...tried in new york?! wtf man

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  • runningman
    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
    • Jun 2004
    • 5995

    Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

    again the constitution has nothing to do with this..


    • unrecogniseduser
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 2344

      Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

      the obvious and right decision to make imo. Those of you who think people should be held or even killed without trial are mental.


      • superdave
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1366

        Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

        Originally posted by day_for_night
        WRONG. this...

        george bush reversed so many freedoms while he was in office it was mindblowing. thank god someone is actually sticking up for your constitution
        LOL - Obama is sticking up for the Constitution???? Thanks for the good laugh. Please provide some more information on this delusional claim. Obama voted for the Patriot act that Bush enacted after 9/11. Please enlighten us from North of the border how Obama is the defender of the Constitution.
        Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


        • chuckc
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • Jun 2004
          • 5459

          Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

          is it me or does it seem like obamas on the terrorists side with all the decisions or indecicions he has made

          his goals are to close guatonimo and move the enemy combatants to the states to be tried in state courts, move the mastermind to ny a block from the 911 site and try them in court, will be years and years of a media circus in that trial. 100Xworse than oj...needles to say how islamic papers will cover it.

          in august his genral indicates how many soldiers he needs to win. its its almost december and still no decision

          refusal to indicate the muslim radical that killed all those soldiers at fort hord could possibly be a terrorist.

          it goes on and on.


          • runningman
            Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
            • Jun 2004
            • 5995

            Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

            Originally posted by unrecogniseduser
            the obvious and right decision to make imo. Those of you who think people should be held or even killed without trial are mental.
            what do you think you are doing in Gitmo?? .. Do you think this is a new development? It was an act of war (assuming the 9/11 commission story). Bad things happen in war.


            • chunky
              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
              • Jan 2006
              • 10567

              Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

              Originally posted by superdave
              LOL - Obama is sticking up for the Constitution???? Thanks for the good laugh. Please provide some more information on this delusional claim. .
              Your hardly one to talk about delusional claims

              Originally posted by superdave
              We got what was needed from him for future attacks .
              Originally posted by res0nat0r
              OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


              • Miroslav
                WHOA I can change this!1!
                • Apr 2006
                • 4122

                Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

                Originally posted by runningman
                again the constitution has nothing to do with this..
                If you come over to our side of the border and get arrested for committing a crime, I'm willing to bet that they will read you your rights and process you the same way as they would anyone else. They may end up extraditing you back to your country, but they will do so as a part of due process in your case. I highly doubt that after looking at your Canadian driver's license that they will be able to just beat you and convict you with no trial, evidence, opportunity for you to defend yourself, etc.

                And most other countries are the same way. What happens when you get arrested for dealing drugs in Singapore? They oftentimes try you and kill you, per the processes that they as a nation have set into law - and they don't give a shit where you're from.

                So yes, the Constitution does have something to do with this. Clearly, judicial experts running our system think it does as well, since they're going to try these terrorists in court. You could argue that the place where America went wrong was in un-Constitutionally holding these guys for years without bringing charges against them, to chunky's point.
                mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


                • runningman
                  Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 5995

                  Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

                  Miro they can do whatever they want. Have you ever been stopped at your Nazi border crossings?? They laugh at you when you talk about your rights.. Believe me, I have been pulled over many, many times. I have no record and have been pulled over dozens of times and they found nothing. One time I got strip searched for no reason whatsoever.

                  Also what is with you and comparing your country to the worst countries on earth. Why don't you compare it to Canada or Norway?


                  • toasty
                    Sir Toastiness
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6585

                    Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

                    Originally posted by chuckc
                    is it me or does it seem like obamas on the terrorists side with all the decisions or indecicions he has made

                    his goals are to close guatonimo and move the enemy combatants to the states to be tried in state courts, move the mastermind to ny a block from the 911 site and try them in court, will be years and years of a media circus in that trial. 100Xworse than oj...needles to say how islamic papers will cover it.

                    in august his genral indicates how many soldiers he needs to win. its its almost december and still no decision

                    refusal to indicate the muslim radical that killed all those soldiers at fort hord could possibly be a terrorist.

                    it goes on and on.
                    it's you.


                    • chuckc
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 5459

                      Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man



                      • Miroslav
                        WHOA I can change this!1!
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 4122

                        Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

                        Originally posted by runningman
                        Miro they can do whatever they want. Have you ever been stopped at your Nazi border crossings?? They laugh at you when you talk about your rights.. Believe me, I have been pulled over many, many times. I have no record and have been pulled over dozens of times and they found nothing. One time I got strip searched for no reason whatsoever.

                        Also what is with you and comparing your country to the worst countries on earth. Why don't you compare it to Canada or Norway?
                        LOL... Dude. Plenty of people get stopped and searched at the border. I've been searched at the border. I got through just fine, no waterboarding or anything else. There is nothing in the Constitution that says they can't search anyone coming through. Guess what? They also scan everyone's luggage and search people at random before we get on airplanes herean too. That's not against the Constitution either.

                        And I'll compare my country to yours, if you'd like me to. I think they're roughly the same as far as personal liberties go. I don't think you have more virtuous politicians or police officers or judges. You have predefined processes designed to generally ensure basic human rights of people going through the system, you have cases where it works, you have cases where it fails...on the whole, not a huge difference there.
                        mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


                        • runningman
                          Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5995

                          Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

                          Ya they also scan your cell phone and your laptop where it goes into a data base. That is why I stopped going there. I just love how you can say this case is good because it is defending the constitution when it has nothing to do with that. The Patriot act I and II have trampled on the constitution. But this is a win for the constitution!! What a joke your points are!

                          This will only embolden the enemy. Putting their cause on the front burner. They should be tried in a military tribunal away from the cameras and glitz of NY. Military tribunal doesn't mean they won't have due process.

                          Either way I'm excited to see the evidence. Us "Conspiracy theorists" are chomping at the bit to see what new made up stories there are.


                          • Miroslav
                            WHOA I can change this!1!
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 4122

                            Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

                            Originally posted by runningman
                            Ya they also scan your cell phone and your laptop where it goes into a data base. That is why I stopped going there. I just love how you can say this case is good because it is defending the constitution when it has nothing to do with that. The Patriot act I and II have trampled on the constitution. But this is a win for the constitution!! What a joke your points are!

                            This will only embolden the enemy. Putting their cause on the front burner. They should be tried in a military tribunal away from the cameras and glitz of NY. Military tribunal doesn't mean they won't have due process.

                            Either way I'm excited to see the evidence. Us "Conspiracy theorists" are chomping at the bit to see what new made up stories there are.
                            Ok so let me get this straight... First you complain that we're not Constitutional enough over here and that we're violating your human rights when you try to cross the border (whatever), then you say that we're stupid for trying to uphold the Constitution and that we should have just shot these guys with no trial.

                            Make up your mind which side you want to argue. You can't do both at the same time.
                            mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


                            • runningman
                              Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 5995

                              Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

                              I didn't say that at all.. Read my posts.. I said you guys pissed on your constitution a long time ago. So to hear that this is about the constitution is laughable. You have it in your head that a military tribunal isn't court. I was for a quick case in a military tribunal with proof that is made public and a quick exectution (assuming they were found guilty).

                              and what is the (whatever) for?? I have no record. An upstanding Canadian citizen. I don't need to be harrased and strip searched when i go to your country. My sisters husband who is American even got strip searched and harrased for being married to a Canadian when he tried to get back in.
                              It is called Freedom isn't it? For you guys being so free you don't seem to be able to do anything anymore. I mean shit do you guys actually believe that terrorists would travel through border crossings? Look at canada and the US border. Look from BC all the way to Ontario. Almost none of that is protected. But the scary jihadists are going to travel through your highest security zones?? Please.

                              I have another story of a 45 year old woman with 3 kids accidentaly hit the traffic coordinator in the hand with her side mirror and was put in jail for 3 weeks because she was a flight risk. The charges were later dropped.


                              • Jenks
                                I'm kind of a big deal.
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 10250

                                Re: ...tried in new york?! wtf man

                                Originally posted by runningman
                                For you guys being so free you don't seem to be able to do anything anymore.
                                Im having no problem at all doing whatever the fk i want to do.

