01. The Last Days Of Jesus, Captain Audio, Brandon Hull - Intro Mashup [0:00:28]
02. Paskal - Need Love (Henry L, Ingo Sanger's Disco Dub Mix) - Farside Records - [0:01:16]
03. Remote - Bookham (Original Mix) - Cr2 Records [0:07:10]
04. Rick Wade - Creeper (Erich Bogatzky, Volt.Mar Remix) - minimood [0:11:52]
05. Michael McLardy - Goodbye To The Circus - Baker Street Recordings PROMO [0:18:39]
06. San Soda - NMBSucks (Original Mix) - We Play House Recordings [0:24:34]
07. Chris B - In-Haus Musik (Original Mix) - Toolroom Longplayer [0:30:27]
08. Nathan G - Inner Spirit (Original Mix) - Large Music [0:36:17]
09. Dave Ellesmere - Always Love (Original Mix) - Cr2 Records [0:40:45]
10. Oleg Soul - Sense (Oleg B Remix) - Underground City Music [0:47:02]
11. Yuriy From Russia - Rainy Morning (Original Mix) - Carica Deep [0:52:45]
12. From P60, Virag - Over The Sea (Original Mix) - Clubstar [0:58:55]
13. Matthias Vogt - The Essence (Jonn Hawley Remix) - Large Music [1:05:09]
14. J. Sasz - Pippo La Casa (Original Mix) - Mutant Bit [1:11:20]
15. Undbeat Feat. The Second, Joe Fisher - Space Flow (Original Dub Mix) Unreleased PROMO [1:17:14]
16. James Kameran - Soft And Crumbly (Original Mix) - Rogue Recordings [1:23:06]
17. Sub_Compression - When It All Comes Back (YokoO Remix) - Hertzlich [1:28:29]
18. Soffy O, Lexy - Chronicles (Original Long Mix) - Moensterbox [1:35:38]
19. Junior White DJ Feat. Noelle - Only In My Mind (Maji Mix) - Next Dimension Music [1:40:43]
20. Saint iBot - Kekskruemel (TiniUndTus Remix) - Doppelgaenger [1:46:08]
21. Stan Kolev, Juan Mejia - In The Dark (Original Mix) - Dutchie Music [1:52:15]