soooo....everyone happy withy obama?

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  • chunky
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • Jan 2006
    • 10570

    Re: soooo....everyone happy withy obama?

    Originally posted by res0nat0r
    This thread should be entitled <insert whoever won the election here> is doing a shitty job. No matter who is in office this type of talk would be going on. Happens every term.
    Fucking Hell me and res0 agree on something
    Originally posted by res0nat0r
    OK Lets All Stroke Ron Pauls Cock On 3!


    • res0nat0r
      Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
      • May 2006
      • 14475

      Re: soooo....everyone happy withy obama?


      • CircleGuy
        • Jan 2010
        • 455

        Re: soooo....everyone happy withy obama?

        this article sums it up nicely


        • mikenytola
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 116

          Re: soooo....everyone happy withy obama?

          Until we stop voting for far left and far right and finally pick somebody who actually represents the entire country and not half, there is always going to be a lot of people hating the president. There's no way in hell I would have voted for Obama or McCain. Neither of them were good for the job imo. We need better representation for the middle ground.


          • Garrick
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • Jun 2004
            • 6764

            Re: soooo....everyone happy withy obama?

            ^ you'll never get a president that makes everybody happy because you have plenty of loon bat citizens that are also far right and far left.

            i think we need a president that stands for the constitution. if he fails by trying to preserve the constitution, then this country was fucked anyways because it will have been too late to save.
            obama is not that president... he wants to CHANGE the constitution. not preserve it.

            personally, i think the USA is already fucked and obama has helped speed up the process. we have too many people depending on the government now and it will get even worse. reliance on government = fall of democracy. as in every past super power's case, when the people start relying on the government, their demise begins.
            Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?


            • floridaorange
              I'm merely a humble butler
              • Dec 2005
              • 29116

              Re: soooo....everyone happy withy obama?

              It was fun while it lasted...


              • Shpira
                Angry Boy Child
                • Oct 2006
                • 4969

                Re: soooo....everyone happy withy obama?

                The Idiots ARE Winning.

                "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                Mark Twain

                SOBRIETY MIX


                • vinnie97
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jul 2007
                  • 3454

                  Re: soooo....everyone happy withy obama?

                  Wow, talk about some partisan claptrap in that Charlie Rose interview. Let's not forget that the whole mortgage situation was instigated by Clinton who mandated that banks engage in dangerous lending practices so that anybody could obtain a loan. And that the DEMS (0bama was a representative at the time) who were in control of the house in 2006 claimed that the mortgage giant Fannie/Freddie was healthy and at no risk. It recently was delisted from the NYSE, FFS.

                  Also, if you're really trying to "clean up a mess," you should avoid excessive golfing and vacations when your country is under its biggest environmental siege ever.

                  And come on, the MMS gave a safety reward to BP just last year and postponed environmental studies regarding the DeepWater Horizon well. It happened under his watch and continuing to blame Bush for everything smacks of partisan buffoonery. BP's biggest political donation was to 0bomba at nearly $1 million. Wall Street also donated the most to the Demoncats.

                  Gerrick, well said. Obomba doesn't give a sh*t about the constitution...only when it fulfills his political end does it matter.


                  • trick12
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 4412

                    Re: soooo....everyone happy withy obama?

                    Originally posted by res0nat0r
                    This thread should be entitled <insert whoever won the election here> is doing a shitty job. No matter who is in office this type of talk would be going on. Happens every term.
                    Life's pretty fast..blup..blup...We made it!!

