June 18, 2010
Marlins giving away 15,000 vuvuzela-like horns for baseball game
Miami -- Like it or not, the sound of the World Cup is coming to Florida Marlins baseball.
The Marlins are giving away 15,000 air horns to fans at Saturday's game against the Tampa Bay Rays. The horns are smaller, but similar to a vuvuzela, the noisemaker that's caused all the controversy at the World Cup.
The Marlins say this promotion has been in the works for months, thinking it will be a hit in soccer-mad South Florida.
Not every other sports venue is so keen on the horn craze. A fan was asked to leave a New York Yankees game this week for blaring a vuvuzela, and Wimbledon has issued reminders that the noisemakers won't be allowed for its tournament starting Monday.
source: http://detnews.com/article/20100618/...6180436/-1/rss