I worked@Mc Donalds, Pizza Hut and several fabrics to get me some money for holidays, cars and beer when I was younger but the worst job I hever had was to deliever food for a Chinese restaurant. The cars they had were rotten pieces of shit which were not safe for driving at all. He didn't pay me good and it was hectic all the way and besides driving ugly smelling Chinese Fast food to customers I had to clean his mess he called kitchen and also help him with cooking and preparing the meals. 3 jobs in one for a few bucks. If people knew how old the food was he cooked together and that it didn't matter if it fell down on the floor ("If you cook it, all bacteria will go away" was his motto) they would have puked straight away after the 1st bite. He always yelled at me to drive faster but as soon as I got a ticket for it I was blamed as well to drive with more attention.
After 2 months he yelled again something in my direction and I just quit without saying anything and never came back.
Good ole times with handshake contracts, nowadays even such douchebags could probably sue you for breaking a contract even if it?s modern slavery what they call a job.
