in the DJM600?
                              That?s a feature I think the A&H doesn?t have, am I correct?
                              I?d like to play off with the samples, then how useful can that be?


                              • xeb
                                Addiction started
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 364

                                dont' use the sampler at all as i have a cycloops. its not the best from the few times i have played with it. accuracy of the bpm engine is not great and seems to require a lot of fucking about.

                                basically, DJM600 has more in terms of different effects but A&H has the filters which are (IMO of course) a much better mixing tool. that said, i got a alesis phitre for ?30 of ebay which does the same thing the A&H filters do and runs off the send and return on the DJM

