a lesson to everyone about backing up data

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  • CrackedSun
    Getting Somewhere
    • Sep 2004
    • 114

    Re: a lesson to everyone about backing up data

    Originally posted by Pebbles
    Originally posted by gokada
    I'm gettting 250 gig external hard drive (Wester Digital) from www.pricewatch.com for $128.00...that includes shipping...a friend of mine told me to also back your back ups....
    A year or so ago, I bought a 120 gig internal for the same price. Geez, have prices going down or what? :?
    yah, i've noticed recently you can get ridiculously large hard drives for real cheap...i need to invest soon...my harddrive crashed this summer and i lost more software and such than anything, luckily most of my music was also on my mp3 player/external drive and CDRs. I'm now getting worried about my mp3 player crashing as it's really just a portable hardrive innit?
    and its like 3 years old at this point...
    ahhhhhhhhh the downfalls of technology


    • phazon
      Gold Gabber
      • Jun 2004
      • 750

      I've got two 200Gb HDDs RAIDed using the RAID controller on the motherboard. This seems to be the best solution to me - if a HDD dies then pull it out and whack a new one in, the mirror will automatically rebuild. Sweet.

      More expensive upfront as you need two HDDs, but no need to keep buying CDRs/DVDRs and a shitload less hassle.


      • CrackedSun
        Getting Somewhere
        • Sep 2004
        • 114

        Originally posted by phazon
        I've got two 200Gb HDDs RAIDed using the RAID controller on the motherboard. This seems to be the best solution to me - if a HDD dies then pull it out and whack a new one in, the mirror will automatically rebuild. Sweet.

        More expensive upfront as you need two HDDs, but no need to keep buying CDRs/DVDRs and a shitload less hassle.

        could you maybe elaborate a little? not too sure whatchu talkin bout?


        • TomTom
          Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
          • May 2002
          • 16206

          More details about RAID and the different modes can be found here: http://www.ahinc.com/raid.htm


          • phazon
            Gold Gabber
            • Jun 2004
            • 750

            Good link Tom. I'm using RAID 1 - Mirroring. That is, the contents of one disk are automatically 'mirrored' on a second drive. If either drive dies, then you replace the disk and the mirror array will rebuild itself. Pretty safe, as you'd be seriously unlucky to lose two disks at once. But you lose 50% of the disk capacity you have in the array.

            To do this you need a RAID controller - a lot of motherboards have them built in now.


            • day_for_night
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Jun 2004
              • 4127

              ya i've decided to say fuck it, and spend nearly a grand to get the data recovered from a company in toronto. i just cant stand the thought of having to get it all back (which i dont think i could do if i tried, some of it is very rare). the nice thing is, they said they'll put it up on an ftp and i can just download it at my convience...should only take a couple weeks of constant downloading :P


              • DaStottman
                Addiction started
                • Dec 2004
                • 330

                Re: a lesson to everyone about backing up data

                I once lost 15GB, but that was back in the day when I first started downloading
                My Top 5 Tunes Of The Moment:

                Beckers - Fake (Greg Churchill Remix)
                4Mal - Twilight
                Formulate - The Voice Of Qi
                Mat Leutwyler & Jason Suzuki - The Contended Gastronome (Kosmas Epsilon Remix)
                Classic Tune: Djum Djum - Difference


                • White_Hindu
                  Getting Somewhere
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 165

                  Word of caution:
                  CD-Rs go bad after around 3 years. Do not rely on a CD-R for permanent backup. The best solution is keep two hard disks. One for pure backups, and one for use. If you have a backup drive, never read data from it unless you are creating a ghost copy. If you read files from a backup drive it wears down mechanical motors inside the drive, and it degrades the data quality.

                  As for the different kinds of RAID, there is RAID 0(striped), RAID 1(mirrored), and RAID 5(striped and mirrored, requires 4 drives minimum).

                  Striped volumes write data to two hard drives at the same time, effectively cutting read/write time in half. It is good if you want a fast computer, but if one drive dies, you lose ALL data, as you need both drives to successfully read data. Mirrored, as mentioned above, simply makes a copy of your main hard drive and always serves as a backup.

                  Striped and mirrored is the best, but most expensive RAID array. It stripes your main drives, and then makes a mirror of each drive so if one drive dies, you always have a backup.

                  Striped volumes are almost always used to greatly increase computer performance. Mirrored volumes are used by companies with mainframes to protect data. If you're careful and patient, you don't need either.


                  • DJZeke
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 165

                    Re: a lesson to everyone about backing up data

                    Originally posted by gokada
                    I'm gettting 250 gig external hard drive (Wester Digital) from www.pricewatch.com for $128.00...that includes shipping...a friend of mine told me to also back your back ups....
                    good idea, i have been recently had touble with drives lately and i don't want my music drive to fail i have about 150 gigs of mp3s so that is still a lot of dvds to backup. I think i am going to invest in high quality enterprise drives.
                    Seagate is a leader in mass-capacity data storage. We’ve delivered more than four billion terabytes of capacity over the past four decades. We make storage that scales, bringing trust and integrity to innovations that depend on data. In an era of unprecedented creation, Seagate stores infinite potential.

                    also seagate drives now have a 5 year warranty.
                    DJZeke @ SoulSeek


                    • day_for_night
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 4127

                      Re: a lesson to everyone about backing up data

                      Originally posted by DJZeke
                      Originally posted by gokada
                      I'm gettting 250 gig external hard drive (Wester Digital) from www.pricewatch.com for $128.00...that includes shipping...a friend of mine told me to also back your back ups....
                      good idea, i have been recently had touble with drives lately and i don't want my music drive to fail i have about 150 gigs of mp3s so that is still a lot of dvds to backup. I think i am going to invest in high quality enterprise drives.
                      Seagate is a leader in mass-capacity data storage. We’ve delivered more than four billion terabytes of capacity over the past four decades. We make storage that scales, bringing trust and integrity to innovations that depend on data. In an era of unprecedented creation, Seagate stores infinite potential.

                      also seagate drives now have a 5 year warranty.
                      how much is that bad boy?


                      • master of puppets
                        Addiction started
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 480

                        I make backups all weeks, I don't want this happens to me.
                        DIODE NOISE GENERATOR

                        slsk: bass_warrior

