Great website with the following information on how you can become involved:
Inspired by a stint working with the United Nations in some of the world's poorest countries last year, the founders of djaid have a small number of very simple principles: we think it is wrong that people today are dying because they don't have access to clean or safe water; we think the people out dancing with us are nice people who care about the way the world works; and we believe that although we regularly feel the need to escape from it, we can come together to be a very positive force for change. So we're going to give it our best shot.
As well as responding to the immediate need to save lives, djaid is about a whole load of other stuff too - promoting good music, finding new talent, lobbying the private sector, raising the public profile of the industry...and so on. So with all this fairly serious stuff in mind, we will be putting on a number of nights - in London to start with but nationally over the next few years - that combine our passion for great music and love of fun with our more worldly concerns, to establish, in summary, a New Concept for Good Music.
All proceeds raised at djaid's events are donated to WaterAid. For more information about WaterAid, please visit: