Wow...merry christmas then!
I didn't really get anything, received some gifts beginning december as half of the family was abroad this year. A simple mp3 player (b-brand, but who cares, it does the job well enough for now), and some stuff for in my new room.
And a new job, like auteuriste, starting next month. And this could become an interesting year...making investments in Africa and money for myself. If it works more worries for me!
I didn't really get anything, received some gifts beginning december as half of the family was abroad this year. A simple mp3 player (b-brand, but who cares, it does the job well enough for now), and some stuff for in my new room.
And a new job, like auteuriste, starting next month. And this could become an interesting year...making investments in Africa and money for myself. If it works more worries for me!