Glad to be of help. Now that bitch is finally good for something.
what's the worst job you've ever had?
Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway -
Where do I start?
1. Dairy department of Winn-Dixie. The dairy manager used to make me take eggs that were out of date and divide them up into two 1/2 dozen containers since those didn't have a date printed on them. I felt like such a asshole doing it, but I didn't want to lose my job.
2. Newspaper delivery. Did that for 3 nights before I said fuck it. They woo you by telling you what you'll make per month (since that's how they pay you) but leave out that it will take you the better part of 10 hours per day, 7 days per week. Not to mention gas and wear-and-tear on your car.
3. Night auditor of a hotel. The real title should've been front desk donkey. You sit there all fucking night and talk to a total of 3 people between the hours of 10pm-8am. I didn't return after my first night.A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.Comment
Staple Remover.
The sad thing is it's my current job...but the money is alright so I guess I can't really complain.Comment
Originally posted by White_HinduStaple Remover.
The sad thing is it's my current job...but the money is alright so I guess I can't really complain.
staple remover ... from???Comment
I quit the shithole of a bank that I worked for. I reached my wit?s end, and I had to get those bitches when it hurt the most. Let me break it down for you:
There are normally 8 of us working in the branch. It usually takes all 8 people to make the branch run smoothly in any given day. Even having only 7 will fuck things up considerably. With that in mind, my manager saw fit to schedule 4 people off the week after christmas. THAT?S HALF THE FUCKING BRANCH!!!! As you can imagine, this didn?t sit too well with me.
However, I was the only one who saw fit to voice his opinions about it. Everybody else cowered like some little bitches. Of course, my manager wasn?t hearing it. He says that if he can tough it out for a week with half the folks gone, then we should be able to do it as well.
I knew it was bullshit, but I couldn?t say anything against it. I was just gonna make sure that he worked that week and didn?t hide in his office like a pussy, which he was likely to do. So life went on, and everything was cool in bank land.
The Monday before Christmas, my manager tells us that he has decided to schedule himself off that week because he ?hasn?t spent time with his family?. What? I wish a motherfucker would??.. So now we?re down to 3 people to run an 8-person branch, which will probably be busy as hell. I knew at that point that my days were numbered. Customer complaints against me were going to go through the roof that week because I REALLY would not give a fuck. I figured i?d work until the first week of January and quit.
My manager threw a wrench in the operation when he announced that Thursday that he would start his vacation early - that very day. Not only that, he picked the busiest time of the day to step out. I called him out on it, and he basically said that he could do whatever he wanted because he?s the manager. Aight bitch - I got your prerogative RIGHT HERE?.
On top of that, I realized that I would be working all week with the two people that i most dislike. I wasn?t gonna make. It was then and there that I decided that Friday (Christmas Eve) would be my last day. I just wasn?t gonna tell anybody.
So on Friday, December 24, 2004, I walked into work with a smile on my face. If anybody asked, I would say that it was the Christmas spirit. It wasn?t really busy that day; all we did was talk about how busy the next week would be and discussed strategies to maintain the flow of traffic. They made me the vault teller because the vault teller was on vacation the following week with everybody else. I alone had the combination to the mone vault, so if the bank ran low on money, they had to go through me. I didn?t object. They wanted me to run a teller drawer the following week, since all of the tellers were scheduled off. I didn?t object. I was doing it for the better of the company.
At the end of the day after everybody else shut down their computers, I sent an email to them all, along with the HR person and the regional manager simply stating ?Today is my last day here. My keys are in the desk.? I wished them all a Merry Christmas, and that was it.
I can only imagine how hectic that Monday morning was. Banks are usually busy on Mondays because they?re closed on Sundays. You factor in the bank being closed for 2 days, let alone after a holiday, and you have a madhouse (even with all 8 people there). With that in mind, trim the staff down to 2 and you can imagine the nightmare that they walked into that day. Nobody to work as teller. No vault teller. Nobody for the second set of codes to unlock everything. An employee who quit without notice. A parking lot full of eager, impatient customers. A manager who took an early vacation, and is impossible to reach. Let me go back - an employee who suddenly quit without notice AND recently changed his home and mobile numbers. My mole in the system told me that things in the branch reached a boiling point that day, and they damn near had to close it down.
I?m proud of my work.Comment
i worked on an assembly line making industrial sized air conditioners.
it sucked.
it was easy.
but hly crap was it boringComment
Re: what's the worst job you've ever had?
U.P.S....this was in Orlando in the middle of the summer...the trailer would sit in the heat all day shift started at 6pm...when I would lift the back door open, a blast of hot, dusty, musty air hit me right in the face...we were required to unload 1200 boxes an hour, labels up or on the right side. After an hour and a half of back breaking work, we would get a 10 minute break...just long enough to run to the break room, stand in line for the vending maching, down a pepsi and a snickers bar, then run back to the work area and start again....supervisors were constantly running around pushing you to go faster...I would go home with cardboard dust in every orifice of my body...I called in sick with the flu once but I guess they didn't believe I showed up and unloaded about 200 in an hour...they asked me why I even came into work if I was sick..pricks....Glenn Okada (
"...without struggle, there is no progress."
ups sucks i did it for 2 weeks for christmas help..shitty.. my back gave out at the end of the 2 weeksComment
I spent 2 weeks sticking timber in a sawmill... I hated that, cos it was so boring, not to mention exhausting and shit pay
I spent 1 day as a garbage man, I think that was even worse :?
I really, really hated working as a hotel barman too, again shitty pay, and my manager was a complete prick. At least I got free booze thoughComment
Pickels, you deserve an award for that. If there isn't one, we'll create one.
5 go-go-points for Pickels.Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
ok well 2 jobs come to being a punishment really..
1) In 2001 i went to the East coast/maryland O.C to live for the summer..I was out one night and was at a party when the cops were bangin on the door..we all thought this was great fun as people were hiding under beds and around curtains, very movie like.. so the cops busted my friend and i for underage drinking..i was 20(damn 21 rule) at the time and had being drinking in pubs back home since i was 16..
So anyway went to the judge and got 20 hours community service in a bus station toilet cleaning that was a shit job, and i nerely got fired as i had to take 3 days off work to clean up other peoples shit..
2) when i was about 16 i was working in a pub till about 3-4am on fri/sat nights then i would be in at 10 am on sat/sun morning to sort out the bottle bins...for anyone who does'nt know what they are its basically where all the bottles with different types of drink are thrown and u have to reach in and sort out the bottles..
the smell of it plus the fact i would prob be drinkin after work plus little sleep would sometimes make me puke into the bins and then have to put my hands back in.. :?
i lasted 2weeks in that job...shittyComment
Re: what's the worst job you've ever had?
i once worked for an independent marketing firm which for $5/hour, i had to call random people, ask them dozens of questions to pre-qualify them for a study the firm was having, like who drank a certain brand of liquor. calls would go on for 15 minutes or more to only find out that they didn't qualify! that job lasted for about a week!Comment
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