HARRY AVERS presents
Noice! - Episode 145 NOICE! Presents That's What People Play featuring Dirt Crew (Dirt Crew Recordings)

so we are really excited here at NOICE! as today is a landmark day for NOICE's podcast. NOICE! in conjunction with whatpeopleplay are proud to present an exciting new sub series. As we have done with "Here There & Every Ware", "Back and Forth", and "Perfect Circle", NOICE! now introduces the next level in Musical bliss by presenting to you "That's What People Play" ... we will feature the series all July long by bringing you weekly special guests from this amazing company....... then every month after keep your ear buds bent as we will showcase some of the worlds best talent brought to you by this forward thinking show. first up is the incredible sounds of Dirt Crew..how appropriate..... enjoy and stay NOICE! 2004 Dirt Crew aka James Flavour and Break 3000 released their first EP "Cleaning up the Ghetto Part I" on MBF (My Best Friend) and got respect from DJ/Producers like Trevor Jackson, Ata, Ivan Smagghe and Sasse. After the follow up release, "Cleaning Up The Ghetto II", the track "Rok Da House" and their remix for Naomi by M.A.N.D.Y. on MBF, everything begin to fall into place and the Dirt Crew began to receive worldwide recognition on the dancefloor.
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Noice! - Episode 145 NOICE! Presents That's What People Play featuring Dirt Crew (Dirt Crew Recordings)

so we are really excited here at NOICE! as today is a landmark day for NOICE's podcast. NOICE! in conjunction with whatpeopleplay are proud to present an exciting new sub series. As we have done with "Here There & Every Ware", "Back and Forth", and "Perfect Circle", NOICE! now introduces the next level in Musical bliss by presenting to you "That's What People Play" ... we will feature the series all July long by bringing you weekly special guests from this amazing company....... then every month after keep your ear buds bent as we will showcase some of the worlds best talent brought to you by this forward thinking show. first up is the incredible sounds of Dirt Crew..how appropriate..... enjoy and stay NOICE! 2004 Dirt Crew aka James Flavour and Break 3000 released their first EP "Cleaning up the Ghetto Part I" on MBF (My Best Friend) and got respect from DJ/Producers like Trevor Jackson, Ata, Ivan Smagghe and Sasse. After the follow up release, "Cleaning Up The Ghetto II", the track "Rok Da House" and their remix for Naomi by M.A.N.D.Y. on MBF, everything begin to fall into place and the Dirt Crew began to receive worldwide recognition on the dancefloor.
Podcast home: http://noice.podomatic.com
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