Darwin Award Candidates?

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    Getting warmed up
    • Jun 2010
    • 74

    Re: Darwin Award Candidates?

    Look guys, I'm not trying to look like some kind of bigot and get off to a horrible start with MS members. I can see your points and understand how insensitive and perhaps racist I must look. As a father and an experienced rafter/fisherman in my home state (CO) I was angered when I read this story because I feel that these children died due to negligence on the river that day. I'm sorry, but if these parents had made even one intelligent decision regarding the safety of their children, I don't think we'd even have anything to argue about. Forget the fact that they didn't have enough life vests, think about how none of the kids knew how to swim. If you even had one days worth of experience on any river you would know that there are undercurrents, eddies, and CHASMS that can put even the most experienced swimmers in danger (in the shallowest of waters). But, the parents overlooked these things, it's not the kids' fault but come on? How can you sit there and watch your children follow each other like Lemmings into the river and drown? Selfless acts award? Medal of courage? How about a visit from child protective services? I didn't read anything about the PARENTS actually jumping in and trying to save the kids. Shit, they could have even made a "human rope" from the shore. There were 7 + people, right? See, negligence. Maybe the Darwin nomination was a bit sarcastic, and yeah the Ghost Train story was a bit more ironic, but geez you guys are pretty sensitive. So maybe I dont know what the Darwin award really is for but I don't give these people sympathy (I mean maybe if it were 1 or 2 of the kids, fack! even if it were just 6 of the kids) 7 fucking teenage children had to die because of their parents pure negligence. It pisses me off. Please school me (I'm into it) on whatever actual Darwin nominees you might want to share.
    we seize the day when the beats play



    • nick007
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Oct 2007
      • 6095

      Re: Darwin Award Candidates?

      Dude! you might want to tone it down a bit on here, Just a thought

      The largest room in the world, is the room for improvement!


      • Kamal
        • May 2002
        • 28835

        Re: Darwin Award Candidates?

        Originally posted by HAILandKILL
        Look guys, I'm not trying to look like some kind of bigot and get off to a horrible start with MS members. I can see your points and understand how insensitive and perhaps racist I must look. As a father and an experienced rafter/fisherman in my home state (CO) I was angered when I read this story because I feel that these children died due to negligence on the river that day. I'm sorry, but if these parents had made even one intelligent decision regarding the safety of their children, I don't think we'd even have anything to argue about. Forget the fact that they didn't have enough life vests, think about how none of the kids knew how to swim. If you even had one days worth of experience on any river you would know that there are undercurrents, eddies, and CHASMS that can put even the most experienced swimmers in danger (in the shallowest of waters). But, the parents overlooked these things, it's not the kids' fault but come on? How can you sit there and watch your children follow each other like Lemmings into the river and drown? Selfless acts award? Medal of courage? How about a visit from child protective services? I didn't read anything about the PARENTS actually jumping in and trying to save the kids. Shit, they could have even made a "human rope" from the shore. There were 7 + people, right? See, negligence. Maybe the Darwin nomination was a bit sarcastic, and yeah the Ghost Train story was a bit more ironic, but geez you guys are pretty sensitive. So maybe I dont know what the Darwin award really is for but I don't give these people sympathy (I mean maybe if it were 1 or 2 of the kids, fack! even if it were just 6 of the kids) 7 fucking teenage children had to die because of their parents pure negligence. It pisses me off. Please school me (I'm into it) on whatever actual Darwin nominees you might want to share.
        I kind of get your intention but the way you have presented the stories (especially the deaths of 7 innocent teens) and you misinterpret "negligence" with "stupidity". Darwin awards are for SHEER acts of dumbness.

        Get schooled - http://www.darwinawards.com/

        Jib says:
        he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
        Originally posted by ace_dl
        Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
        I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me

