The Spill
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Re: The Spill
^Did you see the one they did right after the spill occurred?
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: The Spill
It might have been 60 minutes come to think of it.. I think I posted it here actually... in which case I'm sure you did see it.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: The Spill
just watched this, good expose on the lack of oversight and focus on cost cutting at the top that has led to all of their operational problems over the years. sadly though since they are such a large company it will take decades to fix any of this, if at all.Comment
Re: The Spill
^That's what it said, they neglect precautionary measures such as pigging to save a $100K, etc... absurd.
7 years before they will be able to drill any new wells in the US.
Along a similar vein is the trash problems China is having right now. They don't have the infrastructure to properly manage their waste, so their are massive dump sites, something like 400+ surrounding the major cities. The problems is the streams and rivers carry this trash directly to the ocean where it accumulates and eventually either gets eaten or washes up on shores in Hawaii and other pacific islands. There's something like 7 major trash islands under the surface enormous in size between the continents... that shit is highly disturbing.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: The Spill
yeah not repairing stuff for $150k, are you kidding? A company that big? Thats not even a blip on the radar. The bigger problem is just the culture of making money is greater than even the bare minimum of safety checks.Comment