...until I got home.
A new roommate moved in last weekend, and brought his 9-month old Rottweiler. Not having to pay double rent & bills took a little bit of stress off of a plate filled with the fear of my getting laid off from my job within the next two months, trying to buy a house, my sister being put on complete bed red after her doctor said her unborn baby is half the weight that it should be 8 months into the pregnancy, trying to convince some people to go to WMC with me so I can actually go, my company making me work 75 hour weeks this month, etc.
My previous roommate and I had gotten a puppy about 9 months ago. We spent all that time trying to potty-train it, and she finally learned within 4-5 months. We taught her tricks like sit, lay down, stay, shake, roll over, etc. Rewarding stuff, I guess. I was working on getting her to stand on her hind legs when the roommate moved out to live with his pregnant girlfriend and the dog. Sucks, but whatever.
The new roommate has a rottweiler puppy, the same age as the puppy my other roommate and I had. Full of energy, the puppy just doesn't stop moving. Bites like crazy (playfully I guess, but it's still damned annoying and hurts sometimes) and pisses like a faucet. My roommate kept her in a kennel at his previous place, but we have a sort of enclosed back porch that he decided to leave him in, since he said he never really had problems with him pissing. After 3 days, I knew it wasn't going to work out just letting the dog have that whole porch to himself.
Every day I would come home, the dog would have pissed all over the just-barely-uneven floor, and shat in a few places. For a 9 month old puppy, it shouldn't be that way. I would come home, let him out of there since I would beat my roommate home by an hour, and watch the dog run into the kitchen, track piss into it, then either run into the living room and piss all over me/the floor, or just do it there in the kitchen. I started opening the back porch door from the outside first, so he could run outside and piss before letting him inside... but that didn't work. As soon as I'd let that dog inside he'd just piss all over me and the carpet.
The dog was laying in his piss, and when we'd open the door he'd be so excited that he'd run through the piss and fall flat on his face from the linoleum. The dog smelled like piss, I didn't want to let him in the house and I didn't want to keep mopping that fucking floor every day. Even when we've been home for 4-5 hours and after the dog would be inside for that whole time, he'd piss. Example: this weekend, the roommie took the dog outside for about 20 minutes. We'd been home all day, with the dog inside the house. After opening the door, the dog ran inside, jumped on me and the couch, proceeded to piss on me, the couch, and the floor... a lot of piss. All this happened before my roommate was able to shut the door behind him. Four times a day it's nothing but piss on me and/or the floor.
Told my roommate I couldn't let the dog keep laying/slipping in his piss, and that it wasn't right. Any dog shouldn't be in those conditions. Mopped the floors and gave the dog a bath on Saturday, and told him that I wanted to move the dog's kennel inside so we could keep it on track with the kennel training, since the "porch toilet" obviously wasn't working. I got home from work today, which was the first day letting him stay home since we decided to keep him in the kennel, clean and piss-less.
I opened the door, saw the TV on, and the dog sitting right in front of the door wagging his tail. I freaked out (why the hell was that dog not in his kennel?), threw my laptop and a bag on the couch, and bolted for the back door to let him out before pissing on me or the carpet. The roommate's supposed to work a 12 hour day today, he's not home... and he left at 9am. I walked back inside, turned on the lights, and saw everything on the floor. Shoes scattered throughout the floor, bills/coasters/gloves/shoes/toilet paper/bags/hat/laptop power supply(hope he shocked himself)/[HEADPHONES
] chewed up. Nothing on the table. Piss everywhere. I was pissed. I'm still pissed. The dog knows it, too.
I look at the kennel, and it's still "shut." It's a wire-frame POS that the dog obviously shimmied his way through. I got a wire hanger and bent it around the kennel enough to keep him in... (not finished yet, but he and I both know he's not leaving the kennel without my permission). I finally let him inside, to go straight for the kennel (of course) and he blazes past me and runs for the couch. I'm sitting at the kennel calling his name, and he's still a little scared of me. So I finally get up to bring him to the kennel, and notice he's sitting (standing?) on my laptop. I start to run for him, and he starts pissing on it. Of course.
Living room's cleaned up. Bathroom's cleaned up. Kitchen's been cleaned up. Laptop's cleaned up... luckily it was closed and nothing seeped inside. Piss has been kneaded out of the carpet as best as I can. Dog's sitting in the kennel. Now I get to do laundry and dishes. And fume over how shitty a day can get in just a 10 minute period.
A new roommate moved in last weekend, and brought his 9-month old Rottweiler. Not having to pay double rent & bills took a little bit of stress off of a plate filled with the fear of my getting laid off from my job within the next two months, trying to buy a house, my sister being put on complete bed red after her doctor said her unborn baby is half the weight that it should be 8 months into the pregnancy, trying to convince some people to go to WMC with me so I can actually go, my company making me work 75 hour weeks this month, etc.
My previous roommate and I had gotten a puppy about 9 months ago. We spent all that time trying to potty-train it, and she finally learned within 4-5 months. We taught her tricks like sit, lay down, stay, shake, roll over, etc. Rewarding stuff, I guess. I was working on getting her to stand on her hind legs when the roommate moved out to live with his pregnant girlfriend and the dog. Sucks, but whatever.
The new roommate has a rottweiler puppy, the same age as the puppy my other roommate and I had. Full of energy, the puppy just doesn't stop moving. Bites like crazy (playfully I guess, but it's still damned annoying and hurts sometimes) and pisses like a faucet. My roommate kept her in a kennel at his previous place, but we have a sort of enclosed back porch that he decided to leave him in, since he said he never really had problems with him pissing. After 3 days, I knew it wasn't going to work out just letting the dog have that whole porch to himself.
Every day I would come home, the dog would have pissed all over the just-barely-uneven floor, and shat in a few places. For a 9 month old puppy, it shouldn't be that way. I would come home, let him out of there since I would beat my roommate home by an hour, and watch the dog run into the kitchen, track piss into it, then either run into the living room and piss all over me/the floor, or just do it there in the kitchen. I started opening the back porch door from the outside first, so he could run outside and piss before letting him inside... but that didn't work. As soon as I'd let that dog inside he'd just piss all over me and the carpet.
The dog was laying in his piss, and when we'd open the door he'd be so excited that he'd run through the piss and fall flat on his face from the linoleum. The dog smelled like piss, I didn't want to let him in the house and I didn't want to keep mopping that fucking floor every day. Even when we've been home for 4-5 hours and after the dog would be inside for that whole time, he'd piss. Example: this weekend, the roommie took the dog outside for about 20 minutes. We'd been home all day, with the dog inside the house. After opening the door, the dog ran inside, jumped on me and the couch, proceeded to piss on me, the couch, and the floor... a lot of piss. All this happened before my roommate was able to shut the door behind him. Four times a day it's nothing but piss on me and/or the floor.
Told my roommate I couldn't let the dog keep laying/slipping in his piss, and that it wasn't right. Any dog shouldn't be in those conditions. Mopped the floors and gave the dog a bath on Saturday, and told him that I wanted to move the dog's kennel inside so we could keep it on track with the kennel training, since the "porch toilet" obviously wasn't working. I got home from work today, which was the first day letting him stay home since we decided to keep him in the kennel, clean and piss-less.
I opened the door, saw the TV on, and the dog sitting right in front of the door wagging his tail. I freaked out (why the hell was that dog not in his kennel?), threw my laptop and a bag on the couch, and bolted for the back door to let him out before pissing on me or the carpet. The roommate's supposed to work a 12 hour day today, he's not home... and he left at 9am. I walked back inside, turned on the lights, and saw everything on the floor. Shoes scattered throughout the floor, bills/coasters/gloves/shoes/toilet paper/bags/hat/laptop power supply(hope he shocked himself)/[HEADPHONES

I look at the kennel, and it's still "shut." It's a wire-frame POS that the dog obviously shimmied his way through. I got a wire hanger and bent it around the kennel enough to keep him in... (not finished yet, but he and I both know he's not leaving the kennel without my permission). I finally let him inside, to go straight for the kennel (of course) and he blazes past me and runs for the couch. I'm sitting at the kennel calling his name, and he's still a little scared of me. So I finally get up to bring him to the kennel, and notice he's sitting (standing?) on my laptop. I start to run for him, and he starts pissing on it. Of course.
Living room's cleaned up. Bathroom's cleaned up. Kitchen's been cleaned up. Laptop's cleaned up... luckily it was closed and nothing seeped inside. Piss has been kneaded out of the carpet as best as I can. Dog's sitting in the kennel. Now I get to do laundry and dishes. And fume over how shitty a day can get in just a 10 minute period.