Share Your EDM Resume

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  • ace_dl
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1546

    Re: Share Your EDM Resume

    Very nice thread indeed. My exposure to EDM was initiated with Northern Exposure 3!
    My first ever gig was Oakie at my University's Union spring 99.
    Then Homelands 99 was my first Sasha and Diggerz ... Had a fantastic time there although it was raining for 12 f***ing hours. People were dancing in the mud
    Then 2000 - 2004 I attended almost all Bedrock gigs down @ Heaven the first Thursday of every single month ...
    Phil Thomson's great warm ups, Sir John's fantastic guests and of course Sir John himself have been my greatest influence for me in EDM
    Speakman Sound - Hold the Line


    • trick12
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jul 2007
      • 4412

      Re: Share Your EDM Resume

      Originally posted by Haziel
      2010 thinkin blow the movie, rite
      Life's pretty fast..blup..blup...We made it!!


      • Funky Dredd
        Are you Kidding me??
        • May 2005
        • 3701

        Re: Share Your EDM Resume

        Originally posted by DIDI
        Tangerine dream for me rather than Kraftwerk, loved Yazoo
        I was never a big fan of TD until later in the 80's which is strange as I had listened to them but never connected until later. Yazoo on the other hand I connected right away. I still listen to them and I only wished I could have seen them when they came around for their reunion tour. But they never came around here

        I should also note that I bought my first piece of vinyl in 1978
        Mutations presents Change The Music

        Mutations (original show)

        Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


        • clintlove
          Hey girl, ya Hungry?
          • Jun 2004
          • 3264

          Re: Share Your EDM Resume

          Keep in mind, I grew up in a small southern town. When I was about 14, I was introduced to bass music. Shit like Techmaster P.E.B. and DJ Magic Mike. I knew it was cheesy, but I really liked it cause I'd never heard anything like it before. During a early 90's phase of "being" a gmoneypimpplayerfreshinthehouse and listening to rap music like Dre, UGK, Eightball & MJG, ESG ect., I started hearing dance music for the first time. At a local bar called the Cotton Gin, I was able to enter at the tender age of 16. They would play dance tunes like Wink's - Higher State of Consciousness and this other track, that I'd love to know the name of, with vocals that went, "You're going to have an orgasm...... orgasm, gasm". I really started to pay attention. I somehow ended up with a Lords of Acid cd and that kinda made me lose interest for a few years. I then evolved into a "hippie" banging tye died tshirts and birkenstocks and getting my hands on every Grateful Dead and Phish cd I could find. I did always prefer the instrumental stuff though. The summer after high school in '96 a friend of mine was listening to Scott Henry - Sme Sessions and there were a couple tracks that really perked my ears up. I still didn't know what kind of edm I liked or what artists to look into. I would randomly buy cds and hope to find something that I enjoyed. Let's just say, I rarely found cd that I kept. I did however discover a few djs/artists that I liked and from there I found myself listening to Frankie Bones, Badboy Bill, Dieselboy, Chemical Brothers and then I was blessed with Carl Cox's F.A.C.T. 2 cd. I picked up his next cd The Sound of Ultimate B.A.S.E. and while I enjoyed it, something was missing. Around this time, some friends and I started venturing down to New Orleans and going to parties at the State Palace Theater on Canal Blvd. These parties where fucking legendary might I add, but I was still so new to edm. While attending a Zoolu party during Mardis Gras in '98, the sound I had been searching for... found me. A guy by the name of Paul van Dyk (who is this guy??? I'd never heard of him) played the best set I've probably ever heard in my life (getting goose bumps thinking about it). I had never heard trance music before, and this was the shit. I know how it sounds, but imagine hearing "For an Angel" and Binary Finary's "1998" for the first time while on 2 tabs and a hit of acid OK, it was unbelievable. Everyone in the Palace was standing on their chairs, screaming, flipping the fuck out. I have never since been in a crowd of 1000 people and felt that same energy, that "togetherness". It literally changed my life as far as music was concerned. So that experience led me to buying every damn trance cd I could get my hands on for the next 2 years. After while, it all started to sound the same and was getting cheesier and I began getting bored with it. During that time however, I somehow found John Digweed and I was rejuvenated and changed forever once again (this time it stuck) while listening to a brand new internet radio show on Kiss 100 FM and caught the Chris Fortier guest mix in on Digweed's show in 2000. I've never looked back....

          Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



          • trick12
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jul 2007
            • 4412

            Re: Share Your EDM Resume

            i never even thought that this was around in the 80"s till this thread, its cool to see how EDM evolves and yet stays new and fresh i would say... PVD was pretty good in the 2000, i went to his show in 2002 and man wat a nite that was. i used to like some rap here and there (gotta give it to 2pac, big, dre and nas) but thats before i met EDM, now the gratefuldead is just fukin awesome, its one of those bands that define music just like PFloyd and a lot others....if u appreciate their work then u'll appreciate EDM because they are both high quality music thats made with a lot of passion, its just us and them and the now and then
            Life's pretty fast..blup..blup...We made it!!


            • TomTom
              Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
              • May 2002
              • 16206

              Re: Share Your EDM Resume

              For me the EDM fetish started when I was about 16 years old. In Mid 80ties, I started to dig New Wave and Industrial music a lot. Acts like Front242, Skinny Puppy, Nitzer Ebb, Revolting Cocks, Alien Sex Fiend, Ministry, Depeche Mode, Fields of the Nephilim, Siouxsies and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Kraftwerk, Einstürzende much awesome and experimental music on analogue synthesizers. In the city I grew up there was a disco (back then they weren't called clubs lol, clubs were more in the range of sex bars haha) where they played this kind of Music and I was good friend with 2 of their resident DJs. Hanging out with them or driving to concerts together sucked me in totally.

              When I moved from Kaiserslautern to Frankfurt to study in my beginning 20ties I listened to Acid, Happy Rave (yes!!!) and later on Trance too. DJs and live acts like Paul van Dyk, DJ Dag, Taucher, Sven Väth, The Advent, Der dritte Raum, Hardfloor, Resistance D, Alter Ego...oh the golden Days of the Eye-Q record label in Frankfurt. This was also the time where I went out most...going regularly to the Dorian Gray Airport club or to the Omen. Also the Box was an ace club back in the mid nineties in Frankurt. This was also the time where you had your networks and (most of the time illegal lol) parties in rotten places. Such a vivid underground scene with a strong word of mouth system (ancient version of twitter, people actually talked with each other lol). There were guys who always knew where the party will be this weekend (human feeds so to say) and a day later everybody from the "scene" knew it. Also flyers were pretty important because some time they were your ticket to enter the party...if you didn't get one, you weren't allowed to be there.

              End of the 90ties, Trance became too commercial and went into a cheesy direction I didn't like and I have lost interest in it completely when I started listening to the usual hookers like Leftfield or the Northern Exposure series. A few years later, I started digging progressive House a lot, especially the deep or melodic stuff from Argentinian DJs and I also love the dark progressive sound. But I listen to pretty much any kind of EDM nowadays depending on mood and state. Going to clubs has decreased though but I still go out regularly in and around Frankfurt. Somehow I miss the "good ole" times, not because the music sucks today but I miss the general feeling..everything was much more easy and relaxed. People were masters in improvisation and things were actually shared without financial was more like making a party together...nowadays it's feeling sometimes like beeing a cow that needs to be milked as much as possible. Also, everything is over regulated..I don't need no smart CIA guys on the front doors with Bluetooth earphones and shiny suits.


              • Gatz
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 4679

                Re: Share Your EDM Resume

                The 1st time i heard edm was in the late 70's the album was Autobahn from Krafwerk
                and i fell in love with trans-europe express maybe 78 or 79 but since i lived in Canada
                edm was far and few between. Then came disco and clubs after that progressive rock and
                When edm became more available with the internet and file sharing i jumped back to my
                favorite type of music. In all those years I have listened to many genre of music
                and i have settled for House, progressive some electro and trance. 99% of the music
                i listen for the past 10 years now are dj and live sets.


                • bobjuice
                  • May 2008
                  • 4894

                  Re: Share Your EDM Resume

                  Man i feel old reading this.

                  Thanks MJ for softening the blow a bit

                  When i was about 15/16 i was into depeche mode, cabaret voltaire, new order and kraftwerk in terms of electronic music. I also had a taste for funk and soul too, taking inspiration from my older friends.
                  As hiphop and electro came about I remember being intrigued by the originality of the sounds of these machine driven rhythms but I was never completely taken by it.
                  When house music came along I thought it sounded fucking fantastic, though i was only hearing the sounds, I didn't know then what going out was all about i guess? I'd pick up records that were being sold out of bargain bins for pennies and be mesmerised by them when i got them home. There began a period of about 5 yrs which my parents described as "like living inside a drum".

                  The mainstream music scene in Britain back then was a bit shitty to say the least, so there was a need to look elsewhere for something interesting. I used to go to allsorts of gigs, all nighters, festivals, anything really.
                  I just wanted to hear music i liked and stay away from the depressingly predominant beer-boy culture that seeped out from every crap bar and crap club.

                  One all-nighter i went to at the (legendary) Marcus Garvey Centre in Nottingham had a young man behind the turntables called Andrew Weatherall, the music that night was the best i'd ever heard but when this man took over it all just shifted a gear and i remember thinking "fucking bastard! - things are getting good"
                  I was hooked

                  A trip (no pun intended) to Ibiza in 89 just confirmed what i was already pretty sure of, this was the music I wanted to hear and this was how i wanted to hear it.
                  I spent the next 18 months travelling up and down the country looking for that "vibe" or whatever you want to call it but to no avail. I went to a few gigs in those days too but didn't really care too much for what i saw/heard.
                  Then one night i went to a club called Venus in Nottingham and that was that, i was home. I still moved around a bit, taking in the best club nights that were on offer in other cities (back 2 basics, hacienda, naked lunch, wobble, rennaissance) but none came close is the truth of it.

                  off to bed now, i'm boring my fuckin self


                  • feather
                    Shanghai ooompa loompa
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 20903

                    Re: Share Your EDM Resume

                    It's kinda difficult because I didn't pay attention to DJs/producers/tracks names till much later on.

                    I think being a fan of Depeche Mode and Pet Shop Boys as opposed to most 'band' music heavily influenced my predilection for EDM later on.

                    (Actually I also touched briefly onTangerine Dreams and all that ambient shit, I remember a label called Private Music.)

                    And then later on falling into Sunscreem and Shamen, were their stuff considered mainstream/pop? And dance acts like C+C Music Factory and M People of course. I remember buying M People's Elegant Lounging at the airport before my flight to Australia.

                    I remember visiting Hong Kong's HMV and randomly picking up EDM albums based on their covers and had my friends asking me how I came across them. I think I came across Danny Rampling that way.

                    Hooj was probably the first time I took note of a label after picking up Deeper Shades. Subsequently I took note of Platipus and Lost Language.

                    So I had no concept of progressive house but I knew Platipus was what I could consider trance. Then my friend passed me Way Out West's first album which was cool and I read in a magazine that was called 'epic house or dream house,' which included Blue Amazon.

                    My first Oakie album was Fluoro, my first Digweed mix was The Winning Ticket (which was also how I came across Blue Amazon's And then the rain falls.'

                    Northern Exposure 1 and 2 was also borrowed off the friend who lent me WOW, and I remember being mesmerised by Gus Gus' Believe on Northern Exposure 2. That probably began my love affair with beautiful haunting vocals.

                    Around this time we were all into Cream, Ministry of Sound, and Renaissance. Who didn't love the cool cardboard fold-up cd holders? I think it was around thie time when 'progressive house' became a way for me to describe this stuff.

                    Also remember going nuts to ATB's 9pm (Till I come) when Oakie dropped it. And PVD's For An Angel. These were defining tracks for trance, it all went downhill (the genre) from there.

                    When I heard Born Slippy, I still wasn't a big fan of Underworld. Not really sure when I became one. Strangely I was never a huge fan of Leftfield nor Orbital.

                    No matter how shit GU (or Oakie!) has, I'll always acknowledge the huge role GU played in my EDM resume.

                    Looking forward to every box set, listening to Nalin & Kane's Beachball on GU2 under a streetlamp in a parking lot, picking up Oakie's GU New York at Tower Records right after I had my 4 wisdom teeth taken out and I was still in a daze from GA, listening to GU14 stoned out of our heads with LSG-Into Deep and Sphere - Gravi Tech on repeat (listening to them on youtube now, jesus!) and just absolutely speechless at the deeeeeeeeeeeepness.

                    And somewher in there was Adam Freeland and his Coastal Breaks and around that time I also got introduced to Bukem's Logical Progression.

                    My first half-a-pill was with Digweed when I was about 22 or 24. I used to take a certain pride in getting into the music before the pills, I think that really gave me an appreciation for the music first, and later on a respect for the synergy between drugs and EDM, before I decided to just get fucked.

                    Because I wasn't a huge music fan, never listened to any classical or had any appreciation for instrumentation and aural space, EDM was the first time my mind 'dissected' the music while listening to it with my eyes closed. I think it was Fluoro.

                    There was a moment between listening to music and not hearing it (like 2D) to a moment when it suddenly opened up (3D), and you could pick out all these different things going on. (So I assume when most people think of EDM as repetitive beats, they aren't listening to it with depth, like listening to a band and hearing the drums, the guitars, etc. EDM is just a wash of sounds to most people.)

                    This fascination with the elements of EDM and the way they move differently in relation to each other while being in time, to create this symphony (which I would assume is what people appreciate when listening to, I dunno, an orchestra), was further enhanced by acid. So my amateurish appreciation for EDM had already gone from 2D to 3D.

                    First time listening to EDM on acid was like going from 3D to an animated, exploded blueprint like an Iron Man title sequence.

                    Anyone who thinks EDM is boring repetitive music, I'll challenge that. EDM is as cerebral as jazz or classical or any kind of music with any sophistication. It's mind-expanding and challenging if you're willing to be confronted.

                    I don't know. EDM is like a well-put-together argument or opinion. I might not like some stuff I hear, but I'll appreciate the way it's constructed and find at least an element I can respect.

                    That's my vague EDM resume.


                    Originally posted by Hoff
                    a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
                    Originally posted by m1sT3rL
                    Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

                    I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


                    • trick12
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 4412

                      Re: Share Your EDM Resume

                      cool story, the 3d thing is so true tho, once you get into it the music kinda puts u on a different dimension kinda state
                      Life's pretty fast..blup..blup...We made it!!


                      • trick12
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jul 2007
                        • 4412

                        Re: Share Your EDM Resume

                        Originally posted by feather
                        There was a moment between listening to music and not hearing it (like 2D) to a moment when it suddenly opened up (3D)

                        man just read this thread again and it gives me goose pumps everytime
                        Life's pretty fast..blup..blup...We made it!!


                        • Kinetic
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 2227

                          Re: Share Your EDM Resume

                          Man... if I had to go way back to my first exposures to electronic music, i would have to go back to somewhere before the mid-80´s, through my dad´s copies of Kraftwerk´s "Trans-Europe Express" and Herbie Hancock´s "Future Shock", which included "RockIt".

                          But narrowing it down to the moment I bought my 1st dance music record, then here it is :

                          So, according to release date, it all started in 1991. I bought that record because of a Paul Oakenfold remix that was included. So OAKIE is to blame

                          ... Actually, this topic deserves a whole lot more time than what I have right now, so I´ll come back later and talk a bit more about my 19 year-and-counting love affair with EDM

                          But I´ll just say that for those 1st 3 years after that, I actually listened to a lot more rock music (llke grunge bands) than EDM, that was just an occasional side-dish... until one day, I dropped my 1st E at a party where the DJ´s were DJ Pierre and DJ Vibe, in The Kremlin club in Lisbon... THAT was the defining moment, sometime during 1994.
                          "I play music at people" - Surgeon



                          • Steve Graham
                            DJ Jelly
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 12887

                            Re: Share Your EDM Resume

                            Originally posted by MJ
                            1987-Present day - Fuct if I know, it's all a bit hazy.

                            ^ this

                            perfectly stated


                            • djkix
                              Addiction started
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 257

                              Re: Share Your EDM Resume


                              1999 first rave. I think it was Oakie but I wasn't an EDM-head back then but do remember the event was pretty big. Graduated from college, started working. Saw DJ Krush in Seoul. Awesome.
                              2000 - Went out practically every single weekend to clubs and lounges but not DJ-centric. Sometime during the summer bought GU013 and discovered progressive house. Had a project in NY, went to Twilo for S&D, my one and only time. Didn't hit me how big the event was until later. Started buying Mixmag, Muzik, DJ mag... Was big into trance.
                              2001 - Laid off from work so I started going to my friend's place a lot and his roommate had 1200s. Learned how to mix from him. Started going to clubs more for the DJs. Aug 2000 - discovered downloading livesets for the first time (prior to then, didn't even know that existed). The first set ever downloaded was Diggers Kiss Club Yellow Part 3 where it begins with Deep Amok - Shades... was hooked on it and this got me into dark progressive. Started d/ling livesets like crazy and learned lots of other DJs. Shopped for vinyl a lot over the next year. Went to Area 1 (Oakey, Coxy, etc). Saw Tong, Sander, Seaman, PVD, Satoshi, etc etc etc... First time I saw Sasha, Nov 2001. Diggers won DJ mag best DJ, I still have the issue. If not getting prog house, I'd go to a local watering hole to enjoy Sat night deep house. Such good times.
                              2002 - More clubbing pretty much every weekend to go see DJs. Really enjoyed prog house from Sasha and Diggers. Went to Delta Heavy. Digs for Halloween party. Pretty much moved away from trance and was listening to prog house full time.
                              2003 - Saw Sasha in March and few days later at Ultra Music Fest for the first time and have not been back since Enjoyed more good prog house from Sasha, Digs. Armin in LA Spundae. Sasha again in July.
                              2004 - More clubbing for DJs. Diggers in fall. Still remembered him destroying the floor late in the set when he played Lonestar - New Kicks and Chab - Us and them.
                              2005 - More clubbing but really frustrated with electro/prog rock.
                              2006 - Clubbing pace def slowing down. Still frustrated with electro/prog rock, also minimal. Went to Ultra NYC... massive failure. Saw Diggers but didn't enjoy the set since it was only a 1.5 hour set and didn't get off the ground. Went to "Cross" in London - Harry Romero was spinning, danced til the morning... but it was all minimal and boring.
                              2007 - Clubbing pace semi regularly but still going out esp since I lived right next to a club that brought all the good DJs. Electro-boom seemed to be ending. Saw diggers 4 times this year, which was the most I've ever seen him. The post-WMC set by Diggers was on fire. A few days later went to NYC to see him again at Pacha. He seemed to have "found" himself again after being lost for about 3 years in electro. Saw Digweed in Sept and a week later again in NYC at Pacha. Great year.
                              2008 - 2010 - Semi retired/retired. 2008 - Went to NY for S&D at Webster. 2009 - Digweed in March, saw S&D on their US tour in July. No S or D in 2010 - they did not come to my city

                              The end.

                              PS - all drug free. Seriously.


                              • mnbvcxz
                                Platinum Poster
                                • Feb 2006
                                • 1312

                                Re: Share Your EDM Resume

                                I'll find it difficult to put together a resume but I'll highlight milestone album, gigs or whatever throughout each year. A lot of focus on Sasha, Digweed and Howells and whilst there is so many more artists I listen to I can't help but go back to these guys as major influences each year.

                                2000 - Oakenfold Travelling started it all for me...
                                2001 - GU019 immediately shifted focus to prog, mixing and programming (pure classic)
                                2002 - Digweed MMII started to appreciate a wider range of sound in EDM and more downtempo
                                2003 - Holden's Balance 005... listened on repeat for longest time
                                2004 - Sasha Involver equally listened on repeat. Also got into and extensively listened to oldschool albums from Sasha Digweed such as Northern Exposure
                                2005 - Danny Howells GU027 was the biggest highlight for me
                                2006 - John Digweed Transitions Vol.1 and seeing Sasha & Digweed Live
                                2007 - Quiet year for me... just explored a lot more obscure and unknown music in minimal house and deep house. Too many artists too mention
                                2008 - Seeing Danny Howells live at a intimate day party. He played for 5+ hours
                                2009 & 2010 - TBA

