Has Digweed lost a step lately??

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  • chuckc
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 5459

    Has Digweed lost a step lately??

    Is it just me or had Diggers lost a step lately. It seems like all his kiss shows and transistions shows just are not doing it for me anymore. Even when I saw him live at the end of summer tour with desyn...it was probably my least favorite performance by him.....i did not even really like his fabric 20 cd that is coming out.

    Now dont get me wrong, I used to be the biggest digweed fan around...I just dont seem to like what he has been playing lately.
  • liquidsky
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 217

    Over the past few months, I've found that his hour of the show hasn't had many tracks which have caught my interest because he seems to be playing a lot which have electro sounds to them which I still just can't get into.... just my imo of it...

    Been featuring many of the second hour special guest sets though...


    • rewing3
      I really don't care
      • Jun 2004
      • 5504

      Maybe ur taste are changing or his. I am sure diggers gets tired of playing the same damn records all the time. I will admit that his kiss 100 mixes this yr have not been top notch likes yrs paste and his fabric cd is nothing special but there have been highlights this yr. There have been a couple of kiss mixes that have been awesome but like I stay it always comes down to the quality of records that are out too. A dj is only as good as the tracks he has.
      Common Sense is not Common at all.


      • LV-8
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1167

        Re: Has Digweed lost a step lately??

        I've never felt his Kiss shows, but the whole point of his Kiss and Transition shows is to show off new tracks and new producers. It' s not meant to be like his club shows.


        • skahound
          Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
          • Jun 2004
          • 11411

          I've like his Kiss shows personally. I think there have been some over the past few months which have been some of the best I've heard. Maybe he should go back to playing trance though. :wink:
          A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


          • rickyfuller
            Getting warmed up
            • Jun 2004
            • 76

            Re: Has Digweed lost a step lately??

            ive been digging the kiss shows, sure there is a miss every once and awhile but for someone to put together a show every week with all that music i think he's been on point.
            We are who we are!


            • Steve Graham
              DJ Jelly
              • Jun 2004
              • 12887

              Originally posted by skahound
              I've like his Kiss shows personally. I think there have been some over the past few months which have been some of the best I've heard. Maybe he should go back to playing trance though. :wink:
              switching to trance? who the hell would do that?

              and the comment about his kiss shows being a showcase of new choons, not a typical set, is something i have been saying for ages.


              • thesightless
                Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                • Jun 2004
                • 13567

                while the kiss shows never do him justice, the CD's do a little more. but jon digweed is all oabout the live 4am acid pumping music. he has never ever showned what he can do in a set with anything recorded.

                ask those who go to fabric or those who were at crobar at 6am in august. he gets proper filthy.
                your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                download that. deep shit listed there

                my dick is its own superhero.


                • turban
                  Getting Somewhere
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 127

                  Originally posted by thesightless
                  while the kiss shows never do him justice, the CD's do a little more. but jon digweed is all oabout the live 4am acid pumping music. he has never ever showned what he can do in a set with anything recorded.

                  ask those who go to fabric or those who were at crobar at 6am in august. he gets proper filthy.
                  Yup, it's about being really fucked listening to proper drug music, which digweed delivers perfectly in a club. His Kiss shows are still good, if not a bit hit and miss, decent listening music imo.


                  • turban
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 127

                    Originally posted by thesightless
                    while the kiss shows never do him justice, the CD's do a little more. but jon digweed is all oabout the live 4am acid pumping music. he has never ever showned what he can do in a set with anything recorded.

                    ask those who go to fabric or those who were at crobar at 6am in august. he gets proper filthy.
                    Yup, it's about being really fucked listening to proper drug music, which digweed delivers perfectly in a club. His Kiss shows are still good, if not a bit hit and miss, decent listening music imo.


                    • chuckc
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 5459

                      Re: Has Digweed lost a step lately??

                      Yeah i agree with the kiss show and transistion show being a showcase for new tunes...but even the live digweed sets that he has been featuring on his show

                      Like the Space CLosing Party, and The Lush set.......have just seemed below average for Digweed....

                      THe last time I heard digweed in top form was at Space Miami with Sasha in 2003.......truly amazing


                      • sakio pod
                        SALAD TOSSER
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 6034

                        have faith pussies...........


                        • janky
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 354

                          Re: Has Digweed lost a step lately??

                          Digweed's Dec 12 Kiss set is my favorite of the year...very well done.
                          4 9 7 23 5 5 4


                          • arielus
                            He's back, in Pog form
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 4281

                            Question: Has Digweed lost a step lately??
                            Answer: NO

                            And this is why.

                            His KISS shows tell just a bit about him.. there's so many tunes he can't play on his show, so his hands are tied... anyway, recording a weekly show without repeating a single track is not easy.. and he does the job perfectly.

                            He's all about live sets.. Check his set at beirut.. look what tracks he played IN FEBRUARY! most djs started playing some of those tracks in june.
                            He leads the way, he sets a marker.
                            I had chance to see him live just twice, and HE FUCKIN ROOOOCKSS

                            Both nights blew my head off. Incredible mood, amazing groove, awesome strenght.. his sets were unbelievable.

                            That's why he hasn't lost a step imho :wink:


                            • Leha
                              Addiction started
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 483

                              i still like his music, his guests and will continue to leach from MS

