no surprise there then.
McGwire admits steroid use
McGwire admits steroid use
....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....
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Re: McGwire admits steroid use
About time, IMO -- at least it's out there, it's confirmed, and people can cast judgment as they deem appropriate without fear of being wrong.
My take on him is exactly the same as it was yesterday, which is that I was pretty sure he had used steroids, but thought he deserved to be in the HoF anyway. Simply put, this is hardly a revelation now, and it wouldn't have been a revelation if he came out during 1998 and confirmed that he was taking them then. EVERYONE -- the fans, the players, the league -- knew he and Sosa were juicing, and even though we may not have been open about it at the time, we all looked the other way because it was so much fun watching the home run chase.
Here's something that should be beyond dispute: McGwire and Sosa brought baseball back from the dead. It had never really recovered from the lockout/strike until The Quest for 62 re-energized the sport. Living in St. Louis during 1998 was an unmitigated blast, the energy at the ballpark was incredible. If only for this reason, Mac deserves a spot in the Hall. We were all plenty eager to crown him at the time notwithstanding that we all knew he was on something, and its not really fair to turn our nose up at him now for doing something that we all knew he was doing, if we're being honest with ourselves. He gave us what we wanted.
Whether his stats require an asterisk or the be stricken entirely is a different matter, but he's one of the most important figures in modern baseball notwithstanding his steroid use, and shouldn't be denied a spot in the HoF on account of doing something that we all tacitly allowed him to do. Maybe he and Sosa get a special exhibit or something that acknowledges the event without technically making them HoF members, but baseball owes its popularity now to what Mac and Sosa did in 1998, and a HoF that just pretends that event never occurred would lose some credibility, IMO. -
Re: McGwire admits steroid use
this is about as surprising as Ellen, Elton or George "coming out", what's going to be more interesting is:
1. who mans up and follows suit
2. how the writers see this admission and if it will help or hurt his chances of getting into Cooperstown
3. how he is received by his "peers" now that really he is THE only one of the lot to actually come out and say yes I took 'roids where as Petit, A-Rod and Giambi, never really said they took PED's
at the end of the day the only fair thing to do is erase his stats from the years he took 'roids and Sosa and Bonds etc...when/if they finally come clean <<< pun intendedComment
Re: McGwire admits steroid use
Well, technically, he did lie under oath, because they asked him point blank: Will you go and talk to kids about steroids, will you be an anti-steroid spokesperson? and he said YES. To my knowledge, he just ran and hid at his compound in california for 7 years until the statute of limitations ran out or something. I don't think McGwire is a cheater, because everyone was using roids back then, and it wasn't technically banned by baseball, regardless if it was an illegal substance to use without a prescription. Bud Selig, the owners, and the players association are to blame for the roid era. I do think however, that McGwire is a liar and a self serving piece of crap with zero integrity, and i'm appauled that he's our hitting coach now. What's next, Ben Johnson is going to be the olympic track coach for Canada??Comment
Re: McGwire admits steroid use
jesus, I see your point, honestly, I'm just over these grown fuckin men that are supposed to be world class athletes acting like little pussies instead of manning up and saying I messed up and I'm sorry. He can sit there and snivel like a little girl all he wants I have zero respect, and so funny that the ONE guy no one wants to believe, Canseco, seems to be the only one telling the truth from day one.
He says he wasnt in position to say what he wanted to in front of congress, yeah, because it didn't benefit HIM at that point
as I said, all these asshole's records/stats need to be wiped off the books.. fuck' emComment
Re: McGwire admits steroid use
Canseco, seems to be the only one telling the truth from day one.
He says he wasnt in position to say what he wanted to in front of congress, yeah, because it didn't benefit HIM at that point
as I said, all these asshole's records/stats need to be wiped off the books.. fuck' em"Dance to the \'ri-them\, to the \'ri-them\, to the \'r`im\"Comment
Re: McGwire admits steroid use
Proves the commish was born under a rock and probably never lifted any weights at any point in his life and had no clue what steroids were. Plus he's blind, if he couldn't see the way those guys blew up over night after being tall and lanky then he really is a dumb ass. Point is it wasn't tested for and these guys still had to have excellent hand eye coordination to hit the ball. I know this to be true because I was fortunate enough to play a few years in the KC organization out at Boardwalk and Baseball, added strength with a wood bat as oppose to aluminum bat, made a big difference so a lot of balls they hit out of the park might not have sailed and just been pop ups. Just wish he would have come clean. A Rod came out and admitted it and nobody cares no and he will get in the HOF."Dance to the \'ri-them\, to the \'ri-them\, to the \'r`im\"Comment