Saturday, 12 December, 2009
She is considered Ovum, Get Physical & Pickadoll's Secret Weapon. But at WMC 2009 Sunday School For Degenerates, the secret came out and a Star was born. Amongst a Line-up of Superstar DJ's, IDA ENGBERG played her uncompromising Swedish Techno/House that was one of the Consensus Best DJ sets in Miami. On Saturday, December 12, she turns INCOGNITO for her 1st LA Appearance. Trust that this is an event that you simply cannot miss.
click flyer for $10 advanced tickets
Area#1 ||||| deep.tech.minimal.techno
:: I D A . E N G B E R G
:: Pickadoll Music _ Get Physical | Stockholm, Sweden
:: www.myspace.com/idaengberg
:: C A C H E
:: INCOGNITO _ WOMB _ Bianca's Joint
:: www.myspace.com/1800cachecall
:: F R A N C O . B E N I T O
:: www.myspace.com/francobenito
:: R O B T R O N I K
:: Compression _ Convention
:: www.myspace.com/robtronik
:: W I L L Y . E L E C T R O N A R C O S I S
:: Terrakroma
:: www.myspace.com/electronarcosismusic
:: M A N O . K U E R T E N
:: Trebol Records _ Made In Brazil
:: www.myspace.com/germanokuerten
:: J U A N . P A B L O K E Y
:: LatinTronik _ WC Music
:: www.soundcloud.com/pablokey
live visual manipulation by // V J . K R I S . B E R T R A N D
Area#2 ||||| electro.indie.fidget
:: A T O M I C . M I K E
:: Incognito
:: www.myspace.com/djatomicmike
:: A V E N U E . 6 6
:: Stompin' Grounds
:: www.myspace.com/tommiilim
:: F U M I . T H E . D J
:: www.myspace.com/fumithedj
:: D J . H I D E . vs . T J . O K A
:: Afro99 _ Pioneer _ Pure.FM
:: www.afro99.com
:: C A S S E T T E . + . C O U N T . R O C K U L A
:: www.myspace.com/thisiscassette
:: S T E V E N . S A B O C O R
:: www.facebook.com/stevensabocor
// D E T A I L S ////////
* 21+ with ID | 10:00PM-6:00AM
* Cash Bar & Entrance
// F O R . L O C A T I O N ////////
* Call 323.527.5105 at Day of Event
* Secure Parking Lot Beside Venue
// P R E M I U M . L O U D S P E A K E R S ////////
* Turbosound Touring Speakers
// T I C K E T S ////////
* $10 Advanced Tickets at Groove Tickets (http://fla.vor.us/incognito)
* $15 before MIDNIGHT, $20 after with RSVP
// G U E S T . L I S T ////////
* http://www.incognitola.com/rsvp
* rsvp@incognitola.com
* Facebook, Going.com events
// F O L L O W . U S ////////
* http://www.incognitola.com
* http://twitter.com/incognitola
* http://incognito.fanbridge.com
* http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid-7975670820
// F O R . E V E R Y B O D Y ' S . E N J O Y M E N T ////////
* Bring your closest friends
* Wear your dancing shoes & outfit
* Bring cash
* Meet new friends
* Please do not repost location, just make sure you inform ONLY friends you trust
* No glowsticks
Saturday, 12 December, 2009
She is considered Ovum, Get Physical & Pickadoll's Secret Weapon. But at WMC 2009 Sunday School For Degenerates, the secret came out and a Star was born. Amongst a Line-up of Superstar DJ's, IDA ENGBERG played her uncompromising Swedish Techno/House that was one of the Consensus Best DJ sets in Miami. On Saturday, December 12, she turns INCOGNITO for her 1st LA Appearance. Trust that this is an event that you simply cannot miss.
click flyer for $10 advanced tickets
Area#1 ||||| deep.tech.minimal.techno
:: I D A . E N G B E R G
:: Pickadoll Music _ Get Physical | Stockholm, Sweden
:: www.myspace.com/idaengberg
:: C A C H E
:: INCOGNITO _ WOMB _ Bianca's Joint
:: www.myspace.com/1800cachecall
:: F R A N C O . B E N I T O
:: www.myspace.com/francobenito
:: R O B T R O N I K
:: Compression _ Convention
:: www.myspace.com/robtronik
:: W I L L Y . E L E C T R O N A R C O S I S
:: Terrakroma
:: www.myspace.com/electronarcosismusic
:: M A N O . K U E R T E N
:: Trebol Records _ Made In Brazil
:: www.myspace.com/germanokuerten
:: J U A N . P A B L O K E Y
:: LatinTronik _ WC Music
:: www.soundcloud.com/pablokey
live visual manipulation by // V J . K R I S . B E R T R A N D
Area#2 ||||| electro.indie.fidget
:: A T O M I C . M I K E
:: Incognito
:: www.myspace.com/djatomicmike
:: A V E N U E . 6 6
:: Stompin' Grounds
:: www.myspace.com/tommiilim
:: F U M I . T H E . D J
:: www.myspace.com/fumithedj
:: D J . H I D E . vs . T J . O K A
:: Afro99 _ Pioneer _ Pure.FM
:: www.afro99.com
:: C A S S E T T E . + . C O U N T . R O C K U L A
:: www.myspace.com/thisiscassette
:: S T E V E N . S A B O C O R
:: www.facebook.com/stevensabocor
// D E T A I L S ////////
* 21+ with ID | 10:00PM-6:00AM
* Cash Bar & Entrance
// F O R . L O C A T I O N ////////
* Call 323.527.5105 at Day of Event
* Secure Parking Lot Beside Venue
// P R E M I U M . L O U D S P E A K E R S ////////
* Turbosound Touring Speakers
// T I C K E T S ////////
* $10 Advanced Tickets at Groove Tickets (http://fla.vor.us/incognito)
* $15 before MIDNIGHT, $20 after with RSVP
// G U E S T . L I S T ////////
* http://www.incognitola.com/rsvp
* rsvp@incognitola.com
* Facebook, Going.com events
// F O L L O W . U S ////////
* http://www.incognitola.com
* http://twitter.com/incognitola
* http://incognito.fanbridge.com
* http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid-7975670820
// F O R . E V E R Y B O D Y ' S . E N J O Y M E N T ////////
* Bring your closest friends
* Wear your dancing shoes & outfit
* Bring cash
* Meet new friends
* Please do not repost location, just make sure you inform ONLY friends you trust
* No glowsticks