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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585


    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day.

    Teach a man to fish, and you'll feed him for a lifetime.

    Give runningman access to the internet and a boatload of free time, and he'll ruin a perfectly good forum with insane conspiracy theories, paranoid ramblings, and painful-to-read self-congratulatory bullshit, rendering serious discussion about issues in an intelligent manner impossible.
  • chunky
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • Jan 2006
    • 10570

    Re: Fish

    They say if you give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day, but if you teach a man to fish…. then he’s gotta get a fishing license, but he doesn’t have any money. So he’s got to get a job and get into the social security system and pay taxes, and now you’re gonna audit the poor cocksucker, cuz’ he’s not really good with math. So he’ll pull the IRS van up to your house, and he’ll take all your shit. He’ll take your black velvet Elvis and your Batman toothbrush, and your penis pump, and that all goes up for auction with the burden of proof on you because you forgot to carry the one, cuz’ you were just worried about eating a fucking fish, and you couldn’t even cook the fish cuz’ you needed a permit for an open flame. Then the health department is going to start asking you a lot of questions about where are you going to dump the scales and the guts. ‘This is not a sanitary environment’, and ladies and gentlemen if you get sick of it all at the end of the day… not even legal to kill yourself in this country. Thanks again John Ashcroft you weird bible addict, can’t even handle your own drug. You were born free, you got fucked out of half of it, and you wave a flag celebrating it. [audience member]: Hey, don’t hold back! [Doug]: You got an argument? [am] No, keep goin’!..The only true freedom you find, is when you realize and come to terms with the fact that you are completely and unapologetically fucked, and then you are free to float around the system.“

    It funny you have target running man about rendering serious discussion about issues in an intelligent manner impossible but you don't mention anything about res0s pathetic responses. Name calling, editing peoples posts, posting stupid pictures pertaining to close threads like hes come to some wondrous conclusion.

    Hey why don't you just Ban everyone you dont agree with. You spend and the others spend enough time talking about it.
    Originally posted by res0nat0r
    OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


    • chunky
      Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
      • Jan 2006
      • 10570

      Re: Fish

      He Toasty do you think the Pentagon had antique CCTV?
      Originally posted by res0nat0r
      OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


      • runningman
        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
        • Jun 2004
        • 5995

        Re: Fish

        Oh grow up Toasty. I know it is shattering to the soul when your conscious accepts that your gov't had some part in 9/11. I know I went through the denial stage.

        Give a man free speech and the truth comes to the surface no matter how painful.

        Cui Bono - What do I have to gain other than being called a crazy idiot? Do you think I like being called a crazy idiot?

        I said in another thread that I feel like Capernicus telling people that the earth isn't flat.... Boy did he get laughed at.

        What is happening to the truthers is comparable to the Salem Witch Trials


        • toasty
          Sir Toastiness
          • Jun 2004
          • 6585

          Re: Fish

          Originally posted by chunky
          It funny you have target running man about rendering serious discussion about issues in an intelligent manner impossible but you don't mention anything about res0s pathetic responses. Name calling, editing peoples posts, posting stupid pictures pertaining to close threads like hes come to some wondrous conclusion.
          I'm going to let you in on a little secret -- I very rarely read any of the posts in this section any more. Occasionally, I'll drop by to see what bat-shit crazy thing RM has posted for pure comic relief, but even that is getting tedious. This used to be a place where you could come for some spirited debate about the issues of the day, and I've watched it devolve into utter madness. It's frustrating, because even the threads that would appear to me immune to paranoia are being infected. Kucinich voted for health care because of blackmail? Give me a fucking break.


          • runningman
            Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
            • Jun 2004
            • 5995

            Re: Fish

            Toasty you only want to talk about the left right paradigm. Go for it.. start threads about how the Republicans are bad and the Democrats are great.

            Toasty does it bother you that your gov't lie to you about the Gulf of Tonkin? I mean it only killed a million VC's and 58,000 US soldiers right?

            Kucinich before he got on the plane he said "no" he got off saying "yes"... Do you think blackmail or bribes isn't a part of politics? Are you that naive?


            • Jenks
              I'm kind of a big deal.
              • Jun 2004
              • 10250

              Re: Fish

              Originally posted by chunky

              Hey why don't you just Ban everyone you dont agree with.
              Hey guy- only adam, tom and kamal can ban people.


              • toasty
                Sir Toastiness
                • Jun 2004
                • 6585

                Re: Fish

                Originally posted by runningman
                Kucinich before he got on the plane he said "no" he got off saying "yes"... Do you think blackmail or bribes isn't a part of politics? Are you that naive?
                It's just that there are much more reasonable explanations, but you always reach for the craziest one. Kucinich is one of the most reliably liberal members of Congress, and he didn't like the bill because he didn't think it was progressive enough. He had to know, however, that if this effort failed, any sort of health care reform was toast, so he probably compromised, ultimately finding something better than nothing or that the damage to Obama's presidency wasn't worth the "no" vote.

                Could he have been blackmailed? Sure, it's possible, but what is probable is that he opted to compromise rather than risk nothing passing at all.

                You always, always, always eschew the probable or the pedestrian in favor of the most salacious, conspiracy-riddled theory available, and it hurts the forum because it is a distraction from serious discussion. The signal to noise ratio around here is just intolerable.


                • toasty
                  Sir Toastiness
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 6585

                  Re: Fish

                  Originally posted by chunky
                  He Toasty do you think the Pentagon had antique CCTV?
                  I don't really care if it had sketch artists perched around the perimeter, because I'm pretty damn sure a plane hit the Pentagon.


                  • runningman
                    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5995

                    Re: Fish

                    Originally posted by toasty
                    It's just that there are much more reasonable explanations, but you always reach for the craziest one. Kucinich is one of the most reliably liberal members of Congress, and he didn't like the bill because he didn't think it was progressive enough. He had to know, however, that if this effort failed, any sort of health care reform was toast, so he probably compromised, ultimately finding something better than nothing or that the damage to Obama's presidency wasn't worth the "no" vote.

                    Could he have been blackmailed? Sure, it's possible, but what is probable is that he opted to compromise rather than risk nothing passing at all.

                    You always, always, always eschew the probable or the pedestrian in favor of the most salacious, conspiracy-riddled theory available, and it hurts the forum because it is a distraction from serious discussion. The signal to noise ratio around here is just intolerable.
                    Well Toasty let me try to paint a picture here

                    Who is viewed as the biggest threat to American Liberties? Government

                    The separation gap between the wealthy and poor is at an all time high

                    WallStreet gets big billion dollar bonuses while laughing in the face of the poor people who have been thrown out of their homes

                    Wallstreet has taken over Washington. The banks have taken over

                    Corruption is at an all time high. I mean how many congressman are we going to have to see dicking his assistant or taking bribes?

                    These are the trends that I see and when a guy like Kucinich who prides himself on his values says he won't vote for the healthcare bill and then gets on a plane with Obama and Emanuel and suddenly does a 180 and says he will vote yes. Something tells me that Obama and the gang persuaded him in some fashion (bribe or blackmail)... But I know forsure that he isn't doing it for the greater good.. I mean do you ever sit back and listen to yourself? You sound like some kid growing up in the 50's with absolute faith in government and the system. I thought you were smarter.

                    I mean shit Obama is from Chicago and all you people on here tell me how corrupt Chicago is.. Am I to believe that he is the messiah from the corrupt block?


                    • toasty
                      Sir Toastiness
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 6585

                      Re: Fish

                      Originally posted by chunky
                      Hey why don't you just Ban everyone you dont agree with. You spend and the others spend enough time talking about it.
                      Yeah, in follow up on Jenks' post, first of all, I don't have the power to ban anyone, and I don't even have the ability to edit posts -- or do anything to posts -- in this particular forum.

                      Even if I did, though, I'm not interested in banning anyone at all, and I actually enjoy some honest back and forth with people I disagree with. You're actually a good example of this, as a matter of fact, because we've butted heads on some 9/11 stuff in the past, but as far as I can tell, you're a pretty level-headed dude that happens to feel strongly on this point. Mazel tov.

                      The difference is that you don't go all with every fucking topic. When everything is held out to be the result of dark forces, conspiracies, etc., it just gets tedious.


                      • runningman
                        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5995

                        Re: Fish

                        what will it take Toasty?

                        The Shut down of the internet?
                        Troops and tanks on the main streets around the US?
                        More Bailouts to AIG and the gang?

                        Where is your breaking point where you will admit that it is time to look into these conspiracies to see if any of them are true?


                        • floridaorange
                          I'm merely a humble butler
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 29116

                          Re: Fish

                          Originally posted by toasty
                          You're actually a good example of this, as a matter of fact, because we've butted heads on some 9/11 stuff in the past, but as far as I can tell, you're a pretty level-headed dude that happens to feel strongly on this point. Mazel tov.

                          The difference is that you don't go all with every fucking topic. When everything is held out to be the result of dark forces, conspiracies, etc., it just gets tedious.

                          It was fun while it lasted...


                          • nipper25
                            Getting Somewhere
                            • May 2007
                            • 190

                            Re: Fish

                            Glad I dont take politics too seriously as we, all tax payers all over the world get shafted up the hoop so might as well smile about it

                            Ps any country who voted for George W Bush not once but twice! is well fooked too
                            Last edited by nipper25; March 26, 2010, 04:01:09 AM.


                            • DIDI
                              Aussie Pest
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 16845

                              Re: Fish

                              Toasty , I know exactly how you feel. I love good debate, but it ain't happening here.

                              Btw nipper25 if we could still give rep I would give you bad rep for that first comment. !!
                              Originally posted by TheVrk
                              it IS incredible isn't it??
                              STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                              Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                              The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies

