Interview the person below you

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  • nick007
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Oct 2007
    • 6095

    Re: Interview the person below you

    No it doesnt!!

    Garth: Sometimes I wish I could boldly go where no man has gone before... but I'll probably stay in Aurora. What are you thinking about?
    wayne: Cassandra. She's a fox. In French she would be called "la renarde" and she would be hunted with only her cunning to protect her.
    Garth : She's a babe.
    Wayne : She's a robo-babe. In Latin she would be called "babia majora".
    Garth : If she were a president she would be Baberaham Lincoln.
    Garth : Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played girl bunny?
    Wayne : No. No.
    Garth : Neither did I. I was just asking.

    Do you believe you were dropped on your head as a baby?

    The largest room in the world, is the room for improvement!


    • day_for_night
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jun 2004
      • 4127

      Re: Interview the person below you

      it would explain alot...

      if you had one thing to do over in your life, what would it be?


      • Dhar_2
        meat and potatoes
        • Jun 2004
        • 18925

        Re: Interview the person below you

        ask this question again because no isnt an answer!

        why do people feel the need to drive under the speed limit? Especially when your speedo is calibrated to give a slightly higher reading than you are actually going. Hence passing through a 50kmph camera at 50kmph means your actually only doing 47kmph and you could actually be going at 60kmph according to your speedo as the camera doesnt actually take the photo until you are doing an actual 58kmph. So why the fuck are u going at 40kmph according to your speedo!!!???


        • i!!ustrious
          I got some N64 Games Yo!!
          • Mar 2008
          • 12308

          Re: Interview the person below you

          lol, speedometer must be calibrated wrong.

          desire or aspire?
          (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


          • Dhar_2
            meat and potatoes
            • Jun 2004
            • 18925

            Re: Interview the person below you


            degrade or retrograde?


            • i!!ustrious
              I got some N64 Games Yo!!
              • Mar 2008
              • 12308

              Re: Interview the person below you

              retrograde and kindly direct brah


              cocaine or caffeine?
              (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


              • AndyH
                Platinum Poster
                • May 2005
                • 1786

                Re: Interview the person below you

                Depends on the time of day

                Minimal or Prog
                [quote=lilsensa '] 'Who wants to sample size my ball sack?'


                • Adzey
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 3517

                  Re: Interview the person below you


                  salad or veg

                  "Working like a wizard he doesn't jump around much or react much to what he is playing but the place is going nuts"


                  • Dhar_2
                    meat and potatoes
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 18925

                    Re: Interview the person below you


                    hot, cold or tepid?


                    • rainman
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 1869

                      Re: Interview the person below you

                      luke-warm, pink in the middle

                      rice or potatoes?


                      • day_for_night
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 4127

                        Re: Interview the person below you


                        since dhar so rudely railroaded my last question, i will repost...

                        if you had one thing to do over in life, what would it be?


                        • Bender420
                          Tickle me Elmo!
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 1512

                          Re: Interview the person below you

                          Dude that would take pages to explain and it would tear a hole in the time space continuum and none of u would no me because I would no longer be!

                          Do you have one or even a few singular moments in your life that you know have significantly shaped who you are today?
                          Don't let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.

                          "some things simply aren’t meant to be bootybumped. Hard liquor is a prime example, as it will burn like a motherfuck."


                          • Dhar_2
                            meat and potatoes
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 18925

                            Re: Interview the person below you

                            everyday is on of those moments!

                            there are those that i remember more for good and bad reasons!

                            i think that everything shapes us on a consciuos and unconscious level.

                            if u could go ono holiday anywhere. where and why?


                            • Steve Graham
                              DJ Jelly
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 12887

                              Re: Interview the person below you

                              subconcious not unconscious, lol

                              I'd go on holiday to Peru.. I personally know many people that have lived and/or visited there and have had nothing but good things to say about it.. any documentries I've seen and things I've read, just looks an amazing place to visit

                              same question, if u could go on holiday anywhere. where and why? (not lazy just curious)


                              • Life on Other Planets AKA Johns
                                Are you Kidding me??
                                • Oct 2005
                                • 3087

                                Re: Interview the person below you

                                India (Bombay) cause i miss it.

                                sexiest person in the world?

