I downloaded this pretty cool Autopager extension that auto loads content in a multi-page webpage so you get a neverending scroll of content like Google Reader.
Eg. Google Search results, instead of clicking on the next page, I just have to keep scrolling down.
But rules have to be set up for each site; popular sites already have rules that're auto-updated or downloaded.
So the problem is I'd like it to work on [ms] since I spend so much time on here, but the setup wizard only half-worked on [ms].
The guts of the extension has to do with something called Xpath, wondering if anyone here can help out?
Eg. Google Search results, instead of clicking on the next page, I just have to keep scrolling down.
But rules have to be set up for each site; popular sites already have rules that're auto-updated or downloaded.
So the problem is I'd like it to work on [ms] since I spend so much time on here, but the setup wizard only half-worked on [ms].
The guts of the extension has to do with something called Xpath, wondering if anyone here can help out?