Thanatos using a pc configuration that enables him to create mixes of tracks and samples/loop/effects by a program of digital file’s mix and ableton live. All this becomes possibile with a pc’s audio configuration that includes 2 external audio schede, an analogic mixer (6 channels, allen heath xone92) and midi controller. Fascinated by the electronic music begins to observe and search producers and dj. By attending various scenes including Italian clubs, raves and parties they affect and evolve; His musical refinement also led him to start producing songs; Techno to 360°. His first experience with a public,start small private parties,and over time decided to organize Small club situations near his home. Has Play in various Italy clubs. In 2008 begins Techno_Bunker project,organizes this evening with the intent to promote Techno music. 06/2009 Has finish the Sound Engineer School.
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