Iriver software replacement

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  • ubiqe
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1731

    Exactly. I don't care about the size (it's still smaller than a cd player) as most of my clothes don't have pockets! Today's fashion is a bit weird, ain't it? I have to carry my player in a bag anyway... I have a cd/mp3 player (iriver imp 550) so changing it for a small flash or hd one doesn't make sense - the most you can get is 1GB - a bit more than 1 CD. Taking one more cd with me (and that's already more than 1,5 gb) doesn't take much more space

    40 gigs means:
    - forgetting about recording or copying anything from comp
    - no more rubish on my comps hd - all music goes straight onto player!
    - all my music available anytime. I'm a bit strange as I never know what I would like to listen to during the day - I love to be able to put on exactly what I'm in a mood for. With 1gb it's simply impossible.

    And the sweet little thingy costs about $670... :cry: I was wondering about ipod photo 60gb, which is suprisingly a bit cheaper, but I heard a couple of opinions that iriver is better and has more features and gadgets...


    • bluntguy
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jun 2004
      • 114

      40GB isn't that much when you collect DJ sets. I must have 70-80GB on my hard disc and my IRiver H-140 has been full for awhile.

      I want to upgrade whenever they start making 120GB mini drives, (which i'm sure will be by next year)


      • Mr.Big
        Platinum Poster
        • Nov 2004
        • 1390

        ubige for some one like u i can understand needing an iriver.. i get by with my 5GB zen...its small and light and holds a good 1100 songs so its all good for me.. anything bigger than a mini ipod is too big for me..

        i do like the irivers but there just too big..they need a mini iriver..
        Pimps up Hoes down.


        • jeffrey collins
          Not cool enough
          • Jun 2004
          • 7427

          I know there is a 40GIG Ipod now that is selling for $399, but that is stil way too expensive for me. I'll wait another year or so before buying one. By then the prices should have gone down a lot more.
          Jeffrey Collins: Painter
          My Painting Blog

          My Soundcloud page.


          • minneec
            Getting warmed up
            • Dec 2004
            • 75

            Originally posted by ubiqe
            Exactly. I don't care about the size (it's still smaller than a cd player) as most of my clothes don't have pockets! Today's fashion is a bit weird, ain't it? I have to carry my player in a bag anyway... I have a cd/mp3 player (iriver imp 550) so changing it for a small flash or hd one doesn't make sense - the most you can get is 1GB - a bit more than 1 CD. Taking one more cd with me (and that's already more than 1,5 gb) doesn't take much more space

            40 gigs means:
            - forgetting about recording or copying anything from comp
            - no more rubish on my comps hd - all music goes straight onto player!
            - all my music available anytime. I'm a bit strange as I never know what I would like to listen to during the day - I love to be able to put on exactly what I'm in a mood for. With 1gb it's simply impossible.

            And the sweet little thingy costs about $670... :cry: I was wondering about ipod photo 60gb, which is suprisingly a bit cheaper, but I heard a couple of opinions that iriver is better and has more features and gadgets...
            i know this sounds corny, but iriver also has a recorder, which i use to record lectures. and prob the best thing about iriver is the lack of all these attachments you have to get just to connect to something. you get everything when you get your iriver. so no accessories to buy. plus the customer care is a whole lot nicer. i drenched mine at an outdoor party and broke it. they replaced it without question.


            • palmer
              Retired or Simply Important
              • Jun 2004
              • 5383

              Originally posted by Mr.Big
              anything bigger than a mini ipod is too big for me

              well they came out with a new teeny tiny shuffle 512mb > right up your alley

              me I like balls in my mp3 player I need unlimited choices throughout my day... I'm about to up the ante here when the next gen of real ipods comes out, hopefully they have like an 80-100 gig'er in the works
              art direction | design | animation


              • ubiqe
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1731

                Originally posted by minneec
                the best thing about iriver is the lack of all these attachments you have to get just to connect to something. you get everything when you get your iriver. so no accessories to buy.
                That's what the guy at iriver store told me too - when you buy their products you've got everything there. certainly a +

