MJDub(227), brakada(154), Galapidate(151), gr8pumpkin(125), FM(120), Musical Journey(92), razvan (8, asdf_admin(86), mario belter(74), Pataky P?l(72), Civic_Zen (6, rewing3(66), sakio pod(63), tiddles(5, Northern Exposed(56), nbpgt(55), Hos(55), mingus51(54), DreamGirlie(54), bedrizzock(45), hypoluxxa(41), Trancelucent One(41), tintin(39), dali18(37), Alpinevpr(36)
brakada and Galapidate are also post whoreing a bit to the extreme there. Gr8pumpkin has an excuse for sure since more then half of those are from the Kiss100 tracklisting section (gr8 job again there gr8 :wink: ) And FM your teadering as a whore in training. I know a brothel that brakada and galapidate frequent that will train you proper. And MJ you can join him.
asdf, and myself will be joining you in no time I'm sure.