My heart goes out to everyone.... Horrible! Damn- I had tears coming down my cheeks reading the article & the Mom w/ 11 kids & searching for them & seeing the pics of the children & about them digging w/ trucks holes big enough to bury the children, etc.. SO Sad!!! :cry:
Tsunami hits South East Asia
Originally posted by hypoluxxaOriginally posted by picklemonkeyhow sad... a model lost her boyfriend.
who gives a shit about a supermodel breaking a hip or losing a boyfriend. There's 39,999 other people dying and at least 400k people losing their spouses, children, or parents. I hate to be blunt about it, but in a situation like this I could care less what happens to 1 supermodelComment
Originally posted by picklemonkeyOriginally posted by hypoluxxaOriginally posted by picklemonkeyhow sad... a model lost her boyfriend.
who gives a shit about a supermodel breaking a hip or losing a boyfriend. There's 39,999 other people dying and at least 400k people losing their spouses, children, or parents. I hate to be blunt about it, but in a situation like this I could care less what happens to 1 supermodel
Jet Li (Lethal Weapon 4) is also missing I heard...
charts are saying 52,000 now and won't stop until aroung 60,000 they think.. what a horrible day in history.. any word on how tall some of the waves were in this tsunami??Comment
This is a good site aswell:
Very good information about "Tsunamis"
"The giant waves that rose to a maximum height of 1,720 feet (516 m) at the head of Lituya Bay, on July 9, 1958, were generated by a combination of disturbances triggered by a large, 8.3 magnitude earthquake along the Fairweather fault"
Very very sad. Its said that there will be as many as 3x the death toll due to the disease caused by the tsunami.
Anyways on a side note the quake that caused this was predicted earlier this month and this guy has a very scientific way of predicting them. If more people would listen to him maybe people can reduce the counts in the future:
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin FranklinComment
Originally posted by hypoluxxa^^^^^
hopefully someone won't make a smart ass remark about his life being less important just becasue he's famous, and wealthy.
Fuck 'em. One life matters, but not any more than any other. It sucks if he's dead, but it doesn't suck any more than any other person that may be dead.Comment