Approaching its 95th event this Friday night, Club Muse wanted to give you an idea of what to expect from Droid Behavior’s Raíz. Interesting Times: Version.7 features the evolution of brothers Vangelis and Vidal Vargas’ Acid Circus project. With years of experience under their belt, these two have made a big impression with their live performance. Don’t miss them this Friday, July 23rd, at Muse with UFO!, Kuru and Kemst!
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1. naughty and tolis – move your feet
2. peka – you
3. raiz – dry tool 458
4. naughty and tolis – timeless groove
5. raiz – diametrical
6. franco cinelli (tobias remix)
7. surgeon – balance
8. lad zoe – my house is a cabana (argenis brito remix)
9. raiz – vanguard
10. dj naughty – all the boys look superchic
11. kolombo presents kagambo (brothers vibe remix)
12. kolombo presents kagambo (original mix)
13. joel mull – the mole
14. FEOS vs M/S/O – raw
15. raiz – contra
16. speedy j – armstrong
17. audio injection – truncate 2
18. raiz – tron legacy edit
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