Greetings Ladies and Gents.
I'm in the process of making and selling some new vinyl art for your walls or for your turntable.
You can visit the ebay page to see all the varied pieces of vinyl art I am putting up for sale right now.
The ones on glow in the dark vinyl (see below) are done with cutting patterns into the vinyl to make it play in a very indeterminate manner which makes playing it on a turntable interesting, as it is different every time, and it helps you to learn to hear music in a much different way than ever before thought.
Take a look and bid. I'm working on new designs as you read this and will be selling those soon.
I'm in the process of making and selling some new vinyl art for your walls or for your turntable.
You can visit the ebay page to see all the varied pieces of vinyl art I am putting up for sale right now.
The ones on glow in the dark vinyl (see below) are done with cutting patterns into the vinyl to make it play in a very indeterminate manner which makes playing it on a turntable interesting, as it is different every time, and it helps you to learn to hear music in a much different way than ever before thought.
Take a look and bid. I'm working on new designs as you read this and will be selling those soon.