With the increased popularity of Sound Cloud among DJs & Musicians we have added a SoundCloud embedder to [MS] giving users the opportunity to post music from Sound Cloud directly on to [MS] similar to what we do with photos or YouTube videos. This will also give [MS] users the opportunity to browse through sets before deciding whether to download them.
Here is how to use it. Either you type the new tag [soundcloud]URL[/sound..... ] manually or you can use the new icon you see now in the advanced options when you post a thread or reply:
Between tag start and closure, just enter the url like for example: http://soundcloud.com/djnickwarren/tomorrowland-dj-set
Here is how to use it. Either you type the new tag [soundcloud]URL[/sound..... ] manually or you can use the new icon you see now in the advanced options when you post a thread or reply:
Between tag start and closure, just enter the url like for example: http://soundcloud.com/djnickwarren/tomorrowland-dj-set