"Funk D'Void and Sian found the weirdest thing of all, a bearded child. 'Bearded Child' is a cuddly and tranquil baby though, leaving no reason to get at all upset about. Bumping house music does the trick as the techno mystery of the 'Bearded Child' evolves.
The flipside 'Veins' is more like it. Rattling mellotron vibes built the pace for this little gem. 'Veins' beg for attention as if all of dance music would depend on it. The square-dancing does the last trick, as this very much resembles in-line country and western dancing with a just a touch of genuine Scottish wack."
from here: http://www.pennyblackmusic.co.uk/Mag...w.aspx?id=7358
Preview here: http://vodpod.com/watch/4270762-funk...-bearded-child
Buy: Beatport