The Rep. Robert Brady wants to make the use of language and symbols 'percieved' as threatening or inciting violence, against a federal official or member of congress a federal crime,
Will a picture of a lamp post being held up by a protester have him/her thrown in prison?
"We must march to the white house and remove the traitors from within." Is this the type of language that will land you in the slammer?
Who decides?
It appears that the signature of the treasonous Rep. Robert Brady was also included, in a congressional letter sent to President Obama, urging clemency for Jonathan Pollard.
"These traitors should be hung." In before it becomes a crime.
Will a picture of a lamp post being held up by a protester have him/her thrown in prison?
"We must march to the white house and remove the traitors from within." Is this the type of language that will land you in the slammer?
Who decides?
It appears that the signature of the treasonous Rep. Robert Brady was also included, in a congressional letter sent to President Obama, urging clemency for Jonathan Pollard.
"These traitors should be hung." In before it becomes a crime.
