HELP!! Previous set to Ferry Corsten set on 2007 WMC

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  • jmrecillas
    Gold Gabber
    • Aug 2007
    • 803

    HELP!! Previous set to Ferry Corsten set on 2007 WMC

    I have this set labeled as Fery Corsten Live at Ultra Music Festival WMC 2005, but in fact is a set from the same festival but in 2007. Not care much about Corsten's set. I'm interesting on the amazing first half hour set. I don't know who is the DJ and if this set belongs to an actual live set or is a part from an album. So this is what I would like to have. First: Tracklist. Second: Name of the DJ. Third: If there are around other sets like this one, and if it is so, links to those sets.

    For your info, this set has a very Lounge Chill Latin afterparty atmosphere, and ist simply blowminding. It has a little touch of Danny Tenaglia, but I don't know anything about this.

    This is the link: