everyone hates the jews

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  • thesightless
    Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
    • Jun 2004
    • 13567

    everyone hates the jews

    i walked into his office this morning and he was reading a news article on www.msnbc.com about the Gaza and he obviously was in a bad mood. i tried to be a bit of a wiseass and ask him what was wrong and get a laugh out of him. he said" the world hates the jews" i said " try being a young catholic who voted republican in NYC."

    he went on to say how the jews in the middle east put too much emphasis on religion and seem to have adopted the poor me syndrome. he went on how the jews laid down in front of the germans when he was young, instead of fighting for themselves. he said the trend followed through to modern day isreali-palastinian conflict. i self-admittedly dont know much about the conflict outside of the fact that its seems the 2 peoples are like divorced parents forced to live together.

    it made me sad.

    so the real question, and maybe davetlv can help me out, is what the fuck is going on over there?
    your life is an occasion, rise to it.

    Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
    download that. deep shit listed there

    my dick is its own superhero.
  • fishingnut
    Addiction started
    • Nov 2004
    • 263

    who lived where first.
    Don't post anything you wouldn't want yo mamma or the 'feds' to read.


    • ian
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 289

      the bible talks about that area as being the "promised land" to the Jews, and there is mention of in the last days a "New Jeruselem" being raised up and becoming the number one political power - this obviously makes the jews think that they have a god ordained right to the land.

      Christians are split on the issue - some think that the bible bits in question talk metaphorically about the church - but some (mainly evangelical american zionists) believe that it means it literally and that the area by rights belongs to the jews and that Jesus will one day return there and rule the world.

      This is all off the top of my head, so it may not be 100% accurate, but that's the basic jist of it!
      Signature for Rent - ?1/character


      • davetlv
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1205

        thesightless, when you ask what the fuck is going on, do you mean specifically now or how this mess was created in the first place?


        • thesightless
          Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
          • Jun 2004
          • 13567

          Re: everyone hates the jews

          i just wonder how the two can hate each other so much, how sharon feels he has the right to force people to move back out of gaza, why the hell neither nation wants to really recognize each other as a real nation. is this basically like two little kids fighting for the same toy>?
          your life is an occasion, rise to it.

          Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
          download that. deep shit listed there

          my dick is its own superhero.


          • rickyfuller
            Getting warmed up
            • Jun 2004
            • 76

            Re: everyone hates the jews

            i can't believe people are willing to kill and die for a god. religion stems from a fear of death and nothing can be proven. it's just faith and people want to kill over it. crazy shit.
            We are who we are!


            • ian
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 289

              Re: everyone hates the jews

              Originally posted by rickyfuller
              i can't believe people are willing to kill and die for a god.
              what better thing is there to kill and die for?!
              Signature for Rent - ?1/character


              • davetlv
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1205

                Re: everyone hates the jews

                First off thesightless Sharon is only doing part of what international law demands off of my country, let alone what the vast majority of Israelis want. For the majority of the world you see Israels illegal occupation of the terrtories as purely an issue of land, however for many of us we also see it as an enormous drain on limited resources. For this young country to succeed we need to ensure that there is complete parity amongst its population, and yet we see successive governments (both left and right) giving settlers prefriential treatment in all walks of day to day life. So before you ask yourself 'How can Sharon (or Peres or Beilin or Lapid etc) do this' ask yourself what the people want!

                Secondly, since the Oslo accords both Israel and the Palestinians were meant to recognise each others right to exisit within this region. Whilst Israel responded in 2000 with the Barak plan (which included 95% of the occupied territories) the Palestinian side responded with this ongoin war - i'm no longer prepared to call it an Intifada as that means general uprising, this it is not, its planned warfare by Fatah. Hamas and Islamic Jihad).

                Both sides can probably stake a claim of the land dating back to biblical times with Abraham and his two sons Isaac and Ishmail. However, its propably easier to look soley at the 20th century starting with the demise of the Ottoman empire and the creation of nation states within the territories the Ottomans controlled.

                The British manadate of 1917 was meant to seperate thearea, at the time reffered to as Palestine, in to two countries, Transjordan and Israel. Whilst Transjordan (now Jordan) was given to the Hasimite clan to rule, Israel was kept very much under British rule. For 41 years the British refused to implement their own plan for the region, namely two countries one for the Jews and one for the Arabs (the idea of a seperate Palestinian identity only really to hold after the 1967 six day war when Israel was invaded and won the territiores previously occupied by Jordan and Egypt).

                After the state of Israel was created, and recognised by the UN, in 1948 it was a much smaller country then it was meant to be under the British mandate plan. What we now call the West Bank was occuppied by Jordan and the Gaza strip was occupied by Egypt. Soon after the UN set up a seperate refugee agency to help find permentnat housing for the million or so displaced arabs who found themselves in the West Bank and Gaza strip and yet were not welcomed by their occupying forces (Jordan and Egypt).

                (Part two to follow later - got to go to work)


                • cosmo
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 583

                  daveltv check your hotmail.

                  You've got mail.


                  • thesightless
                    Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 13567

                    Re: everyone hates the jews

                    Originally posted by davetlv
                    First off thesightless Sharon is only doing part of what international law demands off of my country, let alone what the vast majority of Israelis want. For the majority of the world you see Israels illegal occupation of the terrtories as purely an issue of land, however for many of us we also see it as an enormous drain on limited resources. For this young country to succeed we need to ensure that there is complete parity amongst its population, and yet we see successive governments (both left and right) giving settlers prefriential treatment in all walks of day to day life. So before you ask yourself 'How can Sharon (or Peres or Beilin or Lapid etc) do this' ask yourself what the people want!
                    ok, again i self admittedly dont know a lot about it b/c i never really cared about it enough to listen, but now i want to know. was the gaza area an Isreali occupied land when it was created for palastinians and then were the isreali's told to leave thier land> or> did the isreali's move into the land on thier own part and attempt to populate an area they were told to stay out of.?????

                    to quote someone "" why cant we all just get along.?"
                    your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                    Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                    download that. deep shit listed there

                    my dick is its own superhero.


                    • rickyfuller
                      Getting warmed up
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 76

                      Re: everyone hates the jews

                      Originally posted by ian
                      Originally posted by rickyfuller
                      i can't believe people are willing to kill and die for a god.
                      what better thing is there to kill and die for?!
                      bitches, i would kill some motherfuckers for some hot bitches. like we should be at war with brazil just to get their girls. good breeders them brazilians are.
                      We are who we are!


                      • thesightless
                        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 13567

                        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                        download that. deep shit listed there

                        my dick is its own superhero.


                        • cosmo
                          Gold Gabber
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 583

                          Re: everyone hates the jews

                          Originally posted by rickyfuller
                          Originally posted by ian
                          Originally posted by rickyfuller
                          i can't believe people are willing to kill and die for a god.
                          what better thing is there to kill and die for?!
                          bitches, i would kill some motherfuckers for some hot bitches. like we should be at war with brazil just to get their girls. good breeders them brazilians are.

                          You're telling me. There is a hottie that works with us. She's about 30, from Brazil. Her name is Ana. Luscious.



                          • rickyfuller
                            Getting warmed up
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 76

                            Re: everyone hates the jews

                            Originally posted by cosmo
                            Originally posted by rickyfuller
                            Originally posted by ian
                            Originally posted by rickyfuller
                            i can't believe people are willing to kill and die for a god.
                            what better thing is there to kill and die for?!
                            bitches, i would kill some motherfuckers for some hot bitches. like we should be at war with brazil just to get their girls. good breeders them brazilians are.

                            You're telling me. There is a hottie that works with us. She's about 30, from Brazil. Her name is Ana. Luscious.

                            i would highly encourage you to seek her out. their abilities will amaze you. i've been to rio twice now, and that is something to start a war over.

                            check out mikeinbrazil.com that was our vacation without cameras.
                            We are who we are!


                            • rickyfuller
                              Getting warmed up
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 76

                              Re: everyone hates the jews

                              by the way do you like the way i hijacked this thread. from jews to whores. i'm quite proud of this one my friends.
                              We are who we are!

