The War on Truthers

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  • chunky
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • Jan 2006
    • 10570

    Re: The War on Truthers

    Originally posted by res0nat0r
    but of course NIST have...but you do a good job of throwing them out the door since they dont align with your crazy ass ideas
    Right now I can respond. No NIST didn't recreate their theories in the furnaces they didn't even come close. The had to resort to computer simulation and use a hell of a lot of poetic licence. If you want I can dig the video out for you.
    Originally posted by res0nat0r
    OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


    • chunky
      Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
      • Jan 2006
      • 10570

      Re: The War on Truthers

      Originally posted by res0nat0r

      You really should quit acting like a purposeful idiot to argue your point. It does bring me joy though.
      Do you want me to go back and dig your quote out about the CCTV to
      Originally posted by res0nat0r
      OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


      • res0nat0r
        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
        • May 2006
        • 14475

        Re: The War on Truthers

        Originally posted by chunky
        Right now I can respond. No NIST didn't recreate their theories in the furnaces they didn't even come close. The had to resort to computer simulation and use a hell of a lot of poetic licence. If you want I can dig the video out for you.
        Science. It's a bitch ain't it?

        Originally posted by chunky
        Do you want me to go back and dig your quote out about the CCTV to
        Since hundreds of independent people corroborating the same evidence isn't enough for you, you are obviously too ignorant to argue with, so no matter, keep tossing reality out the door. Take the blue pill...


        • chunky
          Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
          • Jan 2006
          • 10570

          Re: The War on Truthers

          Originally posted by res0nat0r
          Science. It's a bitch ain't it?
          Heres one of the NIST reports for you

          The collapse of the WTC buildings following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, was one of the worst buildin

          Which is verified in this video

          Originally posted by res0nat0r
          OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


          • chunky
            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
            • Jan 2006
            • 10570

            Re: The War on Truthers

            Originally posted by res0nat0r

            Since hundreds of independent people corroborating the same evidence isn't enough for you, you are obviously too ignorant to argue with, so no matter, keep tossing reality out the door. Take the blue pill...
            Hey are you saying hundreds of people also belive that the Pentagon had antique CCTV
            Originally posted by res0nat0r
            OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


            • res0nat0r
              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
              • May 2006
              • 14475

              Re: The War on Truthers



              • res0nat0r
                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                • May 2006
                • 14475

                Re: The War on Truthers

                really dont want to flush an hour of my life down the toilet so some armchair internet qb can use his copy of photoshop to explain physics to me. i do love how though in the first 2 mins of the video even the fucking people in space see the smoke from planes hitting buildings though. if you dont think that caused things to collapse then you are just too stupid to even argue with. the end.


                • chunky
                  Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                  • Jan 2006
                  • 10570

                  Re: The War on Truthers

                  Originally posted by res0nat0r
                  really dont want to flush an hour of my life down the toilet so some armchair internet qb can use his copy of photoshop to explain physics to me. i do love how though in the first 2 mins of the video even the fucking people in space see the smoke from planes hitting buildings though. if you dont think that caused things to collapse then you are just too stupid to even argue with. the end.
                  No worries res0 like I said at the start you like to bury your head in the sand. You keep forgetting no plane hit building 7. I can tell you which part of the film you need to watch if you want!

                  Just one question as this was the catalyst that got you to wet your knickers. How many so-called truthers have you convinced that 9/11 wasn't an inside job? I recon the answer is in your user name
                  Originally posted by res0nat0r
                  OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                  • res0nat0r
                    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                    • May 2006
                    • 14475

                    Re: The War on Truthers

                    Originally posted by chunky
                    No worries res0 like I said at the start you like to bury your head in the sand. You keep forgetting no plane hit building 7. I can tell you which part of the film you need to watch if you want!
                    No shit, the building next to it hit it and caused it to collapse. Fucking Christ its not that hard to understand.

                    Just one question as this was the catalyst that got you to wet your knickers. How many so-called truthers have you convinced that 9/11 wasn't an inside job? I recon the answer is in your user name
                    None because they are all idiots and only believe the stupid shit that supports their point and ignore everything else. Internet 60 Minutes reporters FTW.


                    • chunky
                      Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                      • Jan 2006
                      • 10570

                      Re: The War on Truthers

                      Originally posted by res0nat0r
                      No shit, the building next to it hit it and caused it to collapse. Fucking Christ its not that hard to understand.
                      It that the science you talk about. Fail. remember until last year you didn't even know who the Jersey Widows where.

                      You can't even get the geography right
                      Originally posted by res0nat0r
                      OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                      • res0nat0r
                        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                        • May 2006
                        • 14475

                        Re: The War on Truthers

                        ^Dont give a fuck about some broads you want to make into martyrs for your cause.


                        • chunky
                          Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                          • Jan 2006
                          • 10570

                          Re: The War on Truthers

                          Back on the pictures again Res0? I love it when you get the pictures out.
                          Originally posted by res0nat0r
                          OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                          • trick12
                            Are you Kidding me??
                            • Jul 2007
                            • 4412

                            Re: The War on Truthers

                            Originally posted by res0nat0r
                            No shit, the building next to it hit it and caused it to collapse. Fucking Christ its not that hard to understand.
                            hmmm, not sure about that, watch this and compare maybe u will learn something urself, for a building to collapse the way the towers did, it had to be a perfect demolition plan, and what caused the buildings to fall had to be from the bottom of the building, why would a plane hitting the top floors cause a building to collapse in this way just as this planned demolition in the video. use yo head man!!.

                            Life's pretty fast..blup..blup...We made it!!


                            • res0nat0r
                              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                              • May 2006
                              • 14475

                              Re: The War on Truthers

                              use yo head. half a million pound plane with fuel hit building. causes fire. fire causes steel to weaken. building falls. the end. simple.


                              • chunky
                                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                                • Jan 2006
                                • 10570

                                Re: The War on Truthers

                                Originally posted by res0nat0r
                                use yo head. half a million pound plane with fuel hit building. causes fire. fire causes steel to weaken. building falls. the end. simple.
                                How did you get on with that NIST report Res0?
                                Originally posted by res0nat0r
                                OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!

