9yo & 10yo Arrested

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  • jeffrey collins
    Not cool enough
    • Jun 2004
    • 7427

    We have a big problem in this country with classifications of different types of people and it will contuinue until the parents start teaching some respect for other types of peope into out children. Remember people this all starts at home and kids just emulate what they see mommy and daddy doing. Kids are not that smart.
    Jeffrey Collins: Painter
    My Painting Blog

    My Soundcloud page.


    • beanzncheez
      • Jun 2004
      • 4442

      Re: 9yo & 10yo Arrested

      Originally posted by Garrick
      this is why i hate america...
      Then go back to Africa dude. Asshat.


      • beanzncheez
        • Jun 2004
        • 4442

        Originally posted by jeffrey collins
        Remember people this all starts at home and kids just emulate what they see mommy and daddy doing. Kids are not that smart.
        You are a prime example of this. Congratulations. Here's your prize.


        • chonkey
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 130

          A quote from a police "spokesperson" ...

          "When an adult or even myself look at the picture looked at it at first I was thinking there is really not much to the picture or I would not be that scared by the picture those children drew,"

          .... look at the picture looked at it at first I was thinking..... ehh is that even English? One point I want to bring up is... being bunched in the face by an 18-yr-old "special kid" is different than a 9-yr-old drawing a picture and not even acting on it. When you're that age, you don't see the difference between appropriate and "inappropriate" actions, especially when you're in special ed. Do you really think sending these kids to Juvi. with 17-yr-old murderers is gonna solve the problem? No, they'll be even more confused, and it'll probably just create more anger in these already troubled people. They have to be taught to deal with anger and stuff like that, not taught that drawing what you feel inside gets you sent to prison. Bottom line... these kids are young and dumb... scaring the hell out of them with all this nonsense is not going to cure their anger and social problems. As soon as this country realizes there's a difference between non-violent criminals that need help with anger/drug problems and murderers/rapists, the sooner we'll solve this whole overcrowded prison / high crime rate B.S.
          Ride the donkey


          • remoh
            Platinum Poster
            • Jun 2004
            • 2466

            it seems kind of harsh...but like ska said all these schools crimes have traceble threats that were made way before anything happened and nothing was done.... so i guess we are finally learning from experience that its better safe than sorry
            [URL="http://www.darkdrums.com/"]| Visit www.darkdrums.com |
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            • Morgan
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 2234


              A totally over the top reaction. The school should have slapped them on the wrist and explained why. To get the police involved and arrest them is plain wrong.

              10 years old is not a sucficcent age for criminal resonsbilty. 12 yes maybe, but a 10 year old with learing difficulites should be guided on a first offence not punished.

              I'm not really suprised at some of the comments above, after all you do execute minors FFS.
              "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


              • Garrick
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Jun 2004
                • 6764

                seems like we're moving closer and closer to The Minority Report to me.
                Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?


                • skahound
                  Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 11411

                  What you all don't realize is that these children are not going to jail, juvi, or any other type of correctional facility. They have already been released into the custody of their parents. The DA's office in this state (not to mentioned every state in this country) has far more cases than it can handle at any given moment. That being said, the whole arrest, etc. of these children was meant to set an example not only to these kids but to any child who happens to hear about this story.

                  Don't get me wrong, I fully believe it is the parents' responsibility to teach these children, but obviously something was lost along the way. When that happens it is up to law enforcement to step in and right the wrong. That is what happened here.

                  Originally posted by Morgan
                  10 years old is not a sucficcent age for criminal resonsbilty. 12 yes maybe, but a 10 year old with learing difficulites should be guided on a first offence not punished.
                  First of all, what makes 12 so much different than 10? They're both double-digit numbers. What arbitrary difference can you find between the two ages? As for the children having learning difficulties, this brings up another interesting topic about America. Why is it that if a child lags just a bit behind the rest of his peers, he is placed in a special education program with children that are severely mentally or emotionally handicapped? The programs were initially set up to handle the most extreme cases and have become a crutch for the American education system - a place to put kids that learn at a slightly different pace than the rest of their peers.

                  Originally posted by Morgan
                  I'm not really suprised at some of the comments above, after all you do execute minors FFS.
                  I do not believe in the death penalty whatsoever, but I feel that what the authorities did in this case was completely justified. I'm not going to go so far as to say we have an epidemic in this country (as the media would have you believe), but I will say that we've had similar cases which were not dealt with, and the country cried foul. Now they're dealt with and people are outraged.
                  A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                  • Morgan
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 2234

                    I guess puberty is the difference between 10 and 12. A minor (under 16) should never be tried as an adult.

                    At 12 in the UK children enter secondary school, they are resonsible enough to know the differnce between right and wrong.

                    When i was a kid i drew many drawings of tanks and planes bombing houses and soldiers shooting people, because i had seen it on the tv. Although in this case it is more personal, it to me is the same thing. nobody would bat an eylid at my drawings so why this OTT reaction with these kids.

                    IMO the school should have made the children aware this behevoiur was unacceptable and explained why. If there was a reapeat offence then yes, fair enough call the police. This whole espisode was heavy handed and a waste of police time.
                    "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


                    • Troklo
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 2012

                      Re: 9yo & 10yo Arrested

                      IMO the school should have made the children aware this behevoiur was unacceptable and explained why. If there was a reapeat offence then yes, fair enough call the police. This whole espisode was heavy handed and a waste of police time.
                      Quiero brincar al agua para caer al cielo


                      • skahound
                        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 11411

                        Originally posted by Morgan
                        I guess puberty is the difference between 10 and 12.
                        Actually puberty occurs at different times for different people.
                        A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                        • picklemonkey
                          Double hoodie beer monster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 15373

                          like ska for example. he's still waiting for his voice to change


                          • rewing3
                            I really don't care
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 5504

                            Originally posted by SickBoy
                            i totally agree with you g-man. this happened about an hour north of my town. I think it is the dumbest thing ever. The media eats shit like this up. The only things that should have happened to these kids is
                            1) Suspension
                            2) Counseling w/parents
                            3) Apology letter

                            what these kids are going through now is way to drastic.
                            Agree. But that is america. Take the dumbiest thing and blow it way out of portion.
                            Common Sense is not Common at all.


                            • skahound
                              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 11411

                              You people amaze me sometimes.
                              A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                              • Garrick
                                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 6764


                                here we go again

                                this kid sounds a little more demented than the retards... but still.
                                Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?

