I am trying to get this residency at a very upscale place in town and one of the nights I will possibly have to play on is there Lady's Night. Now no problem so far, except they want me to play lounge type stuff. OK???? He said stuff like was put out on 18th St.lounge label. Well I looked there and the last thing they released was like in Feb. of 05.
I need help. I can play most anything but I have no idea where to find this sfuff.
If anyone out there has a clue PLEASE help a fellow ms'er out
I am dying to get this job b/c It will give me the chance to actually get in somewhere and slowly try to move this crowd/town in a more forward direction with my music.
Any chance we get to play music we normaly don't play I think it makes you a better DJ.
I know that some of you are saying why bother if you don't know/like the music.
I am pretty free to play what I want to an extent on different night. Plus the chance to influence this crowd to listen to different stuff
thanks friends
I need help. I can play most anything but I have no idea where to find this sfuff.
If anyone out there has a clue PLEASE help a fellow ms'er out
I am dying to get this job b/c It will give me the chance to actually get in somewhere and slowly try to move this crowd/town in a more forward direction with my music.
Any chance we get to play music we normaly don't play I think it makes you a better DJ.
I know that some of you are saying why bother if you don't know/like the music.
I am pretty free to play what I want to an extent on different night. Plus the chance to influence this crowd to listen to different stuff
thanks friends