Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

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  • chunky
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • Jan 2006
    • 10570

    Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

    Originally posted by Localizer
    Do yourself a favor and go hang out with your kid. It seems like you spend more time being a conspiracy theorist, and less time being a father.
    All you are tiring to do here is find weakness in runningman from observations you can exploit in things he has posted about himself. You are just tiring to cause upset by using his unborn child as some sort of insult on a personal level to get a reaction. All you are really doing is tiring to divert away from the subject matter and revert to cheep insults. If I had told you I was gay you would have reverted to calling me a cheep fag by now because you have to result to insults to state your case.
    Originally posted by res0nat0r
    OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


    • Localizer
      Platinum Poster
      • Jul 2004
      • 2021

      Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

      Originally posted by chunky

      But Localizer you commit the same crime you are accusing me of. You to are hiding behind your computer posting pretending you know me. You have also justified what I posted in my other post by calling me a coward. Yes these soldiers are in difficult situations but that doesn’t excuse this sort of behavior. If this had happened in the US you would all be singing to a different tune? I suppose this event was a more extreme version of the Rodney King incident.
      No, I never implied, or insinuated, any sort of claim that I know who you are or what you do. I blatantly stated that you have no idea what is going on over there so you are not in any place to judge any other soldier except those involved. That was made very clear. Furthermore, I never stated that their behavior should be excused. If you read my paragraph again, it most succinctly states that because you have no idea what is going on over there, you can only criticize the soldiers involved in this incident. In other words, stop paint-brushing the military. It's unfortunate that I had to make a redundant reply to your comments.

      Had my message been posted without me butchering the English language would it of justified my views in your opinion? I think not! You mite want to check your own spelling as well. I don’t think I have posted anything either indicating that I am shit scared of shadow governments. So I would be grateful if you could point me in the direction of where I did. You mite also want to note that I stood and spoke out at work when 4000 other people wouldn’t when my employer tried to make us work in conditions that where completely unacceptable, alienating about 1500 people I work with and see every day. I also helped expose another employer on national TV for violence in the work place. So you don’t need to worry about me hiding behind my PC
      No, you fail to understand the concept of using grammar and spelling appropriately. It's meant to convey your message so that others can understand what you are saying without confusion. In being able to coherently put sentences together, you would be taken more seriously while still maintaining justification of your opinions. You don't have to be perfect at it, but learning the difference between 'mite' and 'might' would be a significant start since both words mean two different things.

      But to get back on point, your unadulterated reviews of 9/11 with RM are more than enough to show that you embrace the notion of shadow governments, and hence are worried about them. And your examples of you taking a proactive approach in the workplace relate to generalizing soldiers how? It has no relevance to you lambasting people who are fighting around the world. If you had said 'I was in Afghanistan, so I know what it's like,' then maybe, just maybe, your opinion and your comments would hold some weight.

      This whole coward insinuation/comment is actually quite amusing it’s become the typical knee jerk reaction against anyone who questions the military. No different than people who brand people who question 9/11 as holocaust deniers
      It's one thing to question the military; it's another thing to just verbally attack all soldiers of the armed forces.
      Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
      -Bertrand Russell


      • Localizer
        Platinum Poster
        • Jul 2004
        • 2021

        Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

        Originally posted by runningman
        Local the suicide rate of veterans proves that you are wrong that these things don't happen all the time. Your vets come home and kill themselves because they can't handle that they sold their soul. They can't believe what they have done. The MSM make it sound like they have some illness coming home from war. I don't think it is responsible to just look the other way on the facts, and the facts are that the veteran suicide rate is unacceptable.
        What the hell are you talking about? Do you know why a soldier gets PTSD? No, you don't. All you know is that they were in another country during wartime. Somehow you're trying to correlate killing innocent civilians with all suicides by vets.

        Also I can sit behind my computer and do what I can to help the troops. And by help I mean get them get home.
        Right, I'm sure you do.
        Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
        -Bertrand Russell


        • Localizer
          Platinum Poster
          • Jul 2004
          • 2021

          Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

          Originally posted by chunky
          All you are tiring to do here is find weakness in runningman from observations you can exploit in things he has posted about himself. You are just tiring to cause upset by using his unborn child as some sort of insult on a personal level to get a reaction. All you are really doing is tiring to divert away from the subject matter and revert to cheep insults. If I had told you I was gay you would have reverted to calling me a cheep fag by now because you have to result to insults to state your case.
          Please spare me the charades and the bullshit. The people who have seen me debate or post here know the content of my posts and far be it for you to say that I would take my frustration and manifest it into something as crude as calling people 'fags.' My mistake was assuming he already had his child and was spending more time on the boards than with his kid. It's called 'criticism.'
          Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
          -Bertrand Russell


          • DIDI
            Aussie Pest
            • Nov 2004
            • 16845

            Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

            Originally posted by Localizer

            No, you fail to understand the concept of using grammar and spelling appropriately. It's meant to convey your message so that others can understand what you are saying without confusion. In being able to coherently put sentences together, you would be taken more seriously while still maintaining justification of your opinions. You don't have to be perfect at it, but learning the difference between 'mite' and 'might' would be a significant start since both words mean two different things.
            I so hate people using grammar/ spelling as a weapon, especially in emotive issues like this! The one thing that shines brightly from Chunky's post is that he feels very deeply for all the people involved here , both the soldiers and the victims.

            How about you quit the bullshit? It's patently obvious that you find the weakness and go for the throat in a very personal way. And you are very good at that , but that is definitely not an attribute any good debater would claim .
            Originally posted by TheVrk
            it IS incredible isn't it??
            STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
            Simply does not get any better than Hernan
            The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


            • Localizer
              Platinum Poster
              • Jul 2004
              • 2021

              Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

              Originally posted by DIDI
              I so hate people using grammar/ spelling as a weapon, especially in emotive issues like this! The one thing that shines brightly from Chunky's post is that he feels very deeply for all the people involved here , both the soldiers and the victims.
              I so hate people who are kiss-asses. In any case, there are many here who feel for the victims/soldiers. Where do you come off suggesting that those of us who disagree with him are somehow not empathetic to those involved?

              How about you quit the bullshit? It's patently obvious that you find the weakness and go for the throat in a very personal way. And you are very good at that , but that is definitely not an attribute any good debater would claim .
              Is it now? Tell me another time I've 'gone for the throat?' Please, I'm very interested in your accusation. But you won't find that will you?...because it's never happened before on here.
              Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
              -Bertrand Russell


              • runningman
                Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                • Jun 2004
                • 5995

                Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

                Look I can assure you that Didi wouldn't come to save me.. We have had it out and if there is one thing I know Didi will call it out.

                Now back to the issue. PTSD.. Post Tramatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is caused by a psychologically traumatic event involving actual or threatened death or serious injury to oneself or others. Such triggering events are called 'stressors'; they may be experienced alone or while in a large group.
                Violent personal assault, such as rape or mugging, car or plane accidents, military combat, industrial accidents and natural disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes, are stressors which have caused people to suffer from PTSD.

                Do I believe that US soldiers are stressed out because their life has been in danger?? Absolutely. But I do also believe that a lot of your soldiers are coming home because they are stressed because of the harm they have inflicted on others. They can't live with the occupation.. And they shouldn't have to. War is one thing.. Occupation is another. This is what occupation does, it wears the troops moral down and they start making frustrated and foolish mistakes. But unfortunetly these mistakes cost lives. Then they come home and can't cope. I mean 1 million Iraqis have died since the troops have been there to "liberate" them.

                ^^ Sorry I had to put in bold because I couldn't get the Italic to turn off.. I'm not yelling or stressing the point.


                • DIDI
                  Aussie Pest
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 16845

                  Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

                  Originally posted by Localizer
                  I so hate people who are kiss-asses. In any case, there are many here who feel for the victims/soldiers. Where do you come off suggesting that those of us who disagree with him are somehow not empathetic to those involved?

                  Is it now? Tell me another time I've 'gone for the throat?' Please, I'm very interested in your accusation. But you won't find that will you?...because it's never happened before on here.
                  It that kiss arse comment was at me you may find yourself outvoted here I have disagreed with an awful lot people here at some time or another. I wasn't suggesting others were lacking in empathy, just you .
                  Originally posted by TheVrk
                  it IS incredible isn't it??
                  STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                  Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                  The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                  • Shpira
                    Angry Boy Child
                    • Oct 2006
                    • 4969

                    Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

                    Originally posted by Localizer
                    No, I never implied, or insinuated, any sort of claim that I know who you are or what you do. I blatantly stated that you have no idea what is going on over there so you are not in any place to judge any other soldier except those involved. That was made very clear. Furthermore, I never stated that their behavior should be excused. If you read my paragraph again, it most succinctly states that because you have no idea what is going on over there, you can only criticize the soldiers involved in this incident. In other words, stop paint-brushing the military. It's unfortunate that I had to make a redundant reply to your comments.

                    No, you fail to understand the concept of using grammar and spelling appropriately. It's meant to convey your message so that others can understand what you are saying without confusion. In being able to coherently put sentences together, you would be taken more seriously while still maintaining justification of your opinions. You don't have to be perfect at it, but learning the difference between 'mite' and 'might' would be a significant start since both words mean two different things.

                    But to get back on point, your unadulterated reviews of 9/11 with RM are more than enough to show that you embrace the notion of shadow governments, and hence are worried about them. And your examples of you taking a proactive approach in the workplace relate to generalizing soldiers how? It has no relevance to you lambasting people who are fighting around the world. If you had said 'I was in Afghanistan, so I know what it's like,' then maybe, just maybe, your opinion and your comments would hold some weight.

                    It's one thing to question the military; it's another thing to just verbally attack all soldiers of the armed forces.
                    So what you are saying is that unless you are in the military you have no right to scrutinize??? That's easily by far the stupidest logic posted yet. Should we all just revert to a military dictatorship because we don't know what they have been hoo fucking hoo. They volunteered for that shit no one made them go. To label someone a coward because they don't want to fight in your fucking retarded war for profits and oil is plain wrong. The US has not fought a "just" war since WW2 and even then your corporations traded with the Nazi's. Seriously these kind of posts make want to throw up...poor US soldiers...supplied with state of the art equipment invading a country that never did anything to them which has an unorganized army equipped with weapons made 30 years hoo heart is really bleeding for them.
                    The Idiots ARE Winning.

                    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                    Mark Twain

                    SOBRIETY MIX


                    • Localizer
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jul 2004
                      • 2021

                      Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

                      Originally posted by runningman

                      [/I]Do I believe that US soldiers are stressed out because their life has been in danger?? Absolutely. But I do also believe that a lot of your soldiers are coming home because they are stressed because of the harm they have inflicted on others. They can't live with the occupation.. And they shouldn't have to. War is one thing.. Occupation is another. This is what occupation does, it wears the troops moral down and they start making frustrated and foolish mistakes. But unfortunetly these mistakes cost lives. Then they come home and can't cope. I mean 1 million Iraqis have died since the troops have been there to "liberate" them.

                      Again, you're drawing conclusions from thin air. You're assuming you know why someone has PTSD, and that is based on the idea that they know they 'occupy' a country. Is it one facet of PTSD? possibly. Is it a significant part of why they have PTSD? nobody knows other than the docs doing psych evals on them. Essentially, you do not have the insight to make any of those claims you just made. You're merely using conjecture to go from point A to point B.
                      Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
                      -Bertrand Russell


                      • Localizer
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 2021

                        Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

                        Originally posted by DIDI
                        It that kiss arse comment was at me you may find yourself outvoted here I have disagreed with an awful lot people here at some time or another. I wasn't suggesting others were lacking in empathy, just you .
                        Disagreeing with someone does not negate you from kissing ass. In any case, you're right, I'm just the big bad un-empathetic 'Merican.
                        Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
                        -Bertrand Russell


                        • Localizer
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jul 2004
                          • 2021

                          Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

                          Originally posted by Shpira
                          So what you are saying is that unless you are in the military you have no right to scrutinize??? That's easily by far the stupidest logic posted yet. Should we all just revert to a military dictatorship because we don't know what they have been hoo fucking hoo. They volunteered for that shit no one made them go. To label someone a coward because they don't want to fight in your fucking retarded war for profits and oil is plain wrong. The US has not fought a "just" war since WW2 and even then your corporations traded with the Nazi's. Seriously these kind of posts make want to throw up...poor US soldiers...supplied with state of the art equipment invading a country that never did anything to them which has an unorganized army equipped with weapons made 30 years hoo heart is really bleeding for them.
                          You should use your expensive 'Londres' education and reread what it said at the bottom.

                          It's one thing to question the military; it's another thing to just verbally attack all soldiers of the armed forces.
                          Do I care if you criticize the military? no. Do I care when you start calling them killers and words/phrases of the like? yes.

                          The coward is the one that talks shit to them but won't stand in their shoes. Yes they signed up voluntarily, but if no one signed up, who would? And who would be part of the armed forces? You certainly wouldn't. But I suppose you'd rather have a draft when the government saw fit for any war?

                          Lots of people go in thinking they might do the right thing or they might fight for the right causes. Do I agree with the war? Hell no, and I'm more inclined to think Afghani occupation is for the sake of opium and to set up shop closer to Russia and her allies. But I'm not about to talk shit to people that can't exactly go back on their orders. Some soldiers feel the war is justified, others feel it isn't. Some Iraqis/Afghanis have gained something from this, and others have lost from it.
                          Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
                          -Bertrand Russell


                          • chunky
                            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                            • Jan 2006
                            • 10570

                            Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

                            Originally posted by Localizer
                            No, I never implied, or insinuated, any sort of claim that I know who you are or what you do. .

                            You called me a coward I would say that is an indication that you somehow think you know me.

                            Originally posted by Localizer
                            It's one thing to question the military; it's another thing to just verbally attack all soldiers of the armed forces.

                            Care to point out where I actually did this?
                            Originally posted by res0nat0r
                            OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                            • chunky
                              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                              • Jan 2006
                              • 10570

                              Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

                              Originally posted by Localizer
                              Please spare me the charades and the bullshit. The people who have seen me debate or post here know the content of my posts and far be it for you to say that I would take my frustration and manifest it into something as crude as calling people 'fags.' My mistake was assuming he already had his child and was spending more time on the boards than with his kid. It's called 'criticism.'
                              So is refuring to people as a piss ants wasnt a sign of frustration
                              Originally posted by res0nat0r
                              OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


                              • chunky
                                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                                • Jan 2006
                                • 10570

                                Re: Video-US Apache helicopter killing civilians and journalists

                                Originally posted by Localizer;[SIZE=2
                                The coward is the one that talks shit to them but won't stand in their shoes. Yes they signed up voluntarily, but if no one signed up, who would? And who would be part of the armed forces? You certainly wouldn't. But I suppose you'd rather have a draft when the government saw fit for any war?

                                The draft mite not be a bad idea. More than half of the UK citizens where against the war. I would like to see the British Government draft its citizens with such opposition.
                                Originally posted by res0nat0r
                                OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!

