My first club event (hosting)

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  • chuckc
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 5459

    Re: My first club event (hosting)

    good luck tommrow. please post pix and your set if u record it!!


    • Jenks
      I'm kind of a big deal.
      • Jun 2004
      • 10250

      Re: My first club event (hosting)

      Originally posted by 88Mariner
      i'm not sure how long you've been on the forums, but didn't Randal Jones go APESHIT on the old GU forum one time?

      anyone back me up on this/
      yes, lol, that was awesome.


      • 88Mariner
        My dick is smaller
        • Nov 2006
        • 7128

        Re: My first club event (hosting)

        Originally posted by Jenks
        yes, lol, that was awesome.
        oh thank GOD someone remembers this - i was pretty sure I might have just mixed up memories of old forums - GU/Skanksuary/MS/RandyGalaxy etc...

        ah good times then. I can't remember what his tiff was about. Maybe somebody slagged his records I imagine.

        If i could find the Tenaglia rant, I'd post it up...
        you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

        it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

        Am I the corners of your mind....



        • Steve Graham
          DJ Jelly
          • Jun 2004
          • 12887

          Re: My first club event (hosting)

          some advice from all my experiences.. this isn't negativity, just a few things I've learned along the way.

          1. club/venue owners are all douche bags just looking to make money until they prove other wise, just be prepared for that.

          2. they'll talk a big game about all the things they want to do and everything they've done in the past acting like they're doing you a favour, when obviously it's the other way around, because if they really were hot shit and knew what they were doing, their place would probably already be packed...

          3. go into each venue assuming it will only last a few weeks, this way when the owner pulls the plug at the last minute due to whatever reason (I've seen this happen way too many times with no more than a few hours notice) you already have a back up plan of where you're moving your night. always be on the look out for the next venue you want to use, because I guarantee, the owner is looking for the next big thing to bring in

          4. unless the venue is
          a) paying you
          b) has their own equipment
          c) paying for talent
          look at it as a place with 4 walls and a ceiling that your throwing a party in. the key here is YOU are building something, a brand, a "night", get a name for the night and push push push it, so when you do move venue (it'll happen) people will know you by the name of the night you're promoting, because at the end of the day you're trying to build something not make the venue a ton of money.

          5. try to get some sort of commitment from the venue either
          a) an amount of time ie: at least a 3 month period as nothing is going to blow up over night and with out time to grow the night you're not doing anyone any favours.
          b) get the venue to either pay for fliers or at least help pay for them, or put an ad in the local event paper (here we have creative loafing)
          c) get them to give you a piece of the bar over what they would do on a normal night if you weren't there

          6. make sure that if the place has a website, facebook and /or myspace page, that they are updating it with your events

          7. I know it's exciting to have a venue to do a weekly, bi weekly or monthly, but don't let them see that, act like you've been doing this for ages and they're lucky to have you

          8. if there is a large bar staff, make sure you have people working your nights that enjoy house music or at least can tolerate it, if they don't and the ones that work there don't like the music, maybe request to bring in someone you know that bartends and likes EDM. nothing is worse than throwing a party and looking over and the bartenders can't be bothered to be there. if they're happy and dancing around and acting like they're enjoying themselves it will make for a much better atmosphere. trust me i've seen and heard bartenders going on about "techno" blows, or this music sucks.. you'll have your followers of course, but if other people come in and they may not exactly be into the music, their server/bartender can have a big influence on them staying, leaving, or coming back at all. you'd think they would want to make money, but some people aren't that bright and will stand there looking pissed off because they don't like "techno" lol

          this may sound cynical, but it's better to be prepared for these things in the beginning. it's fun, it's A LOT of fun, but it's A LOT of work. Having said all that it's such a great feeling to see the owner/mgr walking around with a smile and pumping his fist to the music. The venue I'm working with now we have a really good working relationship because our parties are doing well, but never let your guard down, and always be ready to re-negotiate any deals, agreements.. if he or she is obviously making more money each party you do, it's only fair that you get compensated since you are more than likely the reason

          hope this helps a bit.. feel free to ask any questions

          best of luck with night my friend!

          it's of course not about the money, but, you put a lot of time and effort into these things, it's nice to walk with at least a little bit of $$$

          the banner idea is great too, again going along with building an identity


          • hulkhuss
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jun 2004
            • 3699

            Re: My first club event (hosting)

            ^^^^ Thanks Steve, that is great advice for me and everyone on here.
            The owner is actually super cool! The first time I met him he was like, "Let's all do a shot!"




            • hulkhuss
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Jun 2004
              • 3699

              Re: My first club event (hosting)

              Originally posted by chuckc
              good luck tommrow. please post pix and your set if u record it!!
              Danks Bro, will do!




              • Steve Graham
                DJ Jelly
                • Jun 2004
                • 12887

                Re: My first club event (hosting)

                Originally posted by hulkhuss
                ^^^^ Thanks Steve, that is great advice for me and everyone on here.
                The owner is actually super cool! The first time I met him he was like, "Let's all do a shot!"
                lol, thats cool.. most of that wasn't exactly directed or meant for this situation you're in now, but I felt it might be usefull information moving forward


                • hulkhuss
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 3699

                  Re: My first club event (hosting)

                  Yeah that is good info for everyone, I know Pickle was looking for advice and you did a great job of summing it up




                  • hulkhuss
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 3699

                    Re: My first club event (hosting)

                    Well last nite was great times and great music as planned!
                    I will post some pics soon and might have a recording to post too




                    • coleby761
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • May 2008
                      • 4857

                      Re: My first club event (hosting)

                      Originally posted by hulkhuss
                      Well last nite was great times and great music as planned!
                      I will post some pics soon and might have a recording to post too
                      Good for you bro Glad it went well. Looking forward to the audio


                      • hulkhuss
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 3699

                        Re: My first club event (hosting)

                        Thanks Coleby, I will post some pics tomorrow and then the audio when i get it from Jake C




                        • hulkhuss
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 3699

                          Re: My first club event (hosting)

                          Ok here are the pics on this link

                          I am not sure if Kamal wants to work his magic again and post them directly like last time?
                          A music link thread should be coming tomorrow




                          • Steve Graham
                            DJ Jelly
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 12887

                            Re: My first club event (hosting)

                            nice one mate, looks like you guys were having fun!


                            • hulkhuss
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 3699

                              Re: My first club event (hosting)

                              Originally posted by Steve Graham
                              nice one mate, looks like you guys were having fun!
                              Thanks Steve, yeah we had a blast doin our thang!
                              I got good news too, the owner was happy with our event, and wants us to set one up for next month!
                              Who knows if we can keep a monthly going and if
                              you are ever in town maybe you could throw down with us sometime?




                              • hulkhuss
                                Are you Kidding me??
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 3699

                                Re: My first club event (hosting)

                                Here is the thread link to a 90 min tag team set with me and Jake-C from the event
                                Here is a 90 min tag set with me and Jake-C we did the build up for our headliner 8) ( I have a feeling part of it might air on soon! ;)



