Just curious if any of you have collections or hobbies... besides music of course.
My wife and I collect 50ml (miniature) glass bottles of alcohol. They are illegal to sell in the state of Louisiana, so acquiring them is actually quite fun. Every time we travel out of state, we stop at liquor stores and see what we can find. We don't drink them, don't even open them, instead we store them in a glass case. It's pretty cool for decoration. It all started when my wife was visiting her sister in Italy, and came back with a 50ml bottle of Absinthe. It sat on the shelf for almost a year before we decided to do something with it. The collection of bottles grew fast, and before we knew it we needed a case to store them in. The collection has outgrown the case at this point, we are at about 107 bottles, so we are looking at buying another case for expansion.

Some of my favorites:

My wife and I collect 50ml (miniature) glass bottles of alcohol. They are illegal to sell in the state of Louisiana, so acquiring them is actually quite fun. Every time we travel out of state, we stop at liquor stores and see what we can find. We don't drink them, don't even open them, instead we store them in a glass case. It's pretty cool for decoration. It all started when my wife was visiting her sister in Italy, and came back with a 50ml bottle of Absinthe. It sat on the shelf for almost a year before we decided to do something with it. The collection of bottles grew fast, and before we knew it we needed a case to store them in. The collection has outgrown the case at this point, we are at about 107 bottles, so we are looking at buying another case for expansion.

Some of my favorites:
