Goldman Sachs says what recession?? They are getting paid double the bonuses. Now everybody must agree that this is a bank robbery. They are being rewarded for their incompetence. The US is being tapped like maple syrup from a tree. I still can't believe that nobody has gone to jail yet for this..
Goldman $23 Billion in Bonuses!!
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Re: Goldman $23 Billion in Bonuses!!
finally someone is going to go to jail!!!!. well maybe, at least they are having a trial. I was looking for more like 2000 going to jail though not 2.
Re: Goldman $23 Billion in Bonuses!!
I love it.. Goldman steals $26 billion and nobody wants to talk about it.. The American people are no longer brave at all. They seem to be lost and not sure of what action to do.Comment
Re: Goldman $23 Billion in Bonuses!!
Least the States haven't got an ongoing political scandal to the size of the UK MP expenses disgrace. At least everyone knows that bankers are self interested vermin, your politicians are supposed to have the interests of the public in their hearts.Comment
Re: Goldman $23 Billion in Bonuses!!
October 15 2009 - Third quarter report
Net Revenues 12.37 billion and net earnings 3.19 billionThe Idiots ARE Winning.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain