(LDN 03/10/10) Jaded at Cable with Jef K, Raymundo Rodriguez & Mouj
5am to 1pm
This Sunday Morning Jef K makes a rare London appearance for Jaded at Cable. His recent RA podcast shone with the sheer musicality we adore at Jaded towers. If you haven't already, a listen to this is a must.
Read the accompanying interview: http://www.residentadvisor.net/podca...de.aspx?id=217
Stream the mix: http://soundcloud.com/loveleedae-1/j...isor-july-2010
Jef K will play alongside our two amazing ressies - Raymundo Rodriguez and Mouj
For £5 earlybird list message full names by 4pm Friday to jadedsundays@hotmail.com
Jaded Winter Line Ups - Lauhaus, Bruno Pronsato, Lee Jones, Monika Kruse all coming up
Some winter date for your diary - more TBA soon...
October 24th: Jaded presents DC7 after party with Monika Kruse (Terminal M, Berlin Tour)
October 31st: Jaded Halloween Special with Lauhaus (Remote Area/ Soweso) Raymundo Rodriguez Shane Watcha plus in Cable's bar: Alex Kleve and Friends.
November 28th: Jaded 6th Birthday
January 1st: Jaded New Years Day
January 31st: Jaded with Lee Jones (Aus Music / Watergate)
Easter Bank Holiday Monday: Bruno Pronsato (thesongsays)
scenes from last Sunday's Jaded with special surprise guest Chris Leibing