Global Underground 122: Summer Trace Retirement Community.
88Mariner is back, and this time with a mix based on his epic set at Summer Trace. The first disk starts off with more of a mellow and very spacey blend of atmospheric house sounds and pounding baselines. Unlike GU: Florida, this one is less progressive and more along the lines of Northern Exposure V but alittle bit more pounding and body moving. The second side is funkier and maniacal...starting off with Jeffery Collins' "Keep Off My Lawn", the listener is guided on a journey of dark-brooding drums layered with ping-pong-filtered piano madness, blending in and out of heaven and hell. The mix builds and builds and finally the audience is enveloped in 10 minutes of that anthemic James Zabeila remix of Paul Parker's "Don't Stop (What You're Doin' To Me). It's tantalizing phuture funk frenzy weaving sunny afterlife dreams that will grab your walker and direct you to the nearest dancefloor.