Here is a mix I did today with the help of a good bottle of wine...it consists of house, tech house and techno...hope you enjoy it and please share feedback.

PRXS - 6 A.M. In The Washing Machine - Musicaoltranza
Joris Delacroix - Minimelodie - WOH Lab
Stephan Hinz - Momentum - Material Limited
Seth Troxler - Panic, Stop. Repeat! - Spectral Sound
Second Hand Satellites - Orbit 1.4 - Shaboom
Brwn Shoes - Chantal Is Drunk (Alland Byallo "Reposado" Remix) - My Little Dog
Estroe & Sebastien Davidson - Swabian Pancakes (Jorgensen Remix) - Conya Records
Korablorve - Pani Chacha (SCSI-9 Remix) - Pro-Tez
Jug & Mark Henning - Moops (Vitalbit Mix) - Vitalik
Ribn - Whirl Cloud - Mule Electronic
Tiger Stripes - Waterdance - Drumcode
Andrade - Scream - Robotronic Records
Touane - Spheres - Mono Records
Tim Wolff - Branch - EevoNext