here you go!!! this is the first 3 hours of a 5.5 hour set we were lucky enough to experience from Mr Cusick that he has graciously allowed me to release for download
The second section has some back stories to it, and will be posted shortly along with a little photo gallery of the party.
There is of course no T/L for this, but I'm sure the spotters here will be able to pick out some of the tracks in the mix

Edit: Steve thanks! This WILL move to the Promos/Downloads section ultimately in a little while. Just want to give it a decent bump here first.
The second section has some back stories to it, and will be posted shortly along with a little photo gallery of the party.
There is of course no T/L for this, but I'm sure the spotters here will be able to pick out some of the tracks in the mix

Edit: Steve thanks! This WILL move to the Promos/Downloads section ultimately in a little while. Just want to give it a decent bump here first.