Is anyone else fed up?!

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  • viceroy
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 305

    Is anyone else fed up?!

    I hope that I'm not the only one, sick and tired of the death count continuing to spiral out of control in Iraq. Today was the deadlist day yet....months and months after dubyah declared mission accomplished. I feel so helpless over here, not able to do anything. I have a friend over there. He joined the army to clean himself up, and make something of his life. Now, he is stuck in this "invasion" to line the pockets of a few, and take the lives of many....for what! The news is reporting that the election will be so flawed, no results will considered accurate.

    Maybe bush should have his backers that created the rigged electronic voting machines to help him steal another collection to put some over there. I'm surprised this isn't the that they can put into power whom they choose.

    I hope that I'm not the only one....that feels this way...and feels so angry and upset.

  • 33L
    Fresh Peossy
    • Dec 2004
    • 32

    I was fed up before this war even started. Now, everyday I look online and see an article with a headline which reads like today's, "Bloodiest day for US as violence grows; Helicopter crash kills 31 Americans." I have to feel completely and utterly helpless each and everytime I read something like this. And currently, there is no end in sight; Bush stated he has "firmly planted the flag of liberty" with his commitment to spread global democracy". :?


    • White_Hindu
      Getting Somewhere
      • Dec 2004
      • 165

      Now I know how my parents felt about Vietnam. It's only going to get worse, boys(and girls, too).

      I hope I'm not drafted.

      **EDIT(felt like adding this)

      It's not our fucking war.


      • jeffrey collins
        Not cool enough
        • Jun 2004
        • 7427

        I keep getting more and more pissed about it everyday. Bush should be tried for warcrimes against the UN. And then publicly hanged for what he has done to screw up that country and then bush SR. should be on that pole right after his son for not finishing what he was supposed to do 10 years ago.
        Jeffrey Collins: Painter
        My Painting Blog
        My Soundcloud page.


        • qwerty2222
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1615

          i'm just depressed about the impotence of the bush secret services in capturing the terorist leaders in iraq, it will never stop if these terorists wont be captured and it seems it will take some time till it ends


          • hoodednight
            Fresh Peossy
            • Jan 2005
            • 37

            Re: Is anyone else fed up?!

            The problem is that you can't capture all the terrorists and
            suddenly claim victory on the war on terror. Every nation
            will inevitably have unhappy citizens. Unhappy with internal
            government. Unhappy with discrimination. Unhappy with
            foreign intervention, etc. Big guns and covert-ops will
            never put an end to this. The correction and restaint of
            terrorism and militant disidence will have to come from
            societal evolution. This is a slow process, but it will
            eventually happen. It not the responsbility of foreign
            nations to intervene and decide these matters. The only
            form of terrorism that is a significant threat to foreign nations
            is state sponsored terrorism.


            • Marimba
              Getting Somewhere
              • Jun 2004
              • 237

              Re: Is anyone else fed up?!

              Originally posted by viceroy

              I hope that I'm not the only one....that feels this way...and feels so angry and upset.


              I can assure you, that you are not the only one.



              • mylexicon
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2004
                • 339

                Originally posted by White_Hindu
                Now I know how my parents felt about Vietnam. It's only going to get worse, boys(and girls, too).

                I hope I'm not drafted.

                **EDIT(felt like adding this)

                It's not our fucking war.
                Unfortunately it is our war. During Gulf War I we wanted to kick Saddam's
                ass. Politics got in the way. The U.N. lost the will to have the coalition continue
                fighting. No one wanted to spend anymore money. And the U.N. used
                investigative reports to say that best chance for Middle Eastern and global
                stability was to leave Saddam alone. Then 9-11 happened and we reevaluated
                everything we knew about our security and about the intentions of our enemies. The reason we are fighting in Iraq right now is because Pres. Bush
                was using our diplomats to have the U.N. reexamine old security beliefs.
                They helped us with afghanistan and other terrorist groups. Then we asked
                them what we should do to fix the problem in Iraq and the U.N. was like
                "What problem?". That was the beginning of the end. Iraq was the largest
                documented security problem on earth; even more so than NK or Iran because
                Saddam had actually attacked many times before. Whether or not the war
                should have happened is irrelevant. From the day the U.N. acted like complete asshats the war was going to happen out of ego. I mean honestly....
                when you know someone is worried or scared and they need your help to
                restore normalcy who the hell makes the problem worse by doing nothing.
                Only the U.N. They didn't cause the war......but they did everything in their
                power to make tensions worse.
                Be a freedom fries..


                • asdf_admin
                  i use to be important
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 12798

                  ^^^ bingo was his name-o.
                  dead, yet alive.


                  • Yao
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 8167

                    Spot on mylexicon...Sometimes I'm being ashamed of being a European, especially one with a prime minister that's a frickin' coward.
                    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                    • fishingnut
                      Addiction started
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 263

                      Originally posted by mylexicon
                      Only the U.N. They didn't cause the war......but they did everything in their
                      power to make tensions worse.

                      follow the money
                      Don't post anything you wouldn't want yo mamma or the 'feds' to read.


                      • Sinisterbeatz
                        Getting warmed up
                        • Feb 2005
                        • 81

                        Originally posted by mylexicon
                        Then we asked
                        them what we should do to fix the problem in Iraq and the U.N. was like
                        "What problem?". That was the beginning of the end. Iraq was the largest
                        documented security problem on earth; even more so than NK or Iran
                        I lost braincells reading this...

                        1) Iraq had no terrorist training camps like Syria, Yemen, or Jordan

                        2) Iraq had no WMD and the teeny bits of sarin and ricin we found were sold to him by Donald Rumsfield

                        3) North Korea actually has Nukes

                        4) Iraq ie Saddam had no connection to al-queda ( you know the people that flew planes into the big buildings)

                        Originally posted by mylexicon
                        Saddam had actually attacked many times before
                        And we supported him, maybe your party should have listened to the left when they were screaming at Reagan to stop doing buisness with a Tyrant...
                        Jesus Votes Republican


                        • fishingnut
                          Addiction started
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 263

                          Originally posted by Sinisterbeatz

                          And we supported him, maybe your party should have listened to the left when they were screaming at Reagan to stop doing buisness with a Tyrant...
                          come on reagan's the man credited for bring down communism he's the man
                          Don't post anything you wouldn't want yo mamma or the 'feds' to read.


                          • mylexicon
                            Addiction started
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 339

                            Originally posted by Sinisterbeatz
                            1) Iraq had no terrorist training camps like Syria, Yemen, or Jordan

                            2) Iraq had no WMD and the teeny bits of sarin and ricin we found were sold to him by Donald Rumsfield

                            3) North Korea actually has Nukes

                            4) Iraq ie Saddam had no connection to al-queda ( you know the people that flew planes into the big buildings)
                            We asked the U.N. to help us reevaluate the problems in Iraq, post 9/11, and they were like "What problem?".

                            Need I say more.

                            Actually i think i should. B/C clearly you don't understand the situation.
                            Post 9-11 we went through all our old security
                            files trying to figure out if our policies were correct. The U.N. security council
                            was doing the same thing. Finally we got the the "I" section and eventually
                            we pulled out the Iraq ciminal record--which was probably about 5 feet thick.
                            We put it on the table and asked the U.N. what we should do about it------
                            they looked at us straight faced and said "just put it back, we have sanctions
                            on them......we don't need a reevaluation". Naturally this pissed us off so we
                            opened the file anyway and were reminded of all the fucked up shit that one
                            man was able to do. 1) attacked a neighboring Islamic country for no apparent reason
                            other than to test his military 2) slaughtered religious minorities, tortured political
                            dissentors, and built a ridiculous weapons cache 3) attacked another neighboring
                            Islamic country to steal their oil and increase his personal wealth 4) fired
                            scud missles at Israel because the U.N. drove him out of Kuwait (WTF)
                            5) genocided the shiites and kurds again 6) dodged weapons inspections
                            7) let sanctions destroy his own country.

                            After rereading all of this we asked the
                            U.N. why they didn't take these people as a serious threat. Once again
                            they said "they just pose no threat". So we said, "either you convince us
                            or we're kicking Saddam's ass out. We helped you capture that d-bag Milosevic
                            when he caused you problems. You are either going to fix this problem or
                            we'll fix it ourselves!" For the next few months the U.N. jerked off to homoerotic
                            porn while we prepared for war. New inspections were useless, they didn't give us
                            any new data. Inspectors were still prohibited from viewing certain places
                            and Saddam still did not appear to clear his name. So while the U.N. security council was shredding documents of corruption and spooging all over themselves
                            we were spending billions of dollars and losing hundreds of troops. And the
                            worst thing is they tried to hint to Britain not to follow us because they knew
                            the whole thing was a ruse.

                            So after our coalition soldiers get killed and untold Iraqis die, we find out
                            post war that nearly everybody in the goddamn security council was making money
                            off of Iraq by selling them weaponry and equipment or by stealing from
                            the oil for food program. And worst of all, was that the people siphoning
                            cash were our allies!!!!!

                            Which brings us to where we are today. We fought a seemingly unecessary
                            war at enormous expense b/c the U.N. didn't want to tell us they were
                            ripping the world off by stealing money and selling illegal goods to Iraq. So
                            everyone involved is looking for closure. People like me who approve of the
                            war regardless of WMD praise the elections and lament the U.N. corruption.
                            Others try to appreciate the elections even though the lack of WMD stings.
                            Others Americans have lost complete perspective on the whole thing and
                            are still talking about issues that are two years old. Their argument started:
                            "Don't attack, Don't attack" now its "We shouldn't have attacked, We
                            shouldn't have attacked" LOL, what a contribution!!!

                            The war has taught us things about ourselves far more important than our
                            propensity towards war or peace: 1) we can't trust our leaders on any scale
                            and 2) all terrorists have to do is sit back and watch us self-destruct. Unless
                            we as a global community admit the mistakes made by the U.N. and the
                            U.S. Federal Government, there won't be much of an infidel for the Islamic fundamentalists to fight.
                            Be a freedom fries..


                            • Yao
                              DUDERZ get a life!!!
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 8167

                              Originally posted by mylexicon
                              Originally posted by Sinisterbeatz
                              1) Iraq had no terrorist training camps like Syria, Yemen, or Jordan

                              2) Iraq had no WMD and the teeny bits of sarin and ricin we found were sold to him by Donald Rumsfield

                              3) North Korea actually has Nukes

                              4) Iraq ie Saddam had no connection to al-queda ( you know the people that flew planes into the big buildings)
                              We asked the U.N. to help us reevaluate the problems in Iraq, post 9/11, and they were like "What problem?".

                              Need I say more.

                              Actually i think i should. B/C clearly you don't understand the situation.
                              Post 9-11 we went through all our old security
                              files trying to figure out if our policies were correct. The U.N. security council
                              was doing the same thing. Finally we got the the "I" section and eventually
                              we pulled out the Iraq ciminal record--which was probably about 5 feet thick.
                              We put it on the table and asked the U.N. what we should do about it------
                              they looked at us straight faced and said "just put it back, we have sanctions
                              on them......we don't need a reevaluation". Naturally this pissed us off so we
                              opened the file anyway and were reminded of all the fucked up shit that one
                              man was able to do. 1) attacked a neighboring Islamic country for no apparent reason
                              other than to test his military 2) slaughtered religious minorities, tortured political
                              dissentors, and built a ridiculous weapons cache 3) attacked another neighboring
                              Islamic country to steal their oil and increase his personal wealth 4) fired
                              scud missles at Israel because the U.N. drove him out of Kuwait (WTF)
                              5) genocided the shiites and kurds again 6) dodged weapons inspections
                              7) let sanctions destroy his own country.
                              Actually, it was mostly France's doing. They were also the ones close to getting Saddam to keep his bad-smelling mouth shut and let the inspections take place. Didn't really matter in the end, after that he would've found another way to irritate the UNSC.

                              Originally posted by mylexicon
                              After rereading all of this we asked the
                              U.N. why they didn't take these people as a serious threat. Once again
                              they said "they just pose no threat". So we said, "either you convince us
                              or we're kicking Saddam's ass out. We helped you capture that d-bag Milosevic
                              when he caused you problems. You are either going to fix this problem or
                              we'll fix it ourselves!" For the next few months the U.N. jerked off to homoerotic
                              porn while we prepared for war. New inspections were useless, they didn't give us
                              any new data. Inspectors were still prohibited from viewing certain places
                              and Saddam still did not appear to clear his name. So while the U.N. security council was shredding documents of corruption and spooging all over themselves
                              we were spending billions of dollars and losing hundreds of troops. And the
                              worst thing is they tried to hint to Britain not to follow us because they knew
                              the whole thing was a ruse.
                              There was too much division the UNSC en the UN. Maybe on which porntape to put in the tapedeck next, maybe because a lot of countries still had economical and political interests in Iraq. You do realise that some countries saw part of their trade income go up in smoke because of this invasion?

                              Maybe there would've been less of a problem if some arrangements had been made in backdoor politics prior to bringing the issue to the UNSC. Just an idea.

                              Originally posted by mylexicon
                              So after our coalition soldiers get killed and untold Iraqis die, we find out
                              post war that nearly everybody in the goddamn security council was making money
                              off of Iraq by selling them weaponry and equipment or by stealing from
                              the oil for food program. And worst of all, was that the people siphoning
                              cash were our allies!!!!!
                              Not nearly everybody. A few high-placed officials, and a few countries of which everybody knew, officially or non-officially. It would be a tiny bit na?ve to say that you only found out afterwards...

                              Hopefully this will lead to the much needed reforms in the UN. Personally I'm still for Billy Clitoris in office instead of Annan.

                              Originally posted by mylexicon
                              Which brings us to where we are today. We fought a seemingly unecessary
                              war at enormous expense b/c the U.N. didn't want to tell us they were
                              ripping the world off by stealing money and selling illegal goods to Iraq. So
                              everyone involved is looking for closure. People like me who approve of the
                              war regardless of WMD praise the elections and lament the U.N. corruption.
                              Others try to appreciate the elections even though the lack of WMD stings.
                              Others Americans have lost complete perspective on the whole thing and
                              are still talking about issues that are two years old. Their argument started:
                              "Don't attack, Don't attack" now its "We shouldn't have attacked, We
                              shouldn't have attacked" LOL, what a contribution!!!
                              Most people are still afraid of taking it from the present day situation and look forward, afraid to be labelled as pro-Iraq war.

                              Originally posted by mylexicon
                              The war has taught us things about ourselves far more important than our
                              propensity towards war or peace: 1) we can't trust our leaders on any scale
                              and 2) all terrorists have to do is sit back and watch us self-destruct. Unless
                              we as a global community admit the mistakes made by the U.N. and the
                              U.S. Federal Government, there won't be much of an infidel for the Islamic fundamentalists to fight.
                              Maybe a bit too pessimistic, but I agree on this one dude...
                              Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                              There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway

